Title: I Said Date
Author: Christie Baird
Email: Crusty_y2k_uk@yahoo.com
Rating: PG
Summary: Willow's just found out that Oz likes her - sort of wackiness ensues!
Spoilers: What's My Line...etc
Distribution: You want it, just ask!
Dedication: To Tiffany - who's son Riley just loves to hide her Buffy CD...lol...

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Willow's POV

Have you ever felt like the whole world is going crazy around you? That's how I feel today, I'm not sure how to say this because I'm not even sure how I really feel, only that the world has been all jumbled up while I'm in the middle of it and I can't stop it. I know that sounds strange, well, at least it looks strange written down on paper - it'll sound strange if someone's reading this and...XANDER HARRIS, if you're reading this put it down, right now!

Okay, panic over...there, I go again, thinking of him. Thinking of Xander. It's so hard not to, after all this time. I know he's smitten with Buffy, you can see that every time he looks at her...and sometimes, he gets a little weird over Cordelia, but that's Cordelia so I've got nothing to worry about there but...it's not that. I met someone today. And he's nice, he's really...he's cool. And I have this weird sort of fixation on his hands but...I keep coming back to Xander.

Part of me thinks I'll always come back to Xander, and that I'll never have a relationship with another because I'll always want Xander but...Oz. That's his name, Oz. He's in a band...I know people will call me a groupie, but it's not that. Their music's good, they played at the Bronze when Ampata tried to life-suck Xander. That's where Oz said he first noticed me...in my eskimo costume. I almost fell to the floor when he said that...I mean, I've always been an individualist of sorts but not a brave one! I didn't wear that to get noticed! I wore it because I thought it was cool...and now it turns out Oz thinks it was cool and everythings confusing! I want Xander! I have all these naughty, lusty feelings towards Xander that I know would probably scare him if he knew but...now I have all these lusty feelings towards Oz too. No, not lusty...not with either of them it's more...wondering what it would be like to kiss them, I guess. It's always been Xander. It's always been Xander's lips that I've wanted pressed on mine, just for a minute. But when Oz said he liked me...all of a sudden, they weren't Xander's lips anymore...it wasn't Xander anything! It was Oz...Oz everything!

Oz hands, Oz lips...even Oz smell...not in a bad way, a nice musky smell. In one moment, everything of Xander was replaced and I felt guilty! Me! It felt like I'd cheated on Xander! We've never even kissed! I mean, well, not in a sloppy way...more like a 4th grade, 'Giz uh kiss' way when you were trying to get away from them 'cause you hated kisses! It's just so strange! I've obsessed about Xander for so long, and now there's someone else on the scene I feel so guilty.

I have these dreams...I always wake up before they get too naughty but...I have these dreams where Xander and I kiss...almost like we did when Buffy came home and we were attacked by that vampire. We kiss and Xander's the only thing I've ever known, the only thing I ever will know and the world just sort of fades away...

I've faced lots of things on the Hellmouth before, but I'd never dreamed I'd write the words 'I Almost Got Shot Today' in my diary. And I never thought the words following would be I think I'm getting sort of attached to the guy who saved me...and it wasn't Xander. Oz took a bullet for me...pushed me out of the way and he got shot...but Xander's saved me from Vampires and stuff...when we went patrolling with Buffy...and he's saved Buffy too! Xander's brave!

I wish I could call Buffy...but she's looking after Angel after Spike and Drusilla tried to kill him to restore Drusilla. Kendra helped, she's...odd...but in a nice sort of way. Buffy feels a little out of place with her around, she called her 'She Giles'...and Xander...

There I go again! Getting back to Xander! He was acting all odd today around Cordelia again, God, those two get more weird...and when I left him, I saw Oz, struggling to open a box of animal crackers. He said, "You have the sweetest smile I've ever seen..." See! Quote marks and everything! He really said that, to me! I blushed for about a mili-second, but instead of embarassing me he just kept on going...we talked about Monkey pants...and how they get annoyed because the hippo is always stealing the monkey's pants. And then...he told me he liked me, that was it, he just blurted it out. He said, he liked me. I don't even think I heard most of what he said because I was kinda like...eek...but...I dunno, I feel like I'm cheating on Xander and we've never had anything together.

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(A couple of weeks later - *During Surprise*)

Everytime, I come back to Xander, everytime I think about Oz, my mind strays back to Xander and I feel guilty. Until today. Buffy and I were talking (she's going to 'seize the moment' with Angel!!!! This is so huge!) and she told me to make a move. Told me that I can't wait forever for Xander to wake up and smell the hottie. So, I did it. I made a move. I went over to Oz and we talked...the uncomfortable thing for a couple of brief seconds then he said this...again, quote marks and everything...

"I'm going to ask you out tomorrow night, and I'm kinda nervous so..." He smiled.

"Well if it makes you feel any better? I'm gonna say yes."

"Oh...it does." He said, "Creates a kind of...comfort zone. Will you go out with me tomorrow night?"

"Oh! I can't!"

"Well, see I like that you're unpredictable..." He said, smiling.

"Y'see it's Buffy's birthday and we're sorta having a party but..." I had a brain wave, "You could come..."

"Well, I don't wanna crash..."

"No...you could be m-my date..." I smiled. I said date.

"That sounds good." I SAID DATE!

"Meet you at the Bronze at seven?" I SAID DATE!

"Sure..." I gestured, for the walking...away...thing...I said date.

He nodded, and I walked away, I said Date...