Title: Kissing Raindrops
Author: Nightbird
Email: nightbird@watertek.freeserve.co.uk
Distribution: A Vampire, A Demon and a Prom Queen - Subsection to SHL. Anyone else LMK.
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Please don't sue. I own the plot and that's about it everything else is Joss' stuff
Couple: Cordy/Angel - new one for me!
Notes: I was inspired to write this by Wravyn and it's very new to me as this is a double whammy of new-ness, as I've never written Cordy or Cordy/Angel before. I also don't see "Angel" until Jan. so mind any timeline mistakes.
Dedication: Wravyn who got me hooked on A/C and Stryx, Soul' and Gunbunny, you guys know why. Feedback: Does Nightbird love feedback? Yes I doooooo! (Hint, hint)

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It's raining! Did I mention how much I, Cordelia Chase hate the rain? Do you know what it does to my clothes and hair? It ruins them and of course Angel is late leaving me to hang around in the rain.

I'm standing here in the rain and the blue skirt I wore to the audition is soaked though and wrapping its self around my legs. I didn't get the part; it went to some blonde bimbo who is most probably sleeping with her agent. Bitchy aren't I? Well this is the fifth audition I've lost to some blonde. I lose a lot of things to blondes, Xander to his crush on Buffy and my popularity to Harmony and you know what, neither of them are really blondes.

Anyway it's raining and Angel still hasn't come to get me, I bet he has forgotten about little old me. Oh wait here he is, an hour late. I get into the car, serves him right for leaving me in the rain if I get the seats wet. Like why do I put up with him? He's a vampire, he drinks blood - like can you say eww? And he can't go out in the sun. Did I mention he lurks? But still he's really cute, has wonderful dress sense and treats me better than any guy I've ever gone out with before.and he's kissing raindrops off my nose.

I've remembered why I put up with him.