Title: Everybody Wants You
Author: PaganBaby
Email: paganbaby73@hotmail.com
Rating: NC-17! Do not read if you're under 18. There is adult content and sexual situations. Pairings include: M/M, M/F/F (as well as M/F), so if you're squicked by those, you shouldn't read this. There's also some BDSM. This fic is basically Spike + Practically Everyone.
Summary: What's a poor vamp to do when everyone suddenly becomes attracted to him?
Some actions will be indicated like this: *kiss*
Disclaimer: Joss and ME own the show and the characters, I'm just borrowing them for my own twisted purposes.
Song lyrics by Billy Squier. Right click to download the mp3 here: Everybody Wants You
Thanks to Tiana for beta-ing for me!
Spoilers: This fic takes place during season 6 after 'Tabula Rasa' but before 'Smashed'. In my story, Giles didn't leave but Buffy and Spike still kissed, also Joyce didn't die, I hated that they killed her off in season 5. Willow and Tara lived in an off campus apartment together instead of at Buffy's house.
Story Status: Complete

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Chapter 2

Spike laid on a cot in the Summers' basement, smoking a cigarette. Buffy had brought him home an hour ago. Joyce had been awake, waiting for Buffy to come back.

He smiled when he pictured her. Joyce had made him some hot chocolate, with the little marshmallows that he liked. Patting his hand, and saying comforting things.

'At least one of that lot is decent. Joyce always has a cuppa for me. Quite a lady....Too bad her daughter didn't inherit the kindness gene.'

The door to the basement opened and closed. Joyce appeared at the bottom of the stairs in a white peignoir.

"Joyce, what're you doin' up?" He sat up and blinked when she flipped on the overhead light.

"Couldn't sleep. Thought you might like some company." She smiled at him.

"Sure...always enjoy your company, Joyce."

She came over and sat at the end of the cot.

"Spike! Are you smoking in my house?" she said, looking at the cigarette in his hand.

"Oh! Sorry!" He stubbed out his cigarette in an old bowl he was using as an ashtray. "Wasn't thinkin', luv. Sorry."

"Hmm...maybe you can--make it up to me--somehow..." she said, smiling wider, then scooting closer to him.

"Yeah, what--" He stopped talking.

He noticed that she had put on makeup and fixed her hair. The nightgown she wore was silk, it clung to and accentuated her womanly curves. She looked quite fetching. She hadn't just rolled out of bed and come down to say 'Hi', she had put some time and thought into her appearance.

She moved next to him, running a hand lightly up his calf and on to his thigh.

"Want to know how you can make it up to me? You--bad--bad--boy?" she teased, leaning in to press her lips against his. Her hand continued its journey up his leg.

His eyes bulged. 'Oh no! Not Joyce too!'

Spike grabbed her by the shoulders and held her away from him, firmly but not forcefully. He didn't want to hurt her and not just because of the chip going off, he actually liked her.

"Joyce! What are you doing?" he sputtered.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" She ran her hands up and down his arms that held her at bay. "I want you. I've wanted you ever since that night we had hot chocolate and talked about your ex-girlfriend. The woman was a fool! To give you up like that..." She knocked his hands away from her shoulders and hopped onto his lap, putting her arms around his neck. "I wanted to throw you down on the counter and pour the cocoa all over your body."

She kissed him ravenously. He tried to fight her off but she had him pinned. "I wanted to lick every drop off your body. I wanted you." She licked his ear and sucked on the lobe. "I could just never admit it before."

Spike was getting hard. Joyce was a gorgeous woman and she was the only person to show him any compassion in a long time. She moved her lips back to his and shifted her position to straddle him. He started to return her kiss when an image of the Slayer entered his mind. She-- would--kill--him. His need for self-preservation overrode his libido, barely. He picked Joyce up and sat her on the bed. He stood up and moved away.

"Spike!" she whined. "What's wrong? Come back to bed, lover." She propped herself up on her elbows and patted the bed.

"It's a spell or the effects of that soddin' demon, Joyce. You don't mean what you're saying..." He backed away.

"I do! I want you, Spike! I've been soooo lonely. I need you!" She stood up and walked towards him. "You were so good to me and Dawnie when Buffy was...gone. And I almost died not long ago. Life's too short not to take what you want while you can. So I'm going to grab life by the horns and take what I want!!"

She flung herself at him. Spike squeaked and ran up the stairs with Joyce hot on his heels.

"Stop it, Joyce!" he exclaimed as she grabbed at his ass playfully.

