8:00: Opening Reception (IC Lobby); Greeting: Dean Robert Vaughan
Friday, May 26. 2006
Breakfast 815-900 (SC)
900-1030—Opening Session; Greeting: Dr. Lawrence Weill; Keynote 1:
Michael Adams
Speaker: Lynne Edwards (RB1)
Whedonverse in Theory (RB2)
Studies (IC1)
4—Buffy and Books I (IC2)
1215-145: Lunch
5—Gender I (RB1)
6—Firefly and Serenity I (RB2)
7—Buffy and Books II (IC1)
9—Featured Speaker: Lorna Jowett
10—Gender II
11—Genre and Intertextuality
12—Buffy Summers
13—Coordinates of the Buffyverse
14—Willow (RB1)
15—The Patriarchy (RB2)
16—Pedagogy (IC1)
17—Locating the Hero (IC2)
18—Into the West: Western Inspirations
and Conventions in Joss Whedon's Firefly
700—Conference Banquet; Keynote 2: Nancy Holder
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Breakfast 815-900 (SC)
900-1030: Opening Session; Keynote 3, Roz Kaveney
Speaker: Rhonda V. Wilcox (RB1)
and Identity (RB2)
21—Firefly and Serenity II (IC1)
Seven of BtVS (IC2)
/ Ethics (IC3)
(and Poetry too) (RB1)
I (RB2)
and Community (IC1)
and Heroism (IC2)
28—Firefly and Serenity III (IC3)
on the Hellmouth (RB1)
Whedonverses (RB2)
II (IC1)
More with Feeling" (IC2)
Politics of Firefly and Serenity (IC3)
/ Media Studies (RB1)
Werewolves, and Monsters (RB2)
37—Serenity Roundtable (IC2)
900-1030: Opening Session: Keynote 4: Stacey Abbott
38—Featured Speaker: David Lavery (RB1)
39—The Whedonverses Across the Curriculum I (RB2)
40—Xander, Anya, Faith (IC1)
41—That Is the Question: Moral Perspectives in BtVS
42—“I’m a Slayer: Ask Me How” (RB1)
43—The Whedonverses Across the
Curriculum II (RB2)
44—Race and Class (IC1)
45—Narrative (IC2)
47—Myth (RB2)
48—Transformations of Buffy (IC1)
515-645 Closing Session: Buffy Bookers
Thursday, May 25, 2006, 800 p.m., Opening Reception: IC Lobby
Welcome—Dean Robert Vaughan, Gordon College
Friday, May 26, 2006
from Hotels | 815-900—Breakfast (SC)
Session (SCA)
Greeting—Dr. Lawrence V. Weill, Gordon College
Michael Adams, The Matrix of Motives in Slayer Style
[1A] Session 1: Featured Speaker: Lynne
Edwards, The Other Sunnydale: Representations of Blackness in BtVS
[1B] Session 2: The
Whedonverse in Theory: Agnes Curry, Chair Leigh Clemons (LSU), The Buffyverse
and Heterotopic Space Diane E. Wilson (Independent Scholar),
Multidimensional Law Firms, Dialogism, and the Limits of Perception:
Reconstructing the Buffyverse as a Medieval Carnival Greg T. Erickson (Mannes College),
21st Century Theory and Cultural Studies: A View from the Edge of the
[1C] Session 3: American Studies: Christine Jarvis, Chair Tamy L. Burnett (U Nebraska Lincoln), For
Justice, the Safety of Puppies, and Christmas: American Colonization in the
Works of Joss Whedon DeNara Hill (U Nevada Las Vegas), The Myth of
American West the Was: Terraforming the Psyche in Firefly and Serenity
[1D] Session 4: Buffy and Books I: David Fritts, Chair
Gayla Byerly and Mary Durio (U North
Texas), Book Structures and Decorative Bindings that are Represented in
Demonology Books Used in BtVS Barbara Maio (U Roma Tre), Watching
the Watcher: Analyzing the character of Rupert Giles Amie Sharp (Pikes Peak Community
College), Buffy and the Bard:
