Dawn: Oh, god. I can't believe it.
Lisa: It's not that bad.
Dawn: How can you say it's not that bad?
Lisa: I just don't think it's that big a deal.
Dawn: Kevin Berman called me a freak in front of everybody. No, that's no big deal.
Lisa: He didn't say you were a freak.
Dawn: Forget it.
Lisa: He just said you were... freaky. Which, you know, freaky can be... sort of cool.
Dawn: Oh yeah. Real cool. I'm a suicidal head-case.
Lisa: You know it was Kirsty. She was telling people how you were into cutting yourself, and how you-
Dawn: That's such a lie! I got cut. By accident. One time. Now Kevin thinks I'm a-
Lisa: Well, that was when you were wigging out about your family, and of course Kirsty's gotta turn everything into a story. She was telling people that you were adopted.
Dawn: What a prima bee-yotch. I swear, if I could make her head explode using only the power of my mind? That's what I'd be doing right about now.
Justin: Here. The spoils of war. You earned it.
Dawn: I did?
Justin: Yeah, for keepin' me steady. And so begins your life of crime.
Dawn: Hmm. You're a little late. I steal all the time.
Justin: Really.
Dawn: Totally. I haven't paid for lipstick since... forever.
Justin: Oh, be still my heart, cute and bad.
Dawn: Yeah, bad to the bone.
Dawn: Shiver me timbers.
Justin: What?
Dawn: Um... nothing. Just... wow.
Justin: Oh, my god. That was your first.
Dawn: What? No.
Justin: It was! That was your first kiss.
Dawn: I've been kissed before. I, I kiss all the time. Not that I'm a kiss slut. Just, you know, with, with the lips and, and the pressing together and stuff? Big expert here.
Buffy: Were you parking?! With a vamp?
Dawn: I-I didn't know he was dead!
Justin: Living dead.
Dawn: Shut up!
Buffy: How could you not know?
Dawn: I just met him!
Buffy: Oh! Oh, so you were parking in the woods with a boy you just met.
Justin: We've seen each other at parties.
Buffy: Shut up. I don't believe you!
Dawn: Oh, like you've never fallen for a vampire?
Buffy: That was different.
Dawn: It always is when it's you.
Demon Teenager: My family is worse.
Dawn: No way. Mine is so messed up you have no idea.
Demon Teenager: No, just wait until you see my mom dance at the reception, okay, and then tell me who's messed up.
Dawn: I guess they're all messed up.
Demon Teenager: Yeah. Everybody's pretty lame.