Title: A Slayers Holiday: There and Back Again
Author: Wildecate
Email: Wildecate@hotmail.com
Rating: G - for the moment
Notes: Since you were all so nice the first time round, here we go again.
Pairing: None as yet
Credits: Joss Whedon/JRR Tolkein - ya de ya de ya
Buffy stood at the edge of the forest peering in cautiously. Her Slayer sense was screaming at her in the back of her mind and she felt as though she was being watched. She said as much to Aragorn who nodded, acknowledging her discomfort. He felt it too, she could tell.
"I really really don't want to go in there" she said softly to herself and felt a reassuring hand on her shoulder. From the look on the elf's face, he wasn't comfortable with the forest either. Aragorn had followed the tracks of Merry and Pippin to the edge of the Forest and now they had to follow them into the dark, unwelcoming gloom.
It seemed that they had walked forever following marks that only the Ranger and the elf could see when Aragorn bent suddenly, brushing his fingers across the grass.
"These are strange tracks"
Gimli glared around him "The air is so close here" he grumped and Buffy shot him a quick smile. She was perfectly comfortable in her jeans and shirt but then she was used to the heat of California. The forest was stuffy and unpleasant but she had experienced worse. Gimli who insisted on wearing his chainmail and armour felt as if he was slowly roasting to death and longed for the coolness of the mines.
Legolas ran a gentle hand across one of the trees, looking troubled.
"This forest is old. Very old. Full of memories...and anger. The trees are speaking to each other." Buffy ignored the shiver that suddenly ran down her back. Trees talking to each other?
They moved on, Aragorn sternly telling Gimli to lower his axe, explaining that they needed to come in peace which they certainly would not appear to do if he insisted on swinging that piece of metalwork around. Buffy followed the three as they argued but kept looking over her shoulder. There was something here, someone watching them. She paused for a moment trying to focus her eyes in the gloom but the shadows cast by the trees confused her and she could not see where shadow stopped and tree started.
Legolas stopped so suddenly that Buffy ran straight into the back of him. He had his bow drawn in seconds, with the others following suit, trusting in his exceptional hearing.
"Aragorn, nad no ennas!" - Something is out there.
Aragorn turned to stand next to Legolas as he whispered "The White Wizard approaches."
"Do not let him speak. He will out a spell on us! We must be quick." Aragorn spoke rapidly as he, Gimli and Legolas took up attack positions.
Buffy did not lift her sword, standing quite still and trying to recognise the feeling that she was experiencing. There was no doubt that there was something peculiar about the figure moving towards them but evil, she could not feel it and usually she with her Slayer sense would have done. The light around the figure was very bright, so bright that she put her hand over eyes to shield them.
Legolas loosed his arrow which, to his shock, was easily deflected away from the light, Gimli's axe, thrown deftly and accurately was sent whizzing safely into the grass and Aragorn dropped his sword, clutching his hand as steam rose from the handle. Buffy still did not move. There was something…familiar about this thing.
As he spoke it became quite clear to her who it was.
"You are tracking the footsteps of two young hobbits"
Aragorn picked his sword up again cautiously and asked ""Where are they?
"They passed this way the day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?"
It was obvious to Buffy that Aragorn was not in the least comforted by this as he demanded the figure reveal who he was. The light faded and the familiar features of an old friend became clear.
Aragorn was disbelieving "It cannot be! You fell!"
Gandalf patted Buffy on the head "Dear girl, I am so pleased to see you alive. I was quite concerned when I found that you had followed me through the portal."
"Not by choice I assure you" Buffy answered dryly "but I seem to have fallen into good company"
"Yes indeed" smiled Gandalf "you could not find braver companions in this world. But you do not belong here Miss Summers. This is not your battle nor would I have you risk yourself where we are going." He turned to the others "War has come to Rohan, we must ride with all speed to Edoras."
"I'm coming with you" insisted Buffy "I can help"
"Child, I know you can" Gandalf cupped her cheek for a moment "But you do not belong here, you have your own battle to fight. You are a Slayer, the Chosen One, born to stand against the darkness."
"I can do that here" Buffy felt Legolas take her hand "I can fight too"
"You can send her home?" Legolas asked, silencing Buffy's protests "You can send her home now?"
"I can" Gandalf confirmed.
Without any preamble or any pretence at trying to be subtle Legolas pulled her away from Gandalf and under a tree where they could talk privately.
"You don't have the right to make this decision for me" Buffy said angrily "I'm not some little kid who you have to take care of."
"I know that a'mael. I know that. But I want you safe." Legolas sighed. "Aragorn is in love. With an elf maid by the name of Arwen."
"I know" Buffy was mystified "I've heard him talk about her. So?"
"Arwen's people, like my own, are leaving this place, heading to Valinor, our sanctuary. Aragorn would have her leave with them but she insists on staying, to hold true to him, to become mortal and be with him for the rest of her days."
"So?" Buffy felt that she was being dense, not understanding what the elf was trying to say to her.
"He wants her away from this, he wants her safe and alive no matter how it much it wounds him. Buffy. I want you to go. I want you to be safe and well and away from the hell which will surely be unleashed on this place."
"It won't be any different in Sunnydale. It's just as dangerous there." she pleaded.
"You have a job to do Buffy. You know that." He touched her face "And I have mine."
The tears were falling now and Buffy ignored them "You're asking me to go?"
"No, a'mael" Legolas brushed the tears from her cheeks "I am doing what Aragorn cannot do for Arwen. I am telling you."
Next Chapter