Shakespearean Dramatic Elements in the Whedonverse
[2A] Session 5: Gender I: Brett Rogers, Chair Chestina Turner (Henderson Community College),
Dying To Be: How Women in the Buffyverse Must Be Something More Jim Riser (U North Alabama), "A (Wo)Man's
Got to Do What a (Wo)Man's Got to Do": The Western Hero as Paradigm in BtVS
[2B] Session 6: Firefly & Serenity
I: Mary Alice Money, Chair Mary Alice Money (Gordon College), The
Reavers' Origin in Serenity:
Whedon's Mistake or Masterstroke? Deborah Monroy (Emory U), Seven Ways to View Serenity; Or, When Does the Dancer
Become the War? Andrew Steeves (U Wisconsin Milwaukee), The
Thing that Really Matters is the Spices: Misfits and Family Aboard the
Transport Ship Serenity
[2C] Session 7: Buffy and Books II: Tamara
Wilson, Chair Stephanie Dutchen (Boston U), Angel and Spike
as complementary postmodern embodiments of the Byronic hero Anne Jamison (U Utah), Sense and Necrophilia Bronwyn Tarrant (LaTrobe U), Alice in
Sunnydale or Buffy in Wonderland: The Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Object
Relations in Alice in Wonderland
and BtVS
[2D] Session 8: Fandom: Hillary-Robson-Reeder, Chair Asim Ali (U Maryland), Religion in BtVS, Buffy as Religion: The Bronze as a Global Religious Community Mary Kirby-Diaz (Faringdale State U), The
Fandom Project: What Keeps a Fandom Afloat? Report Two: 'Ships Patricia
Pender (Pace U), "Why Can't You Just Masturbate Like the Rest of
Us?”: Andrew and the Erotics of Fandom in 'Storyteller"
[3A] Session 9: Featured Speaker: Lorna
Jowett (U Northampton), Science, Power, and Gender in Buffy and Angel
[3B] Session 10: Gender II: David Kociemba, Chair Alicia Karoll (Towson U), From Betty to Buffy:
The Evolution of Female Adolescence on Television Tanya Cochran (Union College), “There’s ‘Woo’
and, and ‘Hoo.’ And . . . It’s Complicated”: Cross-Media Images and Buffy’s Sapphic Lovers Elizabeth Rambo (Campbell U), "Queen
C" Goes to Boys' Town, or, Killing the Angel in Angel's House
[3C] Session 11: Genre and
Intertextuality: Ananya Mukherjea, Chair Wayne A. Chandler (Northwest Missouri State
U), "Cool! I Mean--Nerds!": Courting Geeks for Fun and Profit in
the Buffyverse Charles Lincoln (Independent Scholar), High Culture or Pop
Culture? Joss Whedon & Richard Wagner vs. Giacomo Puccini & Barbara
Hall: The High and the Low Mimetic in Opera and Television Chris Van Acker (Georgia Tech), Buffy as Cyberpunk
[3D] Session 12: Buffy Summers: Lisa K. Perdigao, Chair Lisa K. Perdigao (Florida Institute
of Technology), "I'm All for Spurty Knowledge": Buffy and Academics Michael B. Smith (U East Anglia),
"Do I Have Mom Hair?": Progressive Parenting in BtVS Jerry Stout (Texas Tech U), Buffy
Summers is an Aristotelian Tragic Hero
[3E] Session 13: Coordinates of the
Buffyverse: Greg
Erickson, Chair Geraldine Bloustien (U of South Australia),
"Trying to Talk Will Just Kill You Sooner": Silence as Recurring
Motif in BtVS [delivered by
Jennifer Stokes] Lori Del Rossi (Independent Scholar), Alleys, Path, and Choices
in the Buffyverse Dvorah Simon and Patti Sisson (Independent
Scholar), From Grace, Dark and Light: The Fall Into Humanity in the
