Title: A Talking To
Author: SpiderQueen
Email: spiderqueen@ivebeenframed.com
Rating: PG
Classification: Willow/Spike
Spoilers: Implied 4th season...Spoilers up to and including The Initiative
Distribution: Just ask me first. I'd love to know where it's going. Don't even ask me...just tell me..."Hey, I'm putting your story on my site."
Disclaimer: I don't own Willow, Spike, or anyone else used in this story. They belong to Joss. I never owned them and I never will own them. I am simply borrowing them for a moment so I can have my fun. I'll give them back as soon as I finish and I'm not making any sort of crazy profit on this story...just for fun.
Feedback: Yes! I love feedback. Any kind at all. Gimme, gimme.
"What'd you do to her?!?" Xander yelled at Spike as the vampire slipped off the picnic table and stood on shaky legs.
When Spike turned and sauntered in the direction that Buffy had dragged Willow, Xander jumped in front of him and pushed him two steps back. "Will wouldn't just start sucking face with you like that. What did you do to her?" Xander insisted again.
"Bloody hell!" Spike screamed in frustration. "Get the hell away from me." The vampire added as an afterthought, pushing past Xander.
"Don't you go near her."
"You're really an idiot, aren't you?" Spike sneered, stepping past Xander one more time.
Xander trailed behind Spike for several minutes, occasionally saying derogatory comments to the vampire. "Buffy!" Xander called to the Slayer when he saw her jogging to join them. "Things are under control here. I just finished giving Dead Boy Jr. a talking to."
"Well, I'm going to give him a kicking to." Buffy answered, kicking her right foot up and smashing it into Spike's chest. He stumbled backward and landed on the ground with a thud. Growling, he struggled to get up. Buffy stopped him by kicking the side of his face.
"Dammit woman!" Spike yelled as he pushed himself onto his knees. Buffy stepped up and punched him squarely in the jaw, knocking the vampire's head to the side.
Spike brought a hand up to his face and growled. "Now, that hurt. What's your problem?!?"
"You." Buffy said with venom in her voice. "I should stake you now and get it over with."
"What in bloody hell did I do?" He asked, finally pushing himself to a standing position.
"You didn't stop her."
Buffy rolled her eyes as if everything was simple. "Will told me that she botched a spell and lusting after you was a side effect. So, why didn't you stop her? I mean, here she is throwing herself at you. You could have pushed her away and told her no. You didn't. Because you're an asshole, I guess." By this time, the Slayer's eyes were slits and Spike knew that he was on thin ice. He couldn't fight back if she attacked and he certainly didn't fancy getting staked.
"I didn't know what to do." He said simply, hoping the explanation would be enough for Willow's friends.
"Yeah, right." Xander spoke up.
"I didn't! She just pushed me down and jumped on me and I didn't have time to think."
Buffy's mouth was a thin line of hatred. "You didn't have time to think?" Her question dripped with sarcasm. "Looked like you were doing a pretty good job of kissing her back."
"Well, what do you expect me to do?!? A beautiful woman throws herself at me like that and I'm supposed to do the honorable thing as soon as her lips meet mine?"
"Whatever." Buffy said, dismissing Spike with a flip of her wrist. "I'm letting you off this time, but if you ever touch her again, I'll stake you. I'm so not kidding." Buffy turned to Xander and nodded toward the direction of the picnic table they had found Willow and Spike on. "Let's go see if we can find Riley and Anya. Hopefully he'll lay out here and turn into a crispy critter when the sun comes up."
"Ooh, can we hope?" Xander said enthusiastically, glancing distastefully at Spike.
Willow sighed and pressed her head into her pillow. After she and Giles had finished reversing the spell she had cast, he had driven her home, telling her to get some rest. He knew that the last person Willow wanted to confront was Buffy, so he decided on Willow's house, instead of the dorm, where Buffy would undoubtedly be. He told Willow he would call the Slayer and tell her where her friend was and confirm that she was indeed doing well.
Willow rolled over in her bed again. Rest was not an option for her. She had been trying to fall asleep for two hours. It was almost dawn and the witch couldn't stop thinking about him. The feel of his cold skin beneath her fingertips, the way he breathed her name with reverence, the way his body moved beneath her, the desire in his eyes. She needed to talk to Spike, but she was afraid she wouldn't know what to say when they were finally alone. **Not that Buffy will let us be alone ever again.** Willow snorted and rolled her eyes at her friend. The intentions were well, but Buffy had done more damage than good.
Balling her tiny fists up, Willow punched her mattress repeatedly. *This isn't fair. She can get all smoochy with a vampire, but I get a lecture for it. What a hypocrite. She can really be a bitch sometimes.* Willow's eyes widened at her own thoughts. Did she just call her best friend a bitch? *Well, she can be.* The witch said to herself.
Taking a deep breath, Willow started to formulate a plan. A plan, that would allow her to talk to Spike alone, without Buffy finding out and throwing a tantrum. She came up with plan after intricate plan, but nothing seemed workable.
"Oh, well." She sighed. "I'll just wait until Buffy cools down. Then drag him aside. Hopefully. Oh, Goddess. Why does everything have to be so complicated? Why do I have to a like a vampire? Why does he have to like me? Wait, does he even *like* me? Maybe he just wants to sleep with me. Yeah, right Rosenburg. He wants you for your body. Sure. You've got every guy at your feet." Willow snorted in amusement. "I don't even know why he likes me. I'm defiantly no Drusilla or Harmony, for that matter. I'm just boring 'ol Wills."