Title: LA Willow
Author: Challie B
Email: challieb_0730@yahoo.com
Rating: PG so far
Disclaimer: Joss and Mutant Enemy own everything; I’m broke so don’t sue me.
Summary: Willow & Spike need to get away.
Feedback: PLEASE. I need it like a drug.
Distribution: Fire & Ice, Lover’s Walk, WitchFanFic. Everyone else ask and ye shall receive.
Author's Notes: < > = thoughts.

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Part 12/?

Cordelia tossed her purse onto a chair as she walked into Angel’s kitchen. Her jaw dropped to her Versace shoes when she saw Spike and Angel. Spike wore only a pair of faded black jeans. Angel had on black cotton slacks and a shirt he left unbuttoned. The two of them stood at the stove shoulder to shoulder. Occasionally Angel would brush his hand against Spike’s. He even leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek and he was actually smiling.

"Okay. Who are you and what have you done with my broody boss?" she asked after she picked her chin off the floor.

Angel turned quickly. "Cordelia. I didn’t hear you come in."

"Obviously. Where’s Willow?"

"She’s still in bed."

Cordy cocked her eyebrow. She glanced over her shoulder into the living room. she thought as she turned on her heel and headed for the bedroom. She found the red head snuggled under the covers. "Willow?" she called knocking on the open door.

One green eye popped open. Seeing Cordelia, Willow sat up and motioned her into the room. "Close the door," she whispered.

The tall brunette shut the door behind her. Perching herself on the end of the bed she gave the young witch a hard stare. "You’d better start spilling. What happened to brood boy and fang face out there?" she asked tossing her head in the general direction of the kitchen.

"Why? What are they doing?" The last she’d seen they were fine.

"They’re all lovey-dovey out there. And quite frankly it’s disturbing."

"Oh, that."

"Yeah, that. What did you do to them?"

"I found a spell to permanently restored Angel’s soul."

"Well, since Angel’s still wearing cotton, I take it it worked."

"It worked."

"Did you get to take it out for a test drive?" Cordy asked nudging Willow’s foot. She watched the blush start at her collar bone and work its way up to her hairline.

"No, Spike did. I had to perform the spell while the curse was being broken," she explained.

"You little voyeur you," she teased. Leaning closer she whispered, "Did you see anything?"

"Not much. I was in a trance through most of it," Willow grumbled. "Then I passed out."

"Isn’t that always the case? Are you okay?" While Cordelia and Willow had never been what anyone would call friends, Cordelia respected Willow’s ability to pull Angel out of a deep funk with one of her e-mails.

"I’m fine now. Angel insisted on making me breakfast in bed."

"Doesn’t look like you put up much of a fight," Cordy commented. "Good for you. Do you want to go shopping later?"


"Great. I’m going to go upstairs and air quote work. I’ll see you after breakfast then." She climbed off the bed and exited the room.

Willow remained in bed for a few more minutes. She couldn’t hear anything from the other room. she thought as she threw back the covers. She found Angel and Spike talking quietly as they put together her breakfast tray.

"I wish you’d reