By Vixen

Dawn watched as Andrew, still sweaty and flushed red in the face, came walking out of Spike's office. He had a particular expression on his face that Dawn knew well. Buffy used to get the same way. With a small nod, the twenty-year-old girl entered the office a few minutes later, careful not to be seen by Andrew. She didn't want him to know she had been butting into his affairs, but she worried about him. Probably more than she should.

Her and Andrew briefly had a thing, a few years prior, right after the Hellmouth had closed and Sunnydale had been consumed. They'd been together in Italy when he had started questioning his sexuality. For a brief instant he had thought about walking the straight and narrow path, liking girls and playing the part of Cassanova. It was a moment in Andrew's life he would have rather forgot, though for Dawn it had been her first real romance. This was different though, she assured herself as she swung the door of Spike's office open. This was just one friend looking out for another.

The vampire was still buttoning up his shirt when she came stomping in, "We have to have a little chat, Spike."

"Sure, luv," The vampire stood up, proud and tall, the stance of someone who had just conquered their goal. "What's up?"

"I heard a rumor about you and Andrew." She crossed her arms, but then put them back down at her sides. She wasn't sure how much power to put behind her confrontation. Too much and he would think she came because she was still carrying a torch for Andrew, too little and he wouldn't take her seriously. “I know that rumors can be.. just rumors," She lied, she knew full well what she had just seen with her two eyes. "But I want to tell you that, if you are doing what I think you're doing with Andrew.. That's really.. It's not right, Spike. All homophobic issues aside.." She started rambling, and paced the large room while she spoke. "He looks up to you, he trusts you.. Probably more than he should. You've got your whole evil cool thing going on, and he looks up to that. You know he would do anything for you, you're like.. His hero." She stopped and starred directly at him, "Don't take advantage of that."

"I wasn't planning to," Spike was giving her a perplexed look, "I've been with the boy, but I've taken care of him."

"Don't give me that," Dawn began pacing again, thinking about the past. Spike had become the head honcho at Wolfram and Hart when Angel died in his whole kamikaze Black Thorn mission, now he sat at the head of the table. Spike was the boss and Andrew was his lackey. "You treat the kid like he's your slave. You keep him running around the building, fetching this for you and fetching that for you. He may be your secretary, but you treat him like he's your lap dog."

"In more than one way," Spike whispered under his breath, with a slight smirk.

Dawn continued, missing what Spike had said but giving pause for the smirk set across his lips, "Let me break it down for you, Spike." She rested her hands on the desk that was between them, starring at Spike. He had gone back to resting so comfortably in his black leather chair. "If you hurt the boy, I will rip off your testicles and feed them to you while you're still alive. And then I‘ll finish it by staking you." Her voice dripped with pure intent.

The smile on Spike's lips had vanished once she had begun speaking, and now as he watched her walk out of the room, clicking her high heels on the tiled floor, he knew she had grown up just like her sister. Scary as hell when pissed off.