Title: Chained To You
Author: Tracy G
Email: sissa_003@yahoo.com
Summary: Buffy and Willow visit Cordelia in LA.
Spoilers: None that I know of.
Disclaimer: Joss owns everything Buffy, I own the plot.
Notes: Doyle's in this. He's too cool not to be.
Notes 2: This takes place during a different time line. Everything that has happened on Buffy or Angel hasn't happened in this. Also I got the idea for this while I was watching an episode of Hercules.
Part 1
"Angel," Cordelia called swinging her bag over her shoulder. "I'm taking off now."
Angel came out of his office and leaned against the door frame. "You going to meet Buffy and Willow at the bus station?"
"Yep." She turned on her heel and walked to the door. She stopped and turned to face him again. "I know it will be hard for you to see Buffy again, so I just want to say thanks, for being so nice about this."
"Not a problem. Now get going if you want to get there before sunset."
Cordelia smiled and walked out the door.
"Where is she?" Buffy complained looking at her watch and pacing.
Willow grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her down on to the bench she was sitting on. "Stop pacing. Your making me dizzy."
"She should be here by now." Buffy sighed. The sun had just set, meaning all the bloodsuckers would be out roaming soon, and Cordelia was 30 minutes late.
"She'll be here. Calm down. Cordelia's never on time."
Buffy looked down at her hands which were folded tightly in her lap. "Why did I let you talk me into coming here?"
"Oh, come on. It'll be fun. I thought you wanted to see Cordy."
"I do. It's just..." Buffy tucked a loss piece of hair behind her ear. "You know she works for Angel. I still miss him so much."
Willow put a comforting hand on her best friend's shoulder. "We probably won't even see him while we're here. He keeps strange hours."
"Hey, I didn't say I didn't want to see him."
"But I thought... You're a very complex person, Buffy Summers."
"Well, I try," Buffy smiled.
"Hey, there's Cordy." Willow stood up and waved at the tall brunette.
"Willow, Buffy! Hi!" She ran over to them as fast as her four inch heels would let her. "It's so good to see you guys," she said as she hugged them both.
"It's about time you got here," Buffy grumbled as she picked up her bags and stomped ahead of them.
"She's a little moody," Willow explained, picking up her bags as they followed Buffy down the sidewalk.
"She's defiantly not the only one," Cordelia told her. "I hope this plan of yours works. Did you bring all the stuff?"
Up ahead of them Buffy had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. She appeared to be listening for something.
"What's she doing?' Cordelia asked.
"Buffy, what's wrong?" Willow asked as she and Cordelia ran up to her.
"Shh!" Buffy hissed. "There's about twelve vampires hidden in the bushes."
The three girls began backing up the street. "Is there somewhere close by we can go?" Buffy asked Cordelia.
"We can go to Angel's." She looked at Buffy. "It's the closes."
A low growl came out of the darkness.
"Okay, Angel's it is. Let's run now," Buffy suggested.
"I'm really likin' that plan," Cordelia agreed as they turned and sped off down the street.
"What are ya readin'" Doyle drawled in his thick Irish accent. He walked into Angel's and pulled up a chair, putting his feet on the desk.
Angel shut his book and sat it on the desk. "Please remove you feet from my desk," he snapped.
Doyle complied, giving him a strange look.
"Sorry," Angel apologised. "I'm just-"
"Nervous about seeing Buffy again," Doyle finished. "Don't worry, she's here visiting Delia, you probably won't even see her."
As he said that there was aloud shriek outside the building and the front door flew open and Buffy, Willow, and Cordelia ran in, all out of breath. Angel and Doyle got up and ran out to what was happening.
"What's going on?" Doyle asked.
"Vampires," Cordelia managed to choke out.
"A lot of them," Willow added.
Buffy stood up straight and walked over to the door, opening it a crack and peeking out. "I think they're gone." She walked over to her one of her bags and opened it, pulling out a stake. "I'm going to go look around, just incase."
"I'll go with you," Angel said speaking up for the first time.
"You don't have to," Buffy said. "I can take care of myself."
"No, I want to." Angel walked over to Cordelia's desk and pulled a stake out of one of the drawers.
"Fine." Buffy rolled her eyes and walked out the door. Angel followed.
Next Chapter