Buffy Scholar/Critic
“Text as Stone: Sex, Grammar, and the Figurative Hermaphrodite in the Ordinal and Compound of Alchemy.” Cauda Pavonis (forthcoming 2006)
“‘Is that just a comforting way of not answering the question?’: Willow, Questions, and Affective Response in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. ” Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies 20 (May 2006). <http://slayage.tv/essays/slayage20/masson.htm>.
“Queer Copulations and the Pursuit of Divine Conjunction in Two Middle English Alchemical Poems.” Intersections of Sexuality and the Divine in Medieval Culture: The Word Made Flesh. Ed. Susannah Chewning. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2005. 37-47.
“Of Course There’s Something Queer about the Canon: A Reading of Chaucer’s Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale in Relation to the Alchemical Hermaphrodite.” Pataphysica 2 (2004) 102-116.
“Intention to Write, Intention to Teach: Vernacular Poetry and Pedagogy in Thomas Norton's Ordinal of Alchemy.” Florilegium 17 (December 2000) 45-58.
“The Point of Coincidence: Rhetoric and the Apophatic in Julian of Norwich’s Showings.” Julian of Norwich: A Book of Essays. Ed. Sandra McEntire. New York: Garland, 1998. 153-181.
“Desire Waiting for a Response: Fantasizing Theories on the Lesbian Love Letter.” Critical Mass (Henry Street) 4.2 (Fall 1994) 3-20.