Title: Everybody Wants You
Author: PaganBaby
Email: paganbaby73@hotmail.com
Rating: NC-17! Do not read if you're under 18. There is adult content and sexual situations. Pairings include: M/M, M/F/F (as well as M/F), so if you're squicked by those, you shouldn't read this. There's also some BDSM. This fic is basically Spike + Practically Everyone.
Summary: What's a poor vamp to do when everyone suddenly becomes attracted to him?
Some actions will be indicated like this: *kiss*
Disclaimer: Joss and ME own the show and the characters, I'm just borrowing them for my own twisted purposes.
Song lyrics by Billy Squier. Right click to download the mp3 here: Everybody Wants You
Thanks to Tiana for beta-ing for me!
Spoilers: This fic takes place during season 6 after 'Tabula Rasa' but before 'Smashed'. In my story, Giles didn't leave but Buffy and Spike still kissed, also Joyce didn't die, I hated that they killed her off in season 5. Willow and Tara lived in an off campus apartment together instead of at Buffy's house.
Story Status: Complete

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Chapter 5b

Meanwhile, in the living room...

Cha-cha music blared from the speakers of the stereo. Buffy had turned it on to drown out the shouts and cries of pleasure coming from upstairs. Everyone tried desperately to concentrate on research. The men had pillows on their laps to conceal their uncomfortable hard-ons, and the women squirmed in their seats, their panties soaked through. Knowing what was going on up there, and not being able to join in or watch, was exceedingly difficult.

Giles flipped through another demonology text. He was about to turn a page when a drawing of a demon caught his eye.

"Buffy," he said loudly to be heard of the music. "Is this the demon you fought?"

He leaned over the table, holding his pillow over his crotch, and passed the book to her. She looked at the picture closely.

"Yes! This is it! This is the one from the cemetery!" she said excitedly.

"What?" Everyone asked leaning forward, they were having trouble hearing her.

She rolled her eyes and went over to the stereo. She turned the music down.

They heard Joyce yelling from her bedroom:


Buffy immediately turned the music back up. Ooookay, the music stays loud. At least Mom's having a good time. she thought.

She moved over and knelt at the coffee table, motioning for everyone to gather around. They knelt around the table, leaning in close to hear each other.

"This is the demon," she said pointing to the drawing in the book.

Xander slid the book in front of him, Anya and Giles. "It says here that it's called a 'Ynroh Demon'."

"I thought those were extinct," Anya added. "I never came across one the whole time I was a Vengeance Demon."

"Well, it didn't look too extinct when Spike and I fought it in the cemetery the other day...although I guess they could be extinct now," Buffy said.

Giles bent over the book.

"Yes, I remember, vaguely, reading about this demon when I was training to be a Watcher. I didn't commit it to memory because they were supposed to be extinct, as Anya mentioned." Anya smiled proudly. He scanned the information about the demon.

"What's it say about it's blood?" Willow asked.

"Um...here we are. It says that some secret societies through history used the demon's blood as an-- aphrodisiac. A drop or two of it's blood in a drink or smeared on your skin would make the object of your affection amorous. The 'infection' is transmitted through touch. Even the most fleeting of touches can activate it." Each of them remembered, vaguely, touching or being touched by Spike before he started making them crazy with lust. "It goes on to say..." he paused.

"What does it say?" the others asked.

"It says that it only brings out the inner-desires of the person who ingests or inhales it. You would have to be sexually attracted to the person already. The blood merely helps to break down inhibitions...allowing you to act on your passions."

"S-so, that means we all wanted to...we were all attracted to Spike, even before we were affected by the blood?" Tara asked, looking around the table.

"It would seem so," Giles stated, cleaning his glasses.

"Huh," Xander said. "That's...interesting."

"Well I always thought he was hot," Anya said matter of factly.

"How long do the effects last, does it say?" Buffy asked.

She wasn't happy at the prospect of going back to 'normal'. Spike made her happy, he made her friends happy. She didn't want it to end.

Giles read further. "Uh, yes, it says the effects wear off within 72 hours. Although the affected person or persons are able to think clearly once more, the attraction will remain at the surface, it can't be denied once it has been brought out."

"We can't fight it then?" Willow asked, not intending to fight it at all.

"We would have our free-will but we'll still have an intense attraction to him, crave his touch...apparently," he cleared his throat.

"Works for me!" Xander said with a grin.

"Me too," everyone else said at once.

"Okay, we need to work out a Spike schedule," Buffy stated.

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

Meanwhile, in Joyce's bedroom...

Spike pounded into her cunt hard and fast, again being careful not to hurt her. After she had cum from the oral stimulation she had untied his hands and feet quickly, begging him to fuck her. He gratefully obliged.

They were both careening towards climax. Joyce felt as if she were on a roller coaster, her mind was going a mile a minute, zipping along curves, dropping down into valleys only to ascend again on the other side. No man had ever made her feel so good. Her ex-husband hadn't, that's for sure. Spike was an experienced and very talented lover.

"Ohh! Spike! UNNNGGGHHH!" she screamed as she catapulted over the edge.

She got a sudden irresistible impulse to bite him. She sunk her teeth into the crook of his neck. Spike's body immediately stiffened and he began to cum, filling her pussy with load after thick, creamy load.

"Joyce! Argh! Ohhh, luv!" His whole body shook.

He had always loved being bitten during sex. This time was made even better because it was so unexpected. Joyce was just as full of surprises as her daughter.

He rolled off of her and laid on his back, exhausted but extremely satisfied. Joyce laid against him, petting and stroking his face and chest.