[4A] Session 14: Willow: Jason Winslade, Chair Devlin Grunloh (Independent Scholar), Willow’s
Arc in Seasons Four through Seven Maria Soledad Caballero (Allegheny College),
To Choose or Be Chosen: BtVS and
the Question of the Self-Made Witch
[4B] Session 15: The Patriarchy: Tamara Wilson, Chair Kevin Durand (Henderson State U),
Let's Finish This: The First, Caleb, The Watcher's Council, and the Fight
against the Patriarchal Forces of Darkness Monique Hyman (Pierce Community
College), The Geography of Firefly
and Serenity: Feminist Spaces on
the Patriarchal Frontier Catherine Dutton (Texas Women's U),
Development of Adolescent Identity in the Whedonverse
[4C] Session 16: Pedagogy: Elizabeth Rambo, Chair Jane Martin (U Saint Francis), Buffy in the Classroom: The Positive
Outcomes of Adopting BTVS Across a
Curriculum Kristina Pope Key
(St. Andrews Presbyterian College), Proselytizing the Uninitiated . . . Or,
You're Teaching What?: Teaching the Slayer, the Scoobies, and Post-Modern
Mythology Patrick Shade (Rhodes College), Strange Slayer
[4D] Session 17: Locating the Hero: Tamy l. Burnett, Chair Tamy L. Burnett (U Nebraska Lincoln), Saving
Humanity: Locating the Hero in Joss Whedon's Television (Okay, and Serenity, Too) Ami Comeford (U Nevada Las Vegas), Angel: A Series of Hellish
DeNara Hill (U
Nevada Las Vegas), "This is a Great Day for You": Cultural Heroes
in BtVS Melissa Swihart (Independent Scholar),
"We Are Better. That's Right . . . Better": Finding the Hero in Buffy and Angel
[4E] Session 18: Into the West: Western
Inspirations and Conventions in Joss Whedon's Firefly: Anissa
Graham, Chair Jennifer C. Garlen (U Alabama Huntsville),
Bushwhacked by the Nightmare Native: The Western Roots of Firefly's Reavers James P. Graham (Independent Scholar), Busted
Flush: Joss Whedon's Firefly and
Bret Harte's "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" Anissa Graham (U North Alabama), Hot Women and
Hotter Lead: Recreating the Image of Women in Westerns in Firefly's "Heart of Gold"
Conference Banquet
Keynote: Nancy Holder, reading
from her Buffyverse fiction
Saturday, May 27, 2006
from Hotels | 815-900—Breakfast (SC)
Session (SCA)
Keynote: Roz Kaveney, Gifted and Dangerous: Joss Whedon's Superhero
[5A] Session 19 : Featured Speaker:
Rhonda V. Wilcox , “I Don’t Hold with That”: Joss Whedon and Original Sin
[5B] Session 20: Memory and Identity: Tammy Kinsey, Chair Jennifer Lemberg (The Graduate Center, CUNY),
Stripping Down: Obscenity, Uncertainty, and the Spectacle of Flaying in BtVS Ananya Mukherjea (College of Staten Island,
CUNY), Caleb, Oz, Anya, and the Gothic Nature of Self-Identity Brett M. Rogers (U Georgia), "Previously
on . . .“: Memory Loss and Textual Identity in BtVS & Angel
[5C] Session 21: Firefly & Serenity
II: Jim Riser, Chair Emily Gilles, Lauryn Jelenchick, L. Gabriella
Reed (U Wisconsin Milwaukee), "It Don't Mean Nothing Out Here in the
Black": Why Language Matters Onboard Serenity
Neil Lerner (Davidson College), New Melodies,
But the Same Old Tune: Music, Race, and Jubal Early, Or What's an
Unreconstructed CSA General Doing in Firefly?
