Title: LA Willow
Author: Challie B
Email: challieb_0730@yahoo.com
Rating: PG so far
Disclaimer: Joss and Mutant Enemy own everything; I’m broke so don’t sue me.
Summary: Willow & Spike need to get away.
Feedback: PLEASE. I need it like a drug.
Distribution: Fire & Ice, Lover’s Walk, WitchFanFic. Everyone else ask and ye shall receive.
Author's Notes: < > = thoughts.

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

Willow searched through her diskettes piled on her desk. She was hunting for her history paper, but found a piece of history itself--Jenny’s disk. Angel’s curse. She had thought she had lost it back in high school. Things seemed to turn up when they were needed, not necessarily when you wanted them. Willow wondered what she would need the curse for, but just in case she slipped it into the center drawer of her desk.

"Willow, come on already," Buffy called from downstairs.

"Just a second," Willow called back. she thought to herself. She spotted her history disk and popped it into her laptop. Quickly, she pulled up the correct file and scanned through it. Closing out of her computer she slipped her disk in her backpack. Running downstairs she found Buffy waiting impatiently by the front door. "Sorry," Willow apologized as they walked to the car.

Willow’s parents had decided at the end of her sophomore year to go on an indefinate academic tour. They told Willow she and her friends could live in the house; so Buffy and Xander moved in that summer. Willow kept her old room and gave Buffy her parents bedroom. Xander used the spare room down the hall. Anya seemed to live in Xander’s room as well. The less Willow knew about the better she felt. Riley spent a lot of time at the house, but hadn’t spent the night, as far as Willow knew. Again the less information the better.

Spike moved into her basement last year. He had tried living on his own for a while, but the most feared vampire in Europe (or so he constantly told everyone) didn’t like to be alone. Willow figured this had to be the case or why else would anyone cohabitate with Harmony, human or vampire. It baffled the mind.

Willow pushed open the front door and dropped her keys on the side table. She dumped her backpack on the stairs to take up later. She trudged to the kitchen and tripped over a boot lying on the floor. Picking up the offending object she opened the basement door and threw it down. It landed with a satisfying thud and she shut the door. < I live with a bunch of slobs. At least Spike usually keeps his contained in the basement. >

She searched the cupboards for something to eat. she fumed to herself as she passed the sink full of dirty plates and glasses.

With a sigh she opened the dishwasher and started to fill it. Once the dishwasher was humming quietly she cleaned up the rest of the kitchen. She threw out the empty cereal boxes Xander had left in the cabinet and after sniffing the milk poured it down the sink. After she scrubbed the counter tops down she sat at the table to make a grocery list. Half an hour and four aspirin later Willow was headed back out the door to the go shopping.

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