Buffy Scholar/Critic

Madeline Muntersbjorn is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toledo where she teaches logic, philosophy of science, philosophy of biology, and an on-line course, The Self in Science-Fact and Science-Fiction. She has published in Philosophia Matbematica and Synthese. Currently, she is writing an introductory text in the philosophy of mathematics. Dr. M., her husband, daughter and newborn son are the only Muntersbjorns; as Buffy says, "Love makes you do the wacky."

Muntersbjorn, Madeline M. “Pluralism, Pragmatism, and Pals: The Slayer Subverts the Science Wars.” Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy. Ed. James B. South. Chicago: Open Court Press, 2003. 91-102.

___. Slayer Soul: Suffering, Survival, and Strength (paper presented at the Slayage Conference on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Nashville, TN, May 2004)