Bryan Thiessen (U British Columbia), New
Frontiers: Firefly/Serenity and the Genre of the Western
[5D] Session 22: Season Seven of BtVS: Elizabeth Rambo, Chair David Fritts (Henderson Community College), From Beneath You It
Empowers: Buffy's Seven-Season
Initiation Susan Payne-Mulliken (San Diego State U),
Buffy Never Goes it Alone: The Rhetorical Construction of Feminism in BtVS's
Final Season
[5E] Session 23: Morality/Ethics: Rob Loftis, Chair Rob Loftis (St. Lawrence U), Moral Complexity
in the Buffyverse Alaine Sepulveda (U North Carolina Chapel
Hill), From Stakes to Pistols: Killing the Other in Whedon Television Holly Welker (Penn State U), "'Sex Is
Bad?' 'We All Knew That'": Sex and the Consequences in BtVS and Angel
[6A] Session 24: Fanfiction (and
Poetry): Nancy Holder, Chair Amber Davisson (Western Illinois U),
Find Value in Erotica: An Application of the Narrative Paradigm to
Spike/Angel Slash Fan Fiction Katia McClain (U Cal Santa Barbara),
Reimagining the Buffyverse: Buffy/Giles Fanfiction Joanne E. Staudacher (U Wisconsin
Milwaukee), "Inspired by Your Beauty Effulgent": The Buffy Sonnets Project
[6B] Session 25: Philosophy I: Tanya Cochran, Chair Andrew Aberdein (Florida Institute of
Technology), Companions and Socrates: Is Inara a Hetaera? Tammy A. Kinsey (U Toledo), "Shut, Shut,
Shut": Angel Seeks the Word Alan LaCerra (U
Central Florida), "More Grace than This Bag of Sticks Could
Express": Illyria and an Evil Re-Imagining of Plato's Forms
[6C] Session 26: Family and Community: Mary Kirby Diaz, Chair Madeline Muntersbjorn (U Toledo), Small
Spontaneous Families of Righteousness Yael Sherman (Emory U), Citizenship and
Belonging: Gender, the Communal, and the Public/Private in Firefly
[6D] Session 27: Heroes and Heroism: Cynthia Burkhead, Chair Ashley Ayrer (Richard Stockton College of New
Jersey), Heart, Mind, Spirit and Hand: Challenging the Traditional Hero in
the Works of Joss Whedon Jennifer K. Stuller (Independent
Scholar), "Where Do We Go From Here?": A Look at Female Heroes in a
Post-Buffy Context
[6E] Session 28: Firefly and Serenity III: Erica Marsh, Chair Tamara Wilson (Flagler College), The
Girl Children of Serenity:
Envisioning the Future of Female Maturation Katie Nelson (Independent Scholar),
"I'll Be in my Bunk": Joss Whedon, Sexuality and Female Power; An
Analysis of Sexuality and the Female Character in Firefly and Serenity Michael Haynes (Georgia State U), A
Post-Colonial Reading of Firefly
and Serenity
[7A] Session 29: Living on the Hellmouth: Lawrence Rosenfeld, Chair Margaret Bates (Duke U) and Lawrence Rosenfeld
(U North Carolina Chapel Hill), Resiliency in the Face of Imminent Disaster:
Living on the Hellmouth for Seven Years Dvorah Simon and Katherine Keller (Independent
Scholars), I Have Seen the Hellmouth, and It is Us, or, What Would Buffy Do
In a Real Disaster?
