Title: Devil In A Blue Dress
Author: Akane-Chan
Email: morriganfairre@hotmail.com

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I am Anya...

Or Anyanka, whichever you prefer. I could care less, really, about what any of you think.

Except maybe Xander.

Oh, it's not fair! For centuries, I was a vengeance demon. A damned good one. Why should I care whether or not that silly little Slayer likes me or not... which she doesn't, by the way. Not at all. Personally, I think it's because I have a relationship with Xander, and while she doesn't want him, she can't stand to not be the center of the Universe.

Which, I guess, she has been for a while. At least, in the little group of misfits I now find myself. Xander, Willow, Giles, Oz at one time, and now Spike and that Tara-chick. Oh, and Soldier-boy, Riley.

But I don't owe a thing to her. She looks down on me because I was a vengeance demon, fine. She used to do the nasty with a vampire. And after him, there was that Parker boy, who is the embodiment of all that vengeance demons fight against. I almost felt sorry for her.


And I don't really think Riley has all his chips down, either.

If I were still a vengeance demon, she'd keep me in business.

And poor Willow. She's had it bad, too. I mean, first, her crush on my Xander goes ka-put, then her relationship with Oz goes down the toilet. Now she's with Tara. I just don't know about her. Not the relationship part, mind you. In all my years, or centuries as a vengeance demon, I don't think I ever worked the bad ju-ju on a girl-girl relationship. I guess they can handle it much better, because girls don't have all that testosterone cutting off the circulation to their brain. But that girl gives off some dark vibes. But it's not my problem, as long as she leaves Xander alone.

Don't even get me started on Cordelia. It's all her fault, anyway.

But if not for the Scooby gang, I would never had met Xander.

Maybe I do owe them a little. Being a girl again is a lot better than being a demon. Working for all those angst-ridden women, giving guys what-for... well, that part was fun, anyway...

But, having Xander is worth it. And having sex with Xander is good, too.

And not having horns is pretty nice, too.

Okay, so... maybe I don't hate them. After all, they mean a lot to Xander. And Mr. Giles is nice to me, usually. And if there's a big ugly demon after me, then sometimes Buffy stops it from eating me.

Yeah, that's pretty decent of her.

And Willow gave me a cookie, well, she sat the plate of cookies down and asked if anyone wanted one, but she didn't make a face when I took one.

And I think Spike wanted me that one night that Xander and I had a fight, but I think he's just deprived.

I would feel bad if any of them died, or something. Mostly because it would upset Xander. So they're okay, I guess. They're the closest things to friends that I have on this earth, anyway, even if Xander, Giles and Spike are the only ones who talk to me.

But I don't care, anyway... not really.

And I still don't like Cordelia, and I'm not really fond of Faith either, but Xander wasn't mine then, so I can't blame him for having sex with them. Besides, he only has sex with me now anyway.

So, hah-hah.