"Oooh! Playing hard to get, are you?" She giggled like a school girl.

He ran into the kitchen, out the back door and out of the yard. Lucky for him, the sun wouldn't be up for a half hour. He would have run out of the house if it were high noon.

Joyce stood on the back porch. "Spike! Come back, baby! SPIKE!" she cried.

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Spike ran to Anya and Xander's apartment, he didn't know where else to go. He leaned against the wall outside their door. He'd kill for a smoke about now, but he left Buffy's in such a hurry that he didn't get a chance to grab them, or his coat.

'What if the Whelp and his demon bird are affected too? But Buffy wasn't...Figures, the only one I wouldn't mind being all over me...

His thoughts were cut off when the door to the apartment opened. Xander was bending down to pick up the morning paper when he noticed Spike standing there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he said sleepily.

"Listen, Whelp, there's some strange shit happening...I need a place to hide out for today. Invite me in."

He stepped forward. Xander put a hand firmly on Spike's chest, halting him.

"No way. Uh-uh. Think again, blood breath. I am NOT inviting you into my home," he said shaking his head.

"The sun's up! I can't go back out!" Spike raised his voice.

Anya came up behind Xander. "Who are you talking to, honey? Oh, hi, Spike. What are you doing here? Would you like to come in for coffee? Sorry, we don't have any blood..."

"Anya! You just invited him in!" Xander cried.

"So? Oh, right...well, what's done is done. He won't hurt us, Xander. He can't, remember? And besides, he worked with us and helped Joyce and Dawn all Summer, he's one of us now. Come in, Spike." She took him by the hand and led him inside. "You promise not to do anything evil?"

"You have my word," Spike said gratefully.

Xander sighed and prayed for strength.

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The three of them sat around the kitchen table drinking coffee, as Xander finished eating a bowl of Frankenberry cereal. Spike finished telling them about what happened over the last several hours.

Xander laughed. "You really expect us to believe that Joyce AND Giles came on to you? Why stop there? Why not throw Buffy in the mix too?"

"Have you heard a bloody word I've said? It's some weird mojo from that demon's blood," he explained tiredly, rubbing at his face.

"Well, why aren't we all 'Coo-Coo for Cocoa Puffs' then? Because, frankly, I find you just as repulsive as I ever have...if not more!" Xander said cheerfully.

Spike sneered at him. "Yeah, the feeling's mutual." He sighed, putting his face in his hands. "I can't explain it. I don't know the why's and how's. All the research books are back at the Watcher's flat and I'm NOT goin' back in there."

"Xander, sweetie, why don't you go over to Giles' and get the books. If what he's saying is true, we need to find the cure right away," Anya said as she cleared the table.

"All right. I'll go. Mostly just to check out your story." He got up from the table and went to get dressed.

"He still thinks I'm lying...Well, he'll find out soon enough. Giles was ready to fight Buffy to get to me," Spike muttered.

Anya patted him on the head. "There, there, Spike. It will be ok. Did you find that comforting? I'm working on giving comfort." She looked at him expectantly.

He looked at her through his fingers. "Yeah, pet. You did real good."

She smiled brightly. "Good! I'll go make up the bed, you can get some rest until Xander gets back."

Xander came out of the bedroom as Anya was going in.

"I'll be back soon, Ahn." He gave her a quick kiss and walked to the door. "Don't try anything funny, while I'm gone, batboy."

"Don't tell the Watcher that I'm here! He'll be here in a flash tryin' to shag me if he knows where I am."

"Ugh! Whatever, Spike," Xander said as he left the apartment.

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Spike stretched out, wearing only his black jeans, on the crisp, cool sheets of Xander and Anya's bed. It felt good to rest his weary bones after the crazy night he'd had. He was exhausted but still too shocked and keyed up from everything to sleep. Just laying here like this, relaxing, was good too. The bedroom door opened and Anya stuck her head in.

"Spike? Are you asleep?"

He lifted his head. "No, not yet. Is the Whelp back?"

She came in and shut the door behind her. "No."

"Is something wrong?" he asked, sitting up.

She bit her lip. "No." She sashayed over to the bed, looking at him like a starving person might look at a pork chop. "As a matter of fact, everything is very, very, right." She crawled onto the bed towards him.

"Bloody hell! Not you too! What the hell is goin' on!"

He tried to move off the bed but Anya leapt on top of him, straddling his waist and rubbing her hands on his bare chest.