[7B] Session 30: The Whedonverses: Andrew Aberdein, Chair Ed McKnight (Anderson U), Joss Whedon has a Problem
with Authority Christopher Neal (McMurray U), Technology and
Humanity in the Whedonverse Sarah Greenwald, Jill Thomley (Appalachian
State U), Mathematics in the Whedonverses
[7C] Session 31: Philosophy II: Kevin Durand, Chair Elizabeth Davis (U Alabama), The "River
of Becoming": Joss Whedon's Processual Subjectivities J. D. Rabb and J. M. Richardson (Lakehead U),
Conflicting Concepts of Freedom and Choice in the Whedonverse
[7D] Session 32: “Once More with
Feeling": Neil
Lerner, Chair Cynthea Masson
(Malaspina U College), "What Did You Sing About?": Acts of
Questioning in "Once More With Feeling" Michelle Dvoskin (U Texas), Under Their Spell:
"Once More, with Feeling" And Queering the Audience
[7E] Session 33: The Politics of Firefly & Serenity: Linda
Jencson, Chair Jeff Bussolini (College of Staten Island,
CUNY), Geopolitical Interpretation of Serenity
Linda Jencson (Appalachian State U), The Serenityverse: Signs and Signals of
Troubled Times Anthony Lioi (MIT), Happy-Go-Lucky Space
Pirates? Ecoterrorism and the Nature of the Signal in Serenity
[8A] Session 34: Television /
Media Studies: Jennifer Stokes, Chair David Kociemba (Emerson College),
Fake It to Make It: Media Addiction in BtVS
Anne Shull and Ira Shull (Quinnsigamond
Community College), You're Gonna Stake It After All: Archetypal Influences of
The Mary Tyler Moore Show on BTVS
Jennifer Stokes (U South Australia),
Joss Whedon and Contemporary Programming
[8B] Session 35: Vampires, Werewolves,
and Monsters: Deborah
Overstreet, Chair Peggy Davis (Miami U Ohio), Girls and Their
Vampires: Mina Harker, Buffy Summers, and the Legacy of Transforming Darkness
into Power Hillary Brown (U Georgia), That's Some Deep
Academia There: The Werewolf Trope in Literature and Oz Devon Bryce (U Alberta), Surviving the Change,
How BtVS Changed the Vampire
[8C] Session 36: Wesley: Stacey Abbott, Chair Rebecca Bobbitt (MTSU), "Not All of Us
Have Muscle to Fall Back on": Wesley Wyndam-Price as Tragic Hero Heather M. Porter (Independent Scholar),
"I Didn't Get this Job Because of My Looks": An Examination of the
Intellectual Development of Wesley Wyndam-Price Wendell Scott Turner (Henderson State U), Deep
Down with the Head Boy
Session 37: Serenity
Roundtable: David
Lavery, Chair Dianna Baldwin (MTSU) Cynthia Burkhead (MTSU) Erica Marsh (MTSU) Hillary Robson-Reeder (MTSU)
Saturday Evening Programming (Vidders
Sunday, May 28, 2006
from Hotels | 815-900—Breakfast (SC)
Session (SCA)
Keynote: Stacey Abbott, Cavemen or Astronauts, weapons to be determined:
Angel, Spike and the Buddy Genre
[9A] Session 38: Featured Speaker: David
Lavery (MTSU), Wonder Boy: The Imagination of Joss Whedon
[9B] Session 39: The Whedonverses Across
the Curriculum I: Viv
Burr, Chair Cynthia Burkhead (U North Alabama), Using BtVS to Introduce Students to Honors
Studies Viv Burr (U Huddersfield), Narrative and
Storytelling Mark Gelineau (The Harker School), Using BtVS with Younger Students and in
International Contexts to Deconstruct Technical and Linguistic Aspects of
Contemporary Culture Anne Jamison (U Utah), Introduction to Theory
– Using BtVS to Illustrate
Significant and Complex Literary Theories through Groupwork
[9C] Session 40: Xander, Anya, Faith: Lorna Jowett, Chair Reginald Abbott (Georgia Perimeter College),
Xander With a Y (Chromosome)? Or "No More Butt Monkey": The Xander
Harris Legacy of Masculine (Mis)Identity in BtVS Ashli Dykes (LSU), Faith as Evil Dead Lesbian
