Call for Papers
Lynne Edwards (Editor) and Katy Stevens (Associate Editor) invite your submissions for the first issue of Watcher Junior, a refereed, electronic journal for undergraduate student scholarship in Buffy Studies. Completed essays and research papers will be reviewed by members of the board and will be accepted for publication if three reviewers approve. Essays that do not receive approval for publication will be returned with feedback for re-submission.
We welcome completed essays and research papers on any aspect of BtVS, Angel, or both programs. All papers should exhibit familiarity with previously published scholarship in Buffy Studies. The editors accept essays with a variety of recognized documentation styles (APA, MLA, or Chicago); however, all submissions should include a list of Works Cited.
Submit your work electronically as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word (.doc) or in Rich Text Format (.rtf). Be sure to number your paragraphs in the text you submit. Send it simultaneously to Lynne Edwards at and Katy Stevens at
Please contact us (Lynne or Katy) via email with questions.