"Hope that was ok...the biting thing..." She looked at him with a shy smile.

"It was very, very ok." He gave her a lopsided smile and hugged her against him. "Nearly lost my mind when I felt your teeth on me, feel free to do that whenever the mood strikes you, by the way."

She smiled and cuddled up in his arms.

"What are you thinking?" she asked curiously.

"Right now?" he asked, she nodded. "Right now, I'm thinking that your ex is a barmy idiot. If you were my woman, wild horses couldn't drag me away from you." He kissed her forehead.

She smiled and sighed in contentment, rubbing her cheek against his chest.

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

Sometime later...

After thoroughly bathing to remove the remains of chocolate and marshmallows, Spike and Joyce came back downstairs. Joyce had changed back into a more 'Mom' appropriate outfit. Buffy was talking loudly. Spike grimaced at the awful music and went to the stereo, turning it off.

"Why were you listening to that crap?" He stuck a finger in his ear and wiggled it around. "Loud enough to pierce your bloody eardrums."

"We had to do something to...cover the noises you two were making!" Buffy stated.

Joyce blushed and looked down at her feet. Spike ran a hand through his wet hair, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Oh...well, uh, did you have any luck with the research?" he asked awkwardly, changing the subject.

"Yeah, we found it. It's called a 'Ynroh Demon'. It's blood acts like an aphrodisiac. But we knew that already," Buffy explained. "The effects are passed along through touch."

Spike knitted his brow. "I've heard of 'em before. But I thought--"

"They were extinct," Anya finished his sentence. "I thought so too."

"The effects should wear off any time now," Willow told him.

Spike's heart sank. 'It's going to wear off...I knew it was too good to last. They're going to tear me limb from limb when they come back to their senses...'

"Is that so?" he asked shakily, unable to keep the anxiety and disappointment out of his voice. "I should probably get going then...I don't think any of you are going to be very happy with me when you're...better."

He started to walk towards the front door. Buffy jumped up and went quickly over to him, blocking his path.

"Don't go, Spike. We want you to stay. Right, guys?" She looked at her friends, they nodded.

"That's fine and dandy, for now, but I don't wanna be around when you lot get pissed off." Just the thought of how angry they would be scared the shit out of him, the Wiccans alone could put a serious hurting on him.

"Giles, tell him what it said in the book, about how the blood affects people," Buffy asked.

"It said that the blood only brings out feelings that were already present, it basically reduces one's inhibitions. Our feelings for you won't change, we'll just be in more control of ourselves and our rampaging libidos. I highly doubt we'll be chasing you around with a stake."

"Unless it's part of a sex game," Anya said cheerfully.

Everyone voiced their agreement.

"You're sayin' that all of you--had the hots for me, even before I got covered in that thing's blood?" Spike asked incredulously.

"Yep," Buffy said. "So, you don't have to go. In fact..." She turned to Joyce. "Mom, it would be ok with you if Spike moved into the basement, wouldn't it?"

Joyce smiled blindingly. "Yes! That would be wonderful! You can move in right away, Spike! We can fix it up nice for you, some curtains, a nice, big bed..."

"Hey!" Xander whined. "How come he can't live with us? He likes the big screen TV, don't you, Spike?"

"Tara and I are going to get another place together, a bigger place. There'll be plenty of room for him with us," Willow piped in, holding her girlfriend's hand.

"I've got a flat all to myself, I think he'd be happier staying at my place," Giles said reasonably, cleaning his glasses for the umpteenth time.

Spike never thought he'd see the day that they would be fighting over who got to let him live with them. He was still a bit stunned by the revelation that they had wanted to shag him before the mojo.

"This is home base. He'll be happier and safer here with me, Mom and Dawn," Buffy said. "And I'm the Slayer and what I say goes!"

The group grumbled.

"We'll have to explain all this to Dawn when she gets back from your Aunt Marie's place..." Joyce said, a little concerned.

They were all relieved that Dawn was visiting Joyce's sister when the lust for Spike took hold. It would be very unfortunate if Dawn had been affected as well, as she was way too young for the 'Spike Experience'.

"Ooh!" Buffy said energetically. "I was making a list!" She went over to the coffee table and picked up a piece of paper she had written on, the top of the paper said 'Spike Schedule'. "We were working out a schedule for all of us, so we don't argue about who gets to..." She cleared her throat.

"On Mondays and Tuesdays you can stay over at Xander and Anya's place." Anya and Xander smiled at Spike. "On Wednesdays you can stay with Giles." Giles grinned wickedly. "Thursdays at Tara and Willow's." The Wiccans snuggled together. "Friday, Saturday and Sunday, you spend here. Of course, if any of you guys want to visit or...just drop by, you're totally welcome to."

The gang had already argued about why she got to have him for three days in a row. They had reluctantly agreed to it when Buffy and Joyce assured them they could come over to see him any time they wanted.

She looked up at Spike in anticipation. "How does that sound?"

"I--well--it sounds like you have it all sorted..." He was completely blown away. 'They worked out a bloody schedule for me? he thought. "You certainly are thorough."

Buffy grinned. "The schedule was Giles' idea."

Giles wanted to make sure he got some alone time with Spike. It still irked him that he didn't get a chance to have a go at Spike yet.

Buffy put her arms around Spike's neck, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Welcome home, Spike," she said sweetly.

He smiled back at her, a lump formed in his throat. It felt so good to be wanted.

"Thanks, pet. I think I'm going to like it here," he said, his voice rough with emotion.

Next Chapter