"Where do you think you're going, Mister Man?" she giggled, wriggling her body.

Spike groaned, her movements were causing an involuntary reaction.

"Ooooh, does little Spike want to come out and play?"

Her hands flew to the fastenings of his jeans. He grasped her hands in his.

"Anya! You've got to stop! Please!" he begged.

"Hmm...I know! You just need a little encouragement!"

She jumped off the bed and ran to the CD player. Spike got up and tried to get past her to the door.

"Hey!" She pushed him hard back towards the bed. He fell back onto it. She was a lot stronger than she looked. "No fair, trying to run away. You sit there patiently and wait." She finished programming the CD player and turned back around to face him.

"Anya, luv, listen to me! You're affected by the same thing Rupert and Joyce were," he pleaded with her, standing back on his feet. He looked up at the ceiling. "And I'm sick and bloody tired of turning down sex!" he shouted. "I'm tryin' to be good, damn it!"

"I don't want you to be good...I want you to be baaaaaad!" She smiled, pushing the play button. "Now, sit back and enjoy the show, I did this for Xander the other night and he got quite an erection. We had great sex that night."

She strolled over to him and pushed him back down on the bed, he propped himself up on his elbows. The song 'Everybody Wants You' started playing. Anya began swinging her hips and swaying to the music, snapping her fingers in time with the song. Then she began undoing the buttons of her blue blouse one by one. He always thought she was a beautiful girl, very shaggable, and here she was stripping off her clothes for him. How many amorous people was he going to have to fight off? It was getting more difficult to resist the constant sexual advances. Especially when the advances were made by someone as good-looking as Anya. Spike gulped.

You see 'em comin' at you every night
Strung on pretension, they fall for you at first sight
You know their business, you think it's a bore
They make you restless, it's nothin' you ain't seen before
Get around town, spend your time on the run
You never let down, say you do it for fun
Never miss a play, though you make quite a few
You give it all away--everybody wants you

She removed her blouse, throwing it at him. It landed on his head, he quickly removed it. As wrong as he knew it was, he was eager to see more of her body revealed. She danced around in her red, lacey bra, undoing her pants and sliding them seductively down her long legs. Spike was all eyes. Well, not ALL eyes, there were other parts of him paying very close attention.

You crave attention, you can never say "no"
Throw your affections any way the wind blows
You always make it, you're on top of the scene
You sell the copy like the cover of a magazine
Puttin' on the eyes 'til there's nobody else
You never realize what you do to yourself
The things that they see make the daily reviews
You never get free--everybody wants you

She kicked off her pants, leaving her in the red bra and matching thong. She arched her body towards him as she reached behind her to undo the clasp on her bra. She slipped the straps down her arms and threw the bra at his head, it hit him in the middle of the face. He didn't even react as the bra hit him and fell onto his chest, he was captivated by the way she moved her fit and toned body.

Everybody knows you
Everybody snows you
Everybody leads you, needs you, bleeds you

She turned her back to him, stood with her legs apart and put her hands on her hips. She looked at him over her shoulder with a naughty smile on her face and moved her hips from side to side. Then she bent over fully at the waist to look at him through her spread legs, running her hands up and down the backs of her thighs. He was sporting quite the hard-on by now, it was all he could do not to throw her down on the bed and fuck her senseless.

Nights of confusion and impossible dreams Days at the mirror, patchin' up around the seams You got your glory, you paid for it all You take your pension in loneliness and alcohol Say goodbye to conventional ways You can't escape the hours, you lose track of the days The more you understand, seems the more like you do You never get away--everybody wants you

She turned around and ran her hands up her body and up through her hair, gyrating her hips in a slow circle. Spike was afraid he'd burst right through his jeans, he couldn't back off this time...

When the song ended, Anya walked over to where he sat on the bed and climbed onto his lap. He brought his hands up to caress her back as they kissed feverishly. He moved his mouth to her chest, licking and sucking at her full breasts.

"Ahhh, Spike! Mmm! Did my little dance do something for you, baby?" She tittered.

He growled.

She pushed him to lay back against the bed and pressed their naked chests together.

"Spike..." She sucked at his neck. "I always wanted you, but--"

"Let me guess," he panted, "but you were afraid to admit it until now?"

She raised her head and looked at him. "That's right! How did you know? Oh, Spike, don't you see? We were meant to be together."

She ran her hands over his cheekbones and into his hair. He caught sight of her engagement ring and a twinge of guilt shot through him.

