Title: And In The End We Are All That's Left.
Author: Nightbird.
Email: nightbird@watertek.freeserve.co.uk
Rating: PG-13
Distribution: SHL, anyone with my fic otherwise ask.
Disclaimer: Joss owns them. I just borrow them to work on my personal demons.
Couple: S/D, S/W
Notes: I'm going though a wonderful time at the moment, today was possibly the worst ever. I'm feeling pissed off and feel like taking it out on the characters. There will be more Nervous soon. I can't write happy or smutty fics with a thundercloud over my head.
Dedication: My Wonderful Siblings - Stryx,Soul',Gunbunny,Megan & Omega H.
Everyone who is lurking in a dark alley with a brick,wanting more of Nervous.
To Everyone who going though a bad patch.

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

The clouds roll in and cover the moon. The darkness covers everything. It's times like this that I miss Dru. My Black Goddess, My Ripe Wicked Plum. She loved the moon, said it whispered to her, telling her such wonderful stories. I wonder where is she tonight. I know death is keeping a watchful eye on her evil childe.

The Slayer's sulking, Who knows or cares why. Stupid bint, when will she ever learn that the world does not nor will it ever revolve around her. Big Deal, the poof left her, learn to live with it. I did. You don't see me complaining or moping.

The Whelp. Good for two things, hard labour and wasting space. He tends to use the second one the most. My time is spent considering ways of killing him. Slow,painful ways. His girlfriend. She amuses me. I've heard a lot about her antics. I'd have loved to be around to see the Vampire version of Willow. Spitfire in eternal darkness plus she gets bonus points for keeping my sire as a puppy dog.

Willow. So sweet, so innocent. Or so they'd like to believe. She's powerful, you can sense it, she just doesn't realise it. If I ever get rid of this chip, I'm going to claim her as mine. Then we shall rule together, White King, Red Queen. Red, the colour of blood, the last thing that will cross the Scooby gang's mind as darkness feeds on the dying of life.

The slayer will fall, she's going to anyway. The demons and the forces of darkness, they'll wear her away until all that is left is a gravestone marking yet another casualty of the never ending war against darkness. This amuses me, the fact that they believe that one day good will be triumphant over darkness. They never realise that they will die and darkness will eat the light. Covering, just like the clouds cover the moon. Drusilla would like that.

And in the end, we - the demons - are all that's left.