Title: Come Back To Me
Author: Author: Tracey G
Email: sissa_003@yahoo.com
Summary: Takes place during Surprise. What if Dalton hadn't attacked them at the docks and Angel had left on the cargo ship?
Spoilers: Surprise
Rating: PG-14
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em so don't sue 'cause ya won't get much. Also the transcript I used to write this with was made by AleXander.
Dedication & Thanks: I really have to dedicate this to my best bud Christina. She must have spend an hour trying to help me come up with a title. It defiantly wasn't easy 'cause I was *really* picky. Thanks for helping even though I didn't use the one I told you I was going to use.
Part 3
Buffy walked into her room late one night, after patrolling the park and graveyard with Giles and Willow. It had been about 3 weeks since Angel had left, and she missed him terribly.
Buffy threw her weapon's bag into the closet and sat down on her bed to take off her boots. She had just started to put her pajamas on when the phone rang.
"Buffy? It's me."
"Ohmigod!" she gasped. "Angel! I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you, too. How are things?"
"Good," Buffy replied. "I just got back from patrolling with Willow and Giles."
"How is the gang?" Angel asked.
"They're good. Willow and Oz are... do you remember Oz? Anyway, they're a thing now. Oh and it turns out Oz is a werewolf."
"A werewolf?" Angel asked, really not surprised, considering they lived on a Hellmouth.
"Yep. It put a little strain on the relationship, but they're past it. Oh, and you really won't believe this one, I still don't, but Cordelia and Xander are a couple!"
"Xander and Cordelia! I thought they hated each other." Angel was surprised by this one. Hellmouth or no Hellmouth, Xander and Cordelia together was definitely not normal.
"So did everybody, but Willow found them making out in the stalks."
"Guess I've missed a lot. You'll have to fill me in on everything when I get back."
Buffy was quiet for a moment. "When are you coming back?" she asked almost dreading the answer.
"Actually, I met a old friend of mine, Whistler, I'll tell you about him some day. Anyway, he's going to get the box the rest of the way. I should be home in a week."
"A week? Really?" Buffy asked hopefully.
There was another pause. Both were absentmindedly fiddling with their claddaugh rings. They both started to speak at the same time.
"Angel, can I ask..."
"Buffy, I have to tell..."
Laughing, Angel said, "You go first."
"Okay." Buffy took a deep a breath. "Why didn't you tell me what the ring really meant?"
"Oh. Who told you?"
"I didn't tell you because I was afraid of you reaction, what you would think. I didn't want you to feel pressured into anything." He paused. "What would you have said if I had told you the truth?"
"I love you, Angel. I want to be with you. Of course I would have said yes." Buffy told him, without a hint of doubt anywhere in her voice.
"I love you, too. I'm sorry I never told you the truth."
"So, we're like married now." Buffy thought, while chewing on her lip. "I like it."
"I like it, too. So what did you want to tell me."
"I was about to tell you what the ring really meant. I guess you beat me to it."
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