Buffy Scholar/Critic
Erica Marsh
is an M.A.
candidate in English at Middle Tennessee State University. Here's her report
from the English Department website: "Married on June 26th, 2004, I recently purchased my first home here in Murfreesboro and spent the summer packing, unpacking, and rearranging. To avoid the few remaining boxes piled in the garage, I read numerous books including Dan brown's
The DaVinci Code and Dean Koontz's By The Light of The Moon. Other than dodging housework, I spent the summer swimming, rollerblading, weightlifting, and riding bikes with my daughter. On Mondays I watch
American Choppers, Tuesdays Outback Jack, and Everybody Loves Raymond the rest of the week. A graduate from Western Kentucky University, I am happy to
be at MTSU."
Encyclopedia of Buffy Studies Entries
"The Train Job" DVD Commentary