McKee teaches at the University of Queensland in Australia. He is the author of:
The Indigenous Public Sphere, Oxford UP, 2000 (with John Hartley); and Great Moments in Australian Television: A
Genealogy, Oxford UP, 2001. Recent articles include: 'Suck on that, mate', on the national identity of Australian gay porn
videos" in Deb Verhoeven (ed) Twin Peeks: Australian and New Zealand Cinema, and 'Researching indigenous audiences', in Screen.
He is the editor of: Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. He
is on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Cultural Studies,
Social Semiotics, Communal/Plural, m/c and Intensities: the
Journal of Cult Media. He has published over thirty book chapters, articles and review articles in scholarly journals, and over a hundred newspaper articles and opinion columns.