B. Tauris (London) will publish Rhonda Wilcox's
Why Buffy Matters: The Art of Television in
Go here to pre-order the book from Amazon.com.
V. Wilcox is Professor of English at Gordon College in Barnesville, GA. The
author of numerous essays on popular culture, including "'There Will Never
Be a Very Special Buffy": Buffy and the Monsters of Teen
Life" in The Journal of Popular Film and Television [1999]), she
wrote the chapter on television for The Greenwood Guide to American Popular
Culture and is completing a book to be entitled Unreal TV. With David
Lavery, she is the editor of Fighting
the Forces: What's at Stake in Buffy
the Vampire Slayer (Rowman and Littlefield, 2002) and is a member as
well of the editorial board of Studies
in Popular Culture, Intensities: The
Journal of Cult Media, and Critical
Studies in Television. She was a keynote address at the Blood, Text and
Fears conference on BtVS in Norwich England, October 2002 and the
American Quality Television Conference in Dublin, April, 2004. Her e-mail
address is rhonda_w@gdn.edu.
Wilcox, Rhonda V. The Art of Buffy (forthcoming from I. B. Tauris, 2005).
___. "A Complex of Echoes: Once More, with Textual Feeling." Sounds of the Slayer: Music and Silence in Buffy and Angel (forthcoming).
___. "'Every Night I Save You': Buffy, Spike, Sex and Redemption." Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies 5 (2002) [http://www.slayage.tv/essays/slayage5/wilcox.htm].
___. “‘Pain as Bright as Steel’: The Monomyth and Light as Pain in BtVS.” Blood, Text and Fears: Reading Around Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Ed. Claire Thomson, Scott Mackenzie, Carol O'Sullivan, and Catherine Fuller (forthcoming).
___. "Television." Greenwood Guide to American Popular Culture, Vol. IV. Ed. M. Thomas Inge and Dennis Hall. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing, 2002: 1755-96.
___. "'There Will Never Be a "Very Special" Buffy': Buffy and the Monsters of Teen Life." Journal of Popular Film & Television 27.2 (Summer 1999): 16-23. Rpt. in Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies 2 (2001) [http://www.slayage.tv/essays/slayage2/wilcox.htm].
___. ‘They're Going to Find a Body’: Quality Television and the Supernatural in Buffy’s ‘The Body.’” American Quality Television Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April 2004.
___. "T. S. Eliot Comes to Television: Buffy’s ‘Restless.'" Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies 7 (2002) [http://www.slayage.tv/essays/slayage7/Wilcox.htm]. Originally presented at Popular Culture Association in the South, Charlotte, NC (October 2002).
___. "When Harry Met Buffy: Buffy Summers, Harry Potter, and Heroism at the Turn of the Century." Monsters and Metaphors: Essays on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Ed. Christopher Weimer (forthcoming).
___. "'Who Died and Made Her the Boss?' Patterns of Mortality in Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Fighting the Forces: What's at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Ed. Rhonda V. Wilcox and David Lavery. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield, 2002. 3-17.
___ and David Lavery. "Introduction." Fighting the Forces: What's at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield, 2002. xvii-xxix.
___ and David Lavery, eds. Fighting the Forces: What's at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield, 2002.