Title: Journal
Author: Moonloon
Email: maryavatar@gmail.com
Website: Amused and Abused
Feedback: maryavatar Rating: Rish
Fandom: Buffy
Pairing: Andrew/Warren, Andrew/Xander (sort of)
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters and I'm not making any money
Summary: Xander returns Andrew's journal
Note 1: Set mid-late S7.
Note 2: Written for the contrelamontre 'couch' challenge

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Andrew slumped down on the couch next to Xander. "Buffy confiscated my camera. I think there's some reason the universe doesn't want me to keep records."

"Huh?" Xander was watching football, most of the Slayerettes having decamped to the mall for the afternoon.

"This always happens. I had an on-line blog, but it crashed. I used to keep a journal when I was a supervillan, but Jonathan hid it and it got left behind. And now my documentary on Buffy and my redemption has gone down the tubes too." Andrew slid further down into the cushions and pouted. "What?" He asked, as Xander turned and gave him a funny look. "It's not like I was trying to tape anyone having sex. This time... oops."

Xander got up off the couch and left the room without a word. Andrew sighed, "Crap," and started flicking through the channels trying to find some sci-fi.

"Here." Xander was holding out...

"Oh God, where did you find it?" Andrew took his old journal out of Xander's hands.

"We found it when we went through your lair looking for clues. I guess it got tossed in a box and left down in the cellar."

Andrew opened it at a random page and grinned at the familiar Klingon writing. He hadn't read Klingon for almost a year, and it was comfortingly familiar.

Nov 15

I've almost, sort of, lost my virginity! Not my official virginity, but today Jon went out for magical supplies and Warren asked me if I wanted to suck him off. I was totally cool and just said 'okay' and then I did it! That guy that wrote 'Swordplay at Sunset' was wrong though, because that stuff is so not 'sweet man-nectar', it's disgusting. I had to swallow it too, because Warren was holding onto my head. He says it's an acquired taste, I think it's just yuck. It's good to know it's not just mine that's nasty, because I was a bit worried after I read that book.

Warren was going to do me too, but while I was brushing my teeth he got a phone call about some spare parts and he had to pick them up right away, which totally sucked. He didn't get back until after stupid Jonathan was back, so I had to jerk off in the bathroom again. I really really wish the shower curtain didn't have Darth Vadar on it, it's like he's watching and it puts me off.

Andrew slammed the journal closed. "Oh, I'm so glad no one read this. I was such a kid."

Xander was looking at him with that expression again. "What makes you think no one read it?"

"It's written in Klingon, and it's set to self destruct if anyone uses a translation spell on it."

"I can read Klingon," Xander said, flushing slightly. "I'm sorry, but we had to be sure there weren't any plans in there. If it makes you feel better I didn't tell anyone else what I read."

Andrew dug a fingernail into the binding, right next to the words 'Andrew loves Warren' in tiny Klingon script. "Oh."

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence, then Andrew felt Xander's warm hand on his shoulder. "Andrew, you'll love again. And it'll probably be someone a whole lot more worthy than Warren."

Andrew looked up and smiled. "Thanks." And realised someone worthy was sitting right in front of him.