Buffy Scholar/Critic
Lorna Jowett is a
senior lecturer in American Studies at University College Northampton, U.K.
Her research interests are currently focused on literary and visual vampire
texts and science fiction and publications include articles on Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles and on masculinity in
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She began watching Buffy when it first aired in the
U.K. and started researching and presenting conference papers on the show in2000. Lorna presented at the first international Buffy conference in October 2002 at UEA, Norwich. She is making final revisions to a monograph,
Sex and the Slayer, about gender in Buffy, to be published by Wesleyan University Press in 2005.
Jowett, Lorna. “Drusilla: Disruptive Monster, Dark Goddess, Daddy’s Girl.” Paper given at Blood, Text and Fears, University of East Anglia, October 2002.
___. “Masculinity, Monstrosity, and Behaviour Modification in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Foundation 31.84 (Spring 2002): 59-73.
___. “Romance and the Representation of Gender in Buffy and Angel” (paper to be presented at the Slayage Conference on Buffy the Vampire Slayer).
___. Sex and the Slayer. Middleton: Wesleyan U P. 2005.
___. "Shirtless and In Chains?: The Male Body Displayed in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel." American Quality Television Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April 2004.