Cliché Claudia Rollins (Independent Scholar), Playing
the Fool: Anya's Role in the Buffyverse
[9D] Session 41: That Is the Question: Moral Perspectives in BtVS: Emily Dial-Driver, Chair Sally Emmons-Featherston (Rogers State U), A
Moral Dilemma: BtVS’s Confrontation with Native American Stereotypes Emily Dial-Driver (Rogers State U), Choosing
Self: Self-Determination in BtVS Lori M. Butler (Rogers State U), The Morality
of Music: Good vs. Evil in Harmonies Frances E. Morris (Rogers State U), What
Willow Wants: Moral Choices, Right and Wrong Renee Turk (Rogers State U), A Slayer Should
Be Able: Recognizing Evil
[10A] Session 42: “I’m a Slayer: Ask Me
How”: Anthony Lioi, Chair Nicholas Bush (MTSU), The Other Slayers Melissa Johnson (Newberry College), Appetite
and Destruction: Issues of Consumption and Containment in BtVS Jennifer McLeod (Gordon College), With Pen or
Pointy: Slaying Collegiate Demons both Mentsal and Physical
[10B] Session 43: The
Whedonverses Across the Curriculum II: Christine Jarvis, Chair Christine Jarvis (Sheffield Hallam
U), Shifting Perspectives on Death – Using BtVS with First Year Undergraduates Considering Renaissance
Attitudes towards Mortality Jason Winslade (DePaul U), Aspects of
metatextuality–Using BtVS to
illustrate performance theory and cultural studies. Kris Woofter (Dawson College), Using BtVS to illuminate literary terms and
[10C] Session 44: Race and Class: Tamara Wilson, Chair Agnes Curry (St. Joseph's College), "We
Don't Say Indian"[1]: On the Paradoxical Construction of the Reavers Elspeth Kydd (U West of England), "You're
Beneath Me"?: Class Performance in BtVS
Nicole McClure (U Connecticut), Tainted Blood:
Irish "Otherness" and Hybridity in Dracula and Angel
[10D] Session 45: Narrative: Rick Albright, Chair Rick Albright (Harrisburg Area Community
College), Hey, Respect the Narrative Flow Much?: Problematic Storytelling in BtVS Mollie Liz Hughes (Wesleyan College), BtVS
and Angel as Awakening Narratives James Peck (Muhlenberg College), Dramatic
Irony in Buffy and Angel: Affective Pleasures and
Ideological Contradictions
[11A] Session 46: Angel: Sharon
Sutherland, Chair Erin Hollis (Cal State Fullerton), It's Not
Easy Being Mean: Lorne's Ethical Kindness Sharon Sutherland and Sarah Swan (U British
Columbia), "We Could Use Some of Those Nyazian Scroll Writers in
Contracts and Negotiations": Angel as Text for First Year Law Valerie Morrison (U Georgia), The Angel
Alliance: Inheritors of the Rebellion
[11B] Session 47: Myth: Tanya
Cochran, Chair Erin Hanna (York U), "She Saved
the World. A Lot.": BtVS As Myth Alison Heney (Binghamton U), Buffy
Summers: The Psychic Development of the Feminine Donald G. Keller (Independent
Scholar), Dumezil's Triple Adversary and Its Buffy Analogues
[11C] Session 48: Transformations of
Buffy: Jeff Bussolini, Chair Stephen MacEachern (U Alberta), Buffy as
Scapegoat Stacia Yeapanis (Art Institute of Chicago), My Life as a
Sim: Sunnydale
[12] Closing Session
[49]: Buffy Bookers: Panel Discussion (Rhonda Wilcox, David Lavery,
Roz Kaveney, Lorna Jowett, Michael Adams, Barbara Maio, Lynne Edwards, Stacey
Abbott, Reginald [40]
Abbott, Stacey [K4, 36, 49]
Aberdein, Andrew [25,
Adams, Michael [K1,
Albright, Rick [45]
Ali, Asim [8]
Ayrer, Ashley [27]
Baldwin, Dianna [37]
Bates, Margaret [29]
Geraldine [13]
Bobbitt, Rebecca [36]
Brown, Hillary [35]
Bryce, Devon [35]
Burkhead, Cynthia [27,
37, 39]
Tamy L. [3, 17]
Burr, Viv [39]
Bush, Nicholas [42]
Bussolini, Jeff [33,
Butler, Lori M. [41]
Byerly, Gayla [1]
Caballero, Maria
Soledad [14]
Chandler, Wayne A.
