Title: Hero: An Alternate Ending
Author: Tracey G
Email: rainbowflutterby@hotmail.com
Summary: This takes place during Something Blue (Buffy) and Hero (Angel)
Spoilers: I Will Remember You, Something Blue and Hero
Rating: PG-14
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em so don't sue 'cause ya won't get much.
Notes: This story is kind of weird. You know how sometimes you get an idea in your head and can't get rid of it until you write it. Well, that's where this came from. I guess my imagination was in over-drive :D
"You ready?" Buffy asked as she and Angel stood outside Giles' door.
"Yep," Angel nervously wiped his hands on the front of his pants.
Buffy knocked lightly on the front door. She looked up at Angel and could tell how nervous he was. "Don't worry. It'll be fine."
"I know," Angel leaned down and kissed her softly.
The gang was all sitting around Giles' small apartment waiting for Buffy and trying to figure out what it was she had to tell them.
"I still think she got back together with Angel," Willow said from her perch on the couch. Oz sat next to her holding her hand.
"Right, I'm sure," Xander argued sarcastically. "We all know how stubborn Angel is. As long as he thinks he's doing what's best for Buffy he won't let himself go back to her, no matter how much he loves her."
"Fine. Whatever." Willow scuffed. "Believe what you want." There was a knock at the door. "I'll bet that's Buffy. Now, we'll see who's right." She got up and went to open the door.
Willow pulled open the door and found Buffy and Angel locked in a passionate kiss. "I knew it!!" she exclaimed excitedly.
Buffy pulled away reluctantly and smiled sheepishly at Willow. "Hi, Will."
Willow grinned and turned to go back to the living room. Buffy grabbed Angel's hand and they followed her.
"You see? I *was* right." Willow gloated as she they entered the living room. She took her place on the couch next to Oz.
"Hey guys," Buffy said with a big smile.
"Hello Buffy. Angel," Giles greeted them with a soft smile.
"Hey, wait a minute!" Xander jumped up from the chair he was sitting in and went over to the window. "What's going on?" He pulled up the window blind. "It's the middle of the afternoon. How'd you get in here?"
As the sun flooded into the room everybody watch Angel, expecting him to run for cover. When he didn't they all stared at him in shock. Buffy just stood beside him and beamed.
"Bloody hell!" Spike yelled when a beam of sun hit him. He jumped out of his chair and dashed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.
"Good show, Xand," Buffy giggled as they watched Spike.
"Yeah, and I wasn't even trying," Xander agreed. "Now, what's going on? How did Dead Boy get here with becoming a crispy critter?"
"He's a bloody human!" Spike called from the bathroom.
"Human?" Willow asked.
"H-How? Why?" Giles asked.
Buffy and Angel told them what a had happened, starting with Buffy's first visit to LA and ending with the Powers That Be deciding that Angel deserved a second chance for life and happiness.
"I must say this is very fascinating," Giles said. "I've never heard of such a thing happening before."
"So what are you guys going to do now?" Willow asked.
"Well, we're going to do the long distance thing," Angel told them.
"Then, during the summer, I'm going to move in with Angel," Buffy finished for him.
"Well, I have just one thing to say," Xander said with a grim face. Everybody looked at him. He broke into a smile. "Nobody deserves it more. I'm happy for you guys."
Buffy let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding and walked over to hug Xander. "Thank you. You have know idea how much the means to me."
"To the both of us," Angel added. "Considering everything that's happened."
"We're all happy for you," Giles told them.
"Speak for yourself," they heard Spike yell from the bathroom. They looked at each other and burst out laughing.
The End!