Title: First Breath
Author: Christine
Email: Xanderette43@hotmail.com
Distribution: My site, Lil’ Nibblin, Railroad Spikes and Runrises, Tremble, Original, Aurora Borealis... anywhere else, just let me know.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Spike, Dawn or any other Buffy character... Joss owns em.
Feedback: Pretty please with sugar on top?
Rating: PG-13.... will become R later on.
Couple: Spike/Dawn
Author's Notes: Post ‘The Gift’.... about 3 years from now.

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The wind blew her hair wildly as she walked briskly down the street near the cemetery. As she pushed open the gate, she felt something watching her again. She turned around slowly, but saw nothing but darkness and clouds looming over her. Shrugging, she turned back around and started walking the familiar pathway to the crypt she now called her second home.

She heard something behind her, but instead of turning around again to look, she stepped up her pace and continued down the pathway past the hundreds of gravestones that stood in the grass. She felt the presence behind her again and the tiny hairs on her neck stood at end. She began to run now, her skirt billowing up at the back. As she neared the crypt door, she felt a rough hand on her arm. She turned and her eyes grew wide as she tried to open her mouth to scream, but the demon’s other hand had put it against her mouth. She kicked at the crypt door, but got no response. The demon grabbed her shirt and started to drag her away.

Her shirt tore and she fell against the hard concrete. Bleeding and bruised, she pushed herself up and began to run, only to be kicked hard in the stomach by the green looking demon. She groaned and held her abdomen. The demon hauled her up again and this time locked his grip onto her upper arm. She started to cry silently, wishing that he would show up, but as her eyes darted around, she saw nothing but the endless rows of graves. She quickly thought of a move Buffy had once shown her while practicing with Giles. She used her free arm, and punched the demon in the face while kicking him in the groin at the same time. The demon snarled and let her arm go while he put his scaly hand to his nose. She turned towards the crypt and began to run as fast as she could. The demon started to chase after her, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to get to the door in time without him getting to her first. She drew in her breath as much as she could, and screamed the one name of whom she trusted with her life.

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