Clemons, Leigh [2]
Cochran, Tanya [10,
25, 47]
Comeford, Ami [17]
Curry, Agnes [2, 44]
Davis, Elizabeth [31]
Davis, Peggy [35]
Davisson, Amber [24]
Del Rossi, Lori [13]
Dial-Driver, Emily
Durand, Kevin [15, 31]
Durio, Mary [4]
Dutchen, Stephanie [7]
Dutton, Catherine [15]
Dvoskin, Michelle [32]
Dykes, Ashli [40]
Edwards, Lynne [1, 49]
Sally [41]
Erickson, Greg T. [2,
Fritts, David [4, 22]
Garlen, Jennifer C.
Gelineau, Mark [39]
Gilles, Emily [6]
Graham, Anissa [18]
Graham, James P. [18]
Greenwald, Sarah [30]
Grunloh, Devlin [14]
Hanna, Erin [47]
Haynes, Michael [28]
Heney, Alison [47]
Hill, DeNara [3, 17]
Holder, Nancy [K2, 24]
Hollis, Erin [46]
Hughes, Mollie Liz
Hyman, Monique [15]
Jamison, Anne [7, 39]
Christine [3, 43]
Jelenchick, Lauryn [6]
Jencson, Linda [33]
Johnson, Melissa [42]
Jowett, Lorna [9, 49]
Karoll, Alicia [10]
Kaveney, Roz [K3, 49]
Keller, Donald G. [47]
Keller, Katherine [29]
Kinsey, Tammy A. [20,
Kirby-Diaz, Mary [8,
26, 44]
Kociemba, David [10,
Kydd, Elspeth [44]
LaCerra, Alan [25]
Lavery, David [37, 38,
Lemberg, Jennifer [20]
Lerner, Neil [21, 32]
Lincoln, Charles [11]
Lioi, Anthony [33, 43]
Loftis, Rob [23]
MacEachern, Stephen [48]
Maio, Barbara [4, 49]
Marsh, Erica [28, 37]
Martin, Jane [16]
Masson, Cynthea [32]
McClain, Katia [24]
McClure, Nicole [44]
McKnight, Ed [30]
McLeod, Jennifer [42]
Money, Mary Alice [6]
Monroy, Deborah [6]
Morris, Frances E.
Morrison, Valerie [46]
Mukherjea, Ananya [11,
Muntersbjorn, Madeline
Neal, Christopher [30]
Nelson, Katie [28]
Overstreet, Deborah
Payne-Mulliken, Susan
Peck, James [45]
Pender, Patricia [8]
Perdigao, Lisa K. [12]
Pope Key, Kristina
Porter, Heather M.
Rabb, J.D. [31]
Rambo, Elizabeth [10, 16, 22]
Reed, L. Gabriella
Richardson, J.M. [31]
Riser, Jim [5, 21]
Robson-Reeder, Hillary
[8, 37]
Rogers, Brett M. [5,
Rollins, Claudia [40]
Rosenfeld, Lawrence
Ryan, Cynthia [26]
Sepulveda, Alaine [23]
Shade, Patrick [16]
Sharp, Amie [4]
Sherman, Yael [26]
Shull, Anne [34]
Shull, Ira [34]
Simon, Dvorah [13, 29]
Sisson, Patti [13]
Smith, Michael B. [12]
Staudacher, Joanne E.
Steeves, Andrew [6]
Stokes, Jennifer [34]
Stout, Jerry [12]
Stuller, Jennifer K.
Sutherland, Sharon
[39, 46]
Swan, Sarah [46]
Swihart, Melissa [17]
Tarrant, Bronwyn [7]
Thiessen, Bryan [21]
Thomley, Jill [30]
Turk, Renee [41]
Turner, Chestina [5]
Turner, Wendell Scott
Van Acker, Chris [11]
Welker, Holly [23]
Wilcox, Rhonda V. [19,
Wilson, Diane E. [2]
Wilson, Tamara [7, 15,
Winslade, Jason [14,
Woofter, Kris [43]
Yeapanis, Stacia [48]