RICHARD WAGNER. BtVS Intertext/Allusion.

In "Goodbye, Iowa," the members of the Scooby Gang awake in a very bad mood after a night spent in Xander's basement, where they have assembled after their first encounter with Adam (dialogue quoted from the transcript on

Giles is standing and turns off the TV.

Willow: Well, look who's cranky bear in the morning.

Giles: Yes I can't imagine why I didn't sleep well in my beach ball.

Anya: Every time you moved it made squeaky noises.  It was irritating.

Giles: Really. I'm surprised you could hear it over your Wagnerian snoring.

Buffy: Ok you guys, could we not please?  Everything's screwed up enough without you two doing scenes from my parent's marriage.

Wagner (1813-1888) was an influential and controversial--he was a vocal anti-Semite, whose Aryan music was much loved by Adolf Hitler--German composer of orchestral and opera music, best known for his Der Ring des Nibelungen (1853-74).






--David Lavery