PINK RANGER. BtVS Intertext/Allusion.

In "What’s My Line," Part 2, Buffy and the Scoobies are shocked to discover that a new Slayer, Kendra, was called upon Buffy’s drowning death at the hands of the Master in "Prophecy Girl."

Buffy clashes with Kendra after she shows up in Sunnydale calling herself "The Vampire Slayer." Agreeing to a temporary truce, the two seek out Giles in the school library for help in straightening out the confusion.

As the interrogation is underway, Willow pops into the library and Kendra accosts her, while Buffy jumps to Willow’s defense.

Willow: Hey!

Kendra: Identify yourself!

Buffy: Back off, Pink Ranger! This is my friend.

Kendra: Friend?

Buffy: Yeah. As in person you hang with? Amigo?

Kendra: I don’t understand.

Buffy (to Giles): You try. I’m tapped.

The Pink Power Ranger is a female character in The Power Rangers, an action-packed, hokey kids adventure television and movie series that premiered in the mid-1990s. The series, featuring spectacular monsters, state-of-the-art special effects, mind-boggling stunts, and colorfully-costumed Rangers, was heralded as loved and viewed worldwide by millions.

The line "Back off, Pink Ranger," is also reported to be an in-joke, as Sarah Michelle Gellar's stunt double, Sophia Crawford, was once the stunt double for the Pink Power Ranger on Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. []

Additionally, one might notice that Kenda bears a striking physical resemblance to Cassie Chan who was playing the popular role of the Pink Power Ranger, Turbo, at the time this episode of Buffy was filmed. (Pink Power Ranger History at

--Carol Rogers