'She doesn't know what she's doing, she'll be right pissed when she snaps out of this. Harris will kill me! I can't do this! Oh God, or whoever--whatever--is doing this to me--give me a break, for fuck's sake!'

"Anya...What about Xander? You're engaged to him...you love him. We can't do this." He hoped he could get through to her.

She responded by licking his bottom lip and undoing his pants, pulling out his hard cock and stroking it lovingly. His eyes rolled back in his head.

"What about Xander..." he trailed off.

"Yes," a voice came from across the room. "What about Xander?"

Anya and Spike looked over to see Xander standing in the doorway.

'Oh shit,' Spike thought.

Anya sat up, still straddling Spike, holding and stroking his thick cock in her hands.

"Hi, honey. Um, I still love you, but I love Spike too. We're going to have intercourse now."

"Anya! For God's sake!" Spike slapped her hands away from his dick, and tried to tuck himself back in his pants. "Harris...it's not what it looks like! Anya, will you get off of me?!"

He was sure Xander would kill him for this. He tried to push her off of him.

"Nope. I like it here." She wriggled. "And why did you put Mr. Happy away?" She struggled to open his pants as he was trying to do them up.

"Stop it! Damn it woman, are you crazy?!" He looked up to see Xander standing over the bed. Xander was looking down at him with a blank expression. "Listen, Xander, it's that soddin' demon's blood thing again. She's not responsible for her actions...and I'm only hu--a vampire! She did a sexy dance! I can't help it if my--"

"Shut up, Spike," Xander said.

"Yay!" Anya shouted in victory when she had 'Mr. Happy' back in her hands.

Xander glared at her.

'This is it,' Spike thought. 'I'm gonna die. Just hope he makes it quick...'

Xander looked into Spike's eyes and smiled. "Mind if I join you?"

He started taking of his clothes hurriedly without waiting for an answer, revealing his bulky but muscular body, built up from his construction work. Spike stared at him.

'He's been hiding a lot of muscles under those hideous clothes of his...' he thought appreciatively. He shook his head to clear it of the lust induced haze he found himself in. 'This is Xander Bloody Harris you're checkin' out, mate! Get a grip!'

"NO! There's no bleedin' way I'm lettin' you touch me, Monkey-boy! I--" Spike panicked.

His protest caught in his throat when he felt Anya's hot mouth slide down over his erection. He looked down at her. She met his eyes and smiled around his cock, then went back to work.

"Ahh--Anya--God!" he moaned.

"Ahn, honey, can't I have him to myself? This is our first time, after all," Xander asked her.

She took Spike out of her mouth, with a popping sound, to answer him. "Well, I could say the very same thing. But, look!" she said smiling at and petting Spike's nine inches of dangling fury. "There's plenty of Spike to go around!" She lowered her mouth back onto his cock, gobbling him like a drumstick while fondling his heavy balls.

Xander shrugged and laid down, fully nude, next to Spike, running his hands over Spike's chest and licking at his firm pecs.

"Mmmm, Spike," Xander said. "You taste so good..."

He laved Spike's nipples with the flat of his tongue. Spike moaned, the double assault by Xander and Anya felt too good, there was no way he could fight it anymore. Anya lifted her mouth off his cock.

"You ain't tasted nothin' yet," she said enthusiastically as she pumped her hand up and down. "Try this!" She pointed Spike's meaty cock at Xander, who licked his lips. "It's really good! Tastes kind of like those butterscotch candies I like..only better!"

"Well, I've never done this before, but..." He moved down and put his mouth around the fat head of Spike's cock. Anya continued to pump him into Xander's mouth.

"Good, isn't it?" she asked brightly.

"Mmm-hmmmm," Xander moaned around a mouthful of Spikey-goodness.

"Do you use any special body wash or bath oil that makes you taste so good, Spike? Spike?" Anya asked.

Spike groaned low in his throat. Xander was getting more experimental, taking more of Spike into his mouth, waggling his tongue back and forth, humming, all the stuff he knew that he enjoyed having done to him. Xander and Anya laced their fingers together around Spike's shaft, stroking him as one. Spike's hips started bucking off the bed, he ran his fingers through Xander's thick, dark hair. He needed to cum and soon. After the incidents with Giles and Joyce, and Anya's sexy striptease, he was ready to explode. Xander was quite good at giving head for someone who claimed never to have done it before.

Spike whimpered when Xander removed his mouth.

"Xander, don't stop, damn it!" he growled.

