Totally Different Creature
By Sami

Dawn was fascinated the moment he limped in. Then all she knew was that he was the only one left in Angel's gang. He and Buffy were shut up together for hours. Of course she was too young to know anything.

Slowly she learned more about him. When he fights he looks angry and frightening. It's different from everyone else. Spike usually grins and Buffy just concentrates. He also knows what he's doing. No fancy moves; hardly any kicking. He's just fists. He never limps in a fight but she's seen his slow dragging pace in the library. He looks hesitant like he's lost yet when training Slayers he shines confidence.

He doesn't talk about himself so she only knows common knowledge. Dawn has always had a thirst for knowledge. He's like the hardest textbook she's ever had. She knows he has a long pink scar on his belly. Her fingers itch to run along it. He is a man, a totally different creature from a boy. She wants to know more.