Dawn: Babysitter? I'm fourteen! I'm old enough to be a babysitter!
Joyce: And who are you gonna get on such short notice?
Dawn: I can take care of myself!
Buffy: Xander.
Joyce: Xander?
*runs on-screen, presumably from her room*
Dawn: Okay.
Joyce: Dawn, be good.
Xander: Oh, we will. We're just gonna play with matches, run with scissors, take candy from... some guy ... I don't know his name.
Dawn (VO): Xander treats everyone like an equal. He doesn't look down on people.
Anya: Hello there, little girl.
Dawn (VO): Even when he should.
Dawn: This place is so cool. 'Cept I have to wear this stupid stamp on my hand.
Xander: That's to keep you from boozing it up.
Dawn: Oh please. Only losers drink alcohol.
Anya: Well, we could play that game again, Life. That was fun.
Dawn: For you. You always win.
Anya: Well... we can make a wager this time. You can give me real money. That would be different.
Xander: And after we teach her to gamble, maybe we can all get drunk!
Anya: I don't think the bar would serve her, but we could bring something in. Strawberry schnapps taste just like real ice cream.
Dawn: Where are we going?
Xander: I have no idea.
Dawn: What?
Xander: I don't know, okay? I can't even run away well. And that's something I'm usually good at.
Dawn: Maybe we should we go back and help.
Xander: Yeah, 'cause I've been such a big help already. Standing around like a monkey while Buffy gets shot. Tara's dead... and Willow... losing...
Dawn: Well, feeling sorry for yourself isn't helping either, Xander, okay? You know, if Spike were here, he'd go back and fight.
Xander: Sure, if he wasn't too busy trying to rape your sister.
Xander: We didn't find any strips of skin. Which, by the way, gghhhh!
Dawn: You wouldn't. He eats them. That's why he's a parasite. It's like his natural food.
Buffy: Dawn, you're new at this, and I get why you're proud, but I'm not exactly sure why this demon is any more likely than any of the others.
Dawn: You never said pool of blood.
Buffy: There was no pool, just splatters.
Dawn: Then this is your guy. He laps up the blood. You could say it's like his natural beverage.
Xander: You're terrifying.
Xander: Daddy like.
Buffy: What is that shirt made of? Paint?
Willow: Buff—
Buffy: Glad Dawnie isn't here to see her precious boyfriend getting all thrusty with some slut-bag hussy-Oh.
Xander: Oh. Oh! No! 'Daddy'— No, I wasn't— When I was looking, I wasn't— Oh, God!
Willow: Right there with ya.
Xander: Dawn? What's wrong? Is this— Did that guy in the jacket—
Dawn: Uh! I don't even want to hear his name anymore!
Xander: I just called him "that guy in the jacket".
Dawn: That's what I used to call him in my head before I knew his real name!
Xander: Dawnie, honey, you seem extremely perturbed. Maybe I should go get Buffy—
Dawn: No! I don't ever want to see her again.
Xander: I thought that was about that guy in the— um, that guy with the thing.
Dawn: No, it's about both of them.
Willow: We'll tell her soon as she gets back.
Dawn: Let's not.
Willow: What? Dawn, she has to know.
Dawn: I-I know, just not right away. Guys, when mom appeared to me, she said—
Willow: Dawnie...
Dawn: No, please. She said something about Buffy, and I'm thinking... I'm just not so sure Buffy will be happy for me.
Willow: Of course she will.
Dawn: Will she? I mean, I'm not even sure I'm happy for me. Everything's different for me now.
Anya: That's because you're a part of something larger. Like being swallowed. By something larger.
Dawn: This-this is too much for my head again. I can't. I—I need to be—
Xander: Nice job with the "getting swallowed" analogy.
Xander: Aw, I'm just thinking about the girls. It's a harsh gig, being a potential. Just being picked out of a crowd, danger, destiny, plus if you act now, death.
Dawn: They can handle it.
Xander: Yeah. They're special, no doubt. The amazing thing is, not one of them will ever know, not even Buffy.
Dawn: Know what?
Xander: How much harder it is for the rest of us.
Dawn: No way. They've got—
Xander: Seven years, Dawn. Working with the slayer. Seeing my friends get more and more powerful. A witch. A demon. Hell, I could fit Oz in my shaving kit, but come a full moon, he had a wolfy mojo not to be messed with. Powerful. All of them. And I'm the guy who fixes the windows.
Dawn: Well, you had that sexy army training for a while, and—and the windows really did need fixing.
Xander: I saw what you did last night.
Dawn: Yeah, I— I guess I kinda lost my head when I thought I was the slayer.
Xander: You thought you were all special. Miss Sunnydale 2003. And the minute you found out you weren't, you handed the crown to Amanda without a moment's pause. You gave her your power.
Dawn: The power wasn't mine.
Xander: They'll never know how tough it is, Dawnie, to be the one who isn't chosen. To live so near to the spotlight and never step in it. But I know. I see more than anybody realizes because nobody's watching me. I saw you last night. I see you working here today. You're not special. You're extraordinary.
Dawn: Maybe that's your power.
Xander: What?
Dawn: Seeing. Knowing.
Xander: Maybe it is. Maybe I should get a cape.
Dawn: Cape is good.
Xander: Yeah.
Dawn: Xander, my crossbow is not out here. I told you, I don't leave crossbows around all willy-nilly. Not since that time with Miss Kitty Fantastico.
Xander: Hey, did you know I have to take a driving test every year now?
Dawn: Because you're old?
Xander: No, because of my eye. It's a whole state law. They don't trust my depth perception anymore.
Dawn: That sucks.
Xander: And you know what's even worse? All the stupid "it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye" jokes. "Hey, Xander, so no more fun and games, huh?"
Dawn: Giles was just having fun with you.
Xander: Hey, Dawn. Dawn, you awake?
Dawn: What happened?
Xander: Um, I thought you might say that.
Dawn: Actually I meant to say what the hell happened?
Xander: It was chloroform.
Dawn: Color forms...what?
Xander: Chloroform. Are you still loopy?
Dawn: Sorry about that. Someone knocked me out with chloroform.