YOKO ONO. BtVS Intertext/Allusion.

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Second wife of Beatle John Lennon. To what degree Yoko Ono broke up the Beatles, and if she did at all, has always been a point of debate. Several biographers suggest that although differences were already developing within the Beatles, once Yoko arrived as John’s partner, he became less close to the others and she criticised their work at recording sessions, thus aggravating the situation further.

In “The Yoko Factor” Spike explains the Yoko connection to Adam.

SPIKE: It’s – er – called the Yoko factor. Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of the Beatles!

ADAM: I have. I like “Helter Skelter.”

SPIKE: What a surprise. The point is, they were once a real powerful group. When they broke up, everyone blamed Yoko, but the fact is, the group split itself apart. She just happened to be there. And you know how it is with kids. They go off to college, they grow apart. The way of the world.

ADAM: So you separated the Slayer from her friends. I’m pleased.

Earlier in the episode, when Adam asks Spike what he will do to ensure that Buffy’s friends are “out of the picture,” Spike replies, “Not a blessed thing. They’re going to do it for me.” Surreptitiously, he individually speaks to Giles, Xander and Willow, playing on their personal insecurities and grievances with Buffy. When Buffy realises his game, she exposes it to her friends and they reconcile.

- Joanna Lehmann