Xander mashed his lips on Spike's, putting his tongue in his mouth. While they were busy tongue wrestling, Anya took off her thong and positioned herself over Spike's engorged member. She dropped down, impaling herself on him.

"Ohhh, Spike!" she moaned, bouncing up and down on him, their pelvises smacking together on the down-strokes.

Spike moaned into Xander's mouth as Xander took one of Spike's hands and guided it to his own impressive erection.

"Please, Spike! You make me so hard..." he breathed. "Touch me!"

Spike was in no position to argue and he didn't want to. It had been a long time since he had some good three-way action. He gripped Xander's cock and slid his hand up and down.

"Yessss! Oh Spike! I've wanted you for so long!"

"But you could never admit it..." Spike supplied.

"Yesss, yesss, that's right! I pretended to hate you--Ahhh!--because I could never have you! I was so stupid. I had so many fantasies--Ungh!-- about you when you were tied to that chair in my basement. I wanted you so bad!" He sucked in air as Spike expertly jerked him off. "Please let me fuck you!" Xander begged.

Spike wasn't crazy about that idea, not that he hadn't enjoyed getting buggered in the past. He didn't like the idea of Xander being dominant over him.

"Ooooh! I know! Spike can fuck me and you can fuck him! Just like in that X-rated movie we watched the other night, honey, remember? 'Bang the Bum Slowly'...or was that 'Tool of the Nile'?"

"Oooh, yeah! That was so hot!" Xander said excitedly.

Anya raised herself off of Spike and laid on her back, spreading her legs and putting a pillow under her ass.

"Do I get a vote here?" Spike said, exasperated.

"Come on, Spike, please?" They both looked so eager and excited...all the fight was out of him.

"Okay...but you ain't goin' in dry, Whelp!"

Xander bounced on the bed and grinned happily. "Sure...anything! However you want it! I've got just the thing!" He turned and opened the top drawer of the nightstand, bringing out a tube of lube. "Anya and I have done this before but I always thought of you when we did it...no offense, Ahn."

"None taken." She smiled, pulling Spike on top of her. "I thought of him sometimes when you had your penis in my vagina. Hope you don't mind, sweetheart."

Spike settled on top of her and thrust inside in one swift motion. They groaned in pleasure.

"Not at all, dumplin'. It's really cool in a way! We both wanted him, and because we were thinking about him, he was with us! Only now, it's for real!" Xander applied the lube to his cock. "I thought about this so many times!"

Spike moved in and out of Anya using long, slow strokes, trying to make this last as long as possible. Xander kneeled on the bed behind him, massaging Spike's lower back with one hand while the other moved to his firm ass to prepare him as he fucked Anya. Then it was 'all systems go'. Xander's entire body trembled with anticipation, he really had wanted this for a long time.

He pushed slowly into Spike's tightness. Xander paused and shuddered, being inside the sexy blonde vamp felt even better than he imagined it would. After a few moments he began pumping into him as Spike plunged into Anya. She brought her legs up and rubbed them against Xander's hips and legs. Their combined moans and exclamations filled the room as their flesh slapped together.

"Oh--Spike--Ohh, Xander! Yessss! Ahhhh!"

"Fuck! Ahh! Christ! Uhhhh! Bloody Hell!"

"So good! Uhhhh! So fucking good! Never wanna stop!"

Spike suckled at Anya's breasts while Xander pounded into him from behind. Spike felt like he died and went to heaven. The two of them were eager and passionate lovers. And even if they did dust him after this, at least he would've had a bit of fun. Xander sped up his movements, gripping Spike's hips hard enough to leave bruises. Spike could feel all of them getting ready to cum. Vampire senses came in handy for more than just killing. He moved a hand to Anya's clit, rubbing and pinching it roughly.

"Unnngh! Spike!" she screamed as her pussy began convulsing around him.

"Anya! Ahhh! Xander--Ungh!--Fuck!" Spike howled as he started shooting inside Anya.

"SPIKE! ANYA! God! Love you!" Xander shouted as he exploded in the confines of Spike's tight ass.

They rode out the waves of their orgasms. When they were spent, they collapsed onto the bed in a sweaty tangle of limbs.

"Guys?" Anya said from underneath the pile. "Need to breathe here."

The men groaned, Xander disengaged from Spike and Spike from Anya. They laid on their backs with Spike in the middle, between the happy couple. They all were breathing hard, chests heaving.

"Wow..." Xander said in awe. "That was just...WOW! Even better than I imagined!"

"Mmmm!" Anya agreed, rolling on her side and draping an arm over Spike's chest. "I concur!"

