Title: Christmas Lights
Author: SpiderQueen
Email: spiderqueen@ivebeenframed.com
Rating: PG
Classification: Willow/Spike
Spoilers: Implied 4th season...Spoilers up to The Initiative
Distribution: Just ask me first. I'd love to know where it's going. Don't even ask me...just tell me..."Hey, I'm putting your story on my site."
Disclaimer: I don't own Willow, Spike, or anyone else used in this story. They belong to Joss. I never owned them and I never will own them. I am simply borrowing them for a moment so I can have my fun. I'll give them back as soon as I finish and I'm not making any sort of crazy profit on this story...just for fun.
Feedback: Yes! I love feedback. Any kind at all. Gimme, gimme.
Author's Note: What can I say? I was in the Christmas spirit after I finished putting the lights on the tree. Unfortunatly, I didn't have Spike there to make the decorating more enjoyable. ;-)
Giggling Willow, fell back onto the couch and watched the scene before her.
"Bloody hell!" Spike muttered. "Where's the end of this thing?" He grabbed a handful of the string of lights, which he had twisted around his body.
Buffy, Giles, and Xander were out picking up the Christmas tree, leaving Willow and Spike alone in Giles' house. She took the opportunity to pull out some old Christmas decorations and sift through them.
Spike emerged from the bathroom, where he had been sleeping and offered to help Willow untangle the many strings of lights. However, he didn't accomplish his task. Instead, he had somehow gotten the lights wrapped around himself. Willow wasn't sure exactly how he did it, but she sat back and watched as he twisted at his waist trying to shake the lights off.
"Problem?" Willow asked the fumbling vampire.
"What the??" Spike said, pulling at the cords. He finally had had enough and flailed about, almost knocking over a nearby lamp. "Get these bloody things off of me!"
Willow bit her lip trying to control the laughter she felt bubbling into her throat. She snorted in her effort to control the giggles.
Spike shot her a look that was half helplessness and half anger. "You're a witch. Don't you have a spell to-" Spike lifted his arms out to the side as much as the tangled cords would allow, "-to take care of this?"
Pursing her lips together to hold in the giggles, Willow shook her head.
"Right then." Spike said, glancing around the room. "Where are the bloody scissors?" He spotted them on the table next to him and shuffled over to retrieve them.
"Spike, no!" Willow said, jumping off the sofa and grabbing the scissors before he could reach them. "You can't cut the lights. We won't have anything to put on the tree."
"Well, the damn things are on me. Do I look like a bloody tree?"
"No, but...you just need to kinda find the end of one of the cords?" Willow reached down and found a plug next to Spike's knee. "See, here's one."
"Congradulations, Red. Someone strike up the band! She's found the bloody end!" Spike exclaimed, trying to kick a cord off his foot.
"Spike. Stop. Just hold still for a minute." Willow said. She giggled and tried to pull on the cord. "Hmmm?" She said, biting her lower lip and looping the cord around his leg and pulling on it again.
"Beautiful, Red. You're getting me even more tangled up. You do know that I'm not all that into bondage?"
"Into what?" Willow asked, missing his meaning.
Spike chuckled. "Nothing. You wouldn't understand."
"Why wouldn't I understand?" Willow asked as she dropped the cord she was holding and took a step back.
Spike shrugged his shoulders, not wanting to answer her.
"Goddess! Why does everybody think that I'm some perfect little girl? I hate it! They treat me like I'm so pure and chaste and, and, and wouldn't know a thing about...about, S-E-X!" Willow exclaimed waving her arms around frantically.
Spike raised his eyebrows and grinned. "S-E-X, luv? You do know that you blew your entire argument by spelling it out instead of just saying it. If you're going to talk about it, then you can't very well spell out the entire conversation, now can you?"
Willow's cheeks flushed at the embarrassing situation she was in. "I can say it." She said indignantly.
"I-I...ummm. Say it?"
Spike nodded his head.
Willow twisted the hem of her shirt around her fingers and glanced nervously at the floor. "Ok...ok.... Sex. There! I said it. Sex. Ha!" Willow said triumphantly.
