Lonely Rivers Flow
By Morgendorffer
High-heeled boots shuffled along the cobbled street, making a scratching sound. The sound seemed to make Andrew even antsier. "Can't I go back? DS9's on and I want to relive Jadzia's final moments again--"
"Roomie, you wanted to see a demon bar for your film. Caritas is the perfect place!" Andrew started to squirm and Dawn started to wag her finger at him. "I don't want to go into that place so obviously single. You're coming with me...or I send the Ewok to another dimension!"
"Okay, all right, peach. But if I become someone's snack food, I hope you feel really, really, bad."
"Lorne wouldn't let that happen." Dawn put her arm around her friend. "Don't worry, this club is fun."
The Host was making the bar as shiny as possible when and old friend came into his view. "Groosa, ya big lugg! How are ya, Hun? I see you let that hair grow a bit."
Groo nodded in acknowledgement. "Greetings, Krevlornswath. As I have ventured across this state, I have seen many dances. Usually the dance of pre-fornication. Some places have made me delighted, but not the peace that a kindred from the homeland can give. So, when you rang, I came of course. Your tone was calm so I gather I am here to do the dance of peace with these people?"
"More or less." Lorne glanced up at the blue stairs as Sergio Mendes' "Magdalena" played across the room.
As if on cue, Dawn and Andrew walked down to the club. "I LOVE this song! You were right. Dawn? Dawn?!?"
She didn't hear him; her eyes were focused on Groo's deep orbs. They seemed to call to her, but she did not want to approach him. At first he seemed human, but the eyes and the armor underneath his black suit jacket suggests other ties. Dawn didn't know of all the customs of each dimension and didn't want to start anything. So she responded to Andrew's squealing and joined him on the dance floor.
One of the things Groo learned during his three years on Earth was that it was not polite to stare. The maiden in black and periwinkle gave off this glow, and he yearned to be near it. But she was dancing (not the dance of pre-fornication he happily thought) with another fellow and laughing. He shouldn't break that laughter with his selfishness. It wouldn't be right.
Lorne chuckled at the Groosalugg, knowing that him and Dawn would be drawn to one another when he heard them belt their hearts out on separate occasions. Not wanting to ruin things by telling, he just invited the two to his club and let the future happen. As Groo moved closer to the dance, Lorne breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe he should've waited...Groo just stood there, not moving at all.
The "Dance With Me" beat ended and Lorne let the bartenders do their job. Quickly, he had the DJ play "Unchained Melody" and walked over to Dawn and Andrew. "Excuse me, I just have to steal this guy." Lorne grinned and dipped Andrew.
Dawn laughed as she heard Andrew say, "You stud, you!" The laugh ended and she listened to the song, closing her eyes. When she opened her eyes, Groo was right in front of her. Gulping, she introduced herself. "I'm Dawn Summers..."
Groo kissed her hand and she felt like she would melt. Amusement disappeared over Lorne and Andrew and it was just her and this man that she felt she knew since time began. "I am the Groosalugg. Champion of Pylea, but my acts under weigh yours. Your essence opens portals. And you can control who comes in and who leaves. It is a true honor to meet you. And to see your beauty up close."
Dawn couldn't believe it. She was getting misty-eyed. Sarah Mclachlan's haunting voice echoed before she spoke. "That it such a beautiful thing to say, Groo." He bowed, and past conversations hit her. A certain phone call with the beautiful Cordelia Chase. "Cordelia. You and Cordelia--"
"You know the princess? Of course. She and I were something once and now we are not." He couldn't help but smile when he saw Dawn do the same. "Um, are you and your former dance partner something?"
"Yes. No, don't pout. It's so cute, but don't. He's my friend." The melody hit both of them and they took it in. They felt like they were so lost, but now they found whatever it was they were looking for.
After a few beaming smiles, Groo spoke. "I see we both enjoy this song. Why don't we dance?"
"I would love to dance with the Groosalugg." Dawn and Groo touched each other gently and swayed to the beat.
Andrew scoffed and sat with Lorne on the stage, looking at the dancing couple. "Who are they kidding? That is so going to be a dance of pre-fornication."
The Host grinned. "Let's hope sweet cheeks. Let's hope."