Strawberry Tart
By seraC

Author Notes: 100 words written for the Open On Sunday Make Up Challenge.
Feedback: Is like air, highly necessary.
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all related charcters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemey, et al. I'm just taking them out for a little excercise.


She rims her eyes with black. Darkens the lashes with mascara and suddenly her eyes shout: Fuck me, now! It’s a look she learned from Faith. The candy coated lips are courtesy of Willow and her fondness for Lancome.

Buffy’d be surprised if she saw. Knocked right between the eyes by Dawn’s shimmying hips and the way she has of rolling her tongue when she kisses. A little trick she picked up from Cordelia.

Once, Dawn practiced on Tara. Snuck up on her and dipped her tongue right in. Blindsided and better than a supernatural fuck on a classroom table.