"Was it...was it good for you, Spike?" Xander asked nervously.

Spike grinned goofily. "Yeah...that was a bit of all right!"

They chuckled. Xander rolled on his side to lay against Spike too. Lightly touching the tight muscles of Spike's abdomen with his fingertips and placing light kisses to his collarbone.

"I'm glad...I wanted to make you happy."

Spike put his arms around his two attentive lovers, caressing their shoulders. "I wouldn't 've believed it, but yeah, you made me very happy."

"Do you think..." Xander looked at him shyly. "Um, do you think that maybe you could fuck me too? I mean later, after you feel 'up' to it? I always wanted you to..."

Spike laughed. "Yeah, I think we can arrange that."

Xander smiled and sighed in relief.

"Well, what about me?" Anya pouted. "Wasn't I good?"

Spike kissed her tenderly. "You were amazing, luv," he said silkily. "You've got such a hot, tight, pretty l'il quim. Can't wait to taste you."

"Ohhh--I'd like that!" Anya cooed. "Can we do it now?" she said getting up on her knees clapping her hands.

Spike smiled. If he was going to die for this, he might as well do it right.

"Is she always this...rarin' to go?" Spike asked Xander with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep!" Xander laughed.

"Sure, luv. Climb aboard." He smiled at Anya invitingly.

She squealed and straddled Spike's face. He went to work right away, probing his long, agile tongue into her sopping pussy as he kneaded her ass. Xander moved back down Spike's body, stroking his own cock back to hardness as he licked and slurped the juices off of Spike's quickly re-hardening staff.

'Vampire constitution...ya gotta love it.' Spike thought as he flicked Anya's clit with the tip of his tongue.

"Ummmm, Spike! Yes!" Anya cried holding onto the headboard and throwing her head back.

Xander licked up and down Spike's cock, savoring the combined taste of Spike and his fiancée.

"Mmmm, tastes so good, so good..." Xander moaned dreamily before engulfing the cock with his mouth again.

"OH MY GOD!" someone shouted from the doorway.

Xander and Anya turned towards the door, Spike couldn't since his face was currently buried between Anya's thighs. But he stopped his ministrations, panic rising up in his gut. It was Buffy's voice.

"What--Oh my God!--How did--Oh God!" Buffy sputtered.

"Hi, Buffy!" Anya said, unconcerned about the situation. "Isn't it customary to knock before entering someone's home?"

Xander slid his mouth reluctantly off Spike's delicious cock with an audible 'pop'. "Hey, Buffster. We're a little busy right now, so if you don't mind..." he said casually.

Spike pushed Anya off of him and shooed Xander away from his dick.

"Now see what you did, Buffy? He was giving me great oral sex and you had to come in and make him stop! Thanks a lot!" Anya huffed.

"Buffy--" Spike covered himself with a pillow.

"Save it! You disgusting, evil thing! You took advantage of them! You knew they weren't in their right minds and you--you--raped them!"

Spike was outraged. He got out of the bed and grabbed his jeans off the floor.

"I did no such bloody thing! If anything, they took advantage of me! A bloke can only take so much touchy-feely, not to mention licky-sucky, before he gives in!" His eyes fixed on the stake Buffy brought out from behind her back.

"That's it, Spike. I'm not letting you get away with this."

His mouth went dry, he could tell she meant it this time. "Now, Buffy, let's not be rash." He climbed over the bed away from her, Xander and Anya reached out to caress him as he passed them. "I was sleep deprived...I couldn't fight off yet another sexual advance. First, Giles, then Joyce, I just--"

"WHAT!?" Buffy bellowed. "If you even thought about touching my mother..."

She lunged over the bed at him, stake held high. Spike yelped and jumped back. Xander and Anya jumped on Buffy, holding her down.

"Run, Spike! She's crazy! She's jealous of our love!" Anya yelled.

"Hurry! We'll hold her as long as we can!" Xander said, struggling with a very pissed off Slayer.

Spike stared at the naked couple holding down the Slayer for a second before picking up his shirt and looking for his boots.

"Spike! We can't hold her much longer! Go!" Anya cried.

Spike grabbed a blanket and ran as fast as he could, carrying his jeans and royal blue, button-down shirt in his hands. He ran out of the apartment buck naked, slamming the door behind him.

"Ewwww! Get off me!" Buffy screamed. "You're naked and sweaty and YUCK! I'm sooo going to kick your asses for this!"

Next Chapter