Buffy Scholar/Critic

Amanda Zweerink is a professional in the advertising industry, holding a B.A. in English literature. Studying the Bronze, to her, has always been about telling a story. With a journalism and public relations background, she is most interested in finding ways to portray the reality of the board to those who aren’t involved with it.


Gatson, Sarah N. and Amanda Zweerink. "Choosing Community: Rejecting Anonymity in Cyberspace." Research in Community Sociology, 10, August 2000: 105-137.

___. "'Natives' Practicing and Inscribing Community: Ethnography Online" (forthcoming in Qualitative Research 2004).

___. Embedded and Emerging: The Life and Death of an Online Community, 1997-2003 (book, now in search of a publisher).

Zweerink, Amanda, and Sarah N. Gatson. "www.buffy.com: Cliques, Boundaries, and Hierarchies in an Internet Community." Fighting the Forces: What's at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Ed. Rhonda V. Wilcox and David Lavery. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield, 2002. 239-50.