Buffy Scholar/Critic
Haworth is in his third year of an English degree at The University of Western Australia, and hopes to complete an Honours program next year. His interest in Buffy lies in the deep desire for death that pervades the show, but which the show, with typically Californian hubris, denies. And also because its so damn cool. Situated as he is in that murky territory between critical inquiry and rabid fandom, David oscillates between thinking of the Scoobies as elements of a constructed text, and thinking of them as people with autonomous feelings and motivations. His favourite character is Willow, closely followed by Buffy. His least favourite character is Spike. Throughout the current season he has watched the disintegration of the core relationships of the show with a mixture of apprehension and glee.
Haworth, David. "Postmodern Uncertainty and the Sublime Space of Death in Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Paper given at Staking a Claim: Exploring the Global Reach of Buffy. University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia (July 2003).