Spike chuckled. "Well that's a step in the right direction, Red."
"You think?"
"It's called growing up, you know."
Willow nodded. "Oh, right. Growing up." She was silent for a moment and looked up at Spike again. "Do you not think I'm grown up now? Because I am. I'm in college and...and...I'm tall...er than I was in 5th grade?" Willow lost her momentum and shut her mouth before anything more embarrassing could escape.
"Yes, you certainly are...taller?" Spike said, noticeably looking Willow up and down. She shifted uncomfortably under his penetrating gaze. Spike suddenly remembered his predicament. Here he was flirting with the Slayer's best friend when he should be trying to wiggle out of the strings of Christmas lights trapping him. He dropped his gaze from Willow and busied himself with the cords. "Ah ha!" He yelled in triumph as he yanked a foot out of the mess of lights.
His exclamation knocked Willow out of the daydream she had fallen into where Spike's hands were all over her and his shirt was mysteriously missing. She blushed and rushed over to help Spike with the strings of lights.
"Here. I think if we pull this over here. And maybe put that underneath this. Wait. No, that won't work." Willow mumbled to herself as she and Spike struggled with the lights. "Give me that." Willow said taking the loop of cord Spike had unwound from his leg. She threw it over her head to get it out of the way.
"Willow unraveled a string of cords wrapped around Spike stomach and arm. Just when she thought she had it free of him, she realized that she had only succeeded in re-wrapping it around the vampire, as well as herself.
"Well, this is not good." She mumbled, pulling at the cords that were wrapped around her.
Spike glanced down at Willow and saw that she had cords tangled on her as well. He grinned cockily. "See, now you know what it feels like." He shifted his weight to his right foot, so he could detangle his left foot and brushed up against Willow.
Willow felt herself panic. The strings of lights were holding her just inches from Spike and she couldn't get free. Fear wasn't the problem, but her crush on him was. She had lost the ability to formulate comprehensible phrases. Willow pulled furiously at the strings of lights, trying to get them off of her.
"Anxious to get away from me, Red?" Spike asked, noticing her sudden actions.
"I-it's-tangled-and-you-. I need a drink." She finally managed to say.
"Well, we could always try to shuffle to the kitchen together, but that's a bloody long shot." He said. As he turned toward the kitchen doorway he brushed up against her again.
Willow went into a panic for the second time and started kicking at the lights, trying to free her feet. She tripped on a strand and fell against Spike's chest. When her feet jerked the strand of lights, Spike's feet were pulled out from under him as well, and he fell backwards onto the floor. Willow couldn't help but be pulled down on top of him.
She was really hyperventilating now. Willow started squirming around to get free of the cords. All she managed to do was to bind them tighter around herself and Spike.
"Luv, stop." Spike said, taking hold of Willow's shoulders and holding her still. He felt her warm breath against his face and his spine quivered, a strange reaction for a vampire. He looked up into Willow's face, which was flushed after the struggle she put up with the Christmas lights. He felt an overwhelming urge to kiss her right then and there.
"Ouch! That's my eye!" Xander screamed, trying to maneuver the tree inside the house while Giles and Buffy pushed it in from outside the door. The three finally managed to get it inside without breaking anything. Sitting it down, they scanned the living room.
"Willow?" Buffy called. "Where'd you go? Tree's here!"
Neither Buffy, Giles, nor Xander noticed the pile of two bodies and several strings of Christmas lights in the floor.
"Oh, Goddess." Willow said under her breathing as she closed her eyes.
Spike lifted his head up to Willow's ear and whispered, "Wanna have some fun, luv?"
"What?" Willow whispered back.
"Just go with it." Spike grinned. He lifted his head up and pushed his lips against hers. Willow let out an involuntary squeak.
Buffy, Giles, and Xander looked in the direction of the noise to see Willow on top of Spike, in the floor, with strings of lights wrapped around them, and their lips planted firmly together.
"Someone's in the Christmas spirit." Xander said.
"I should say so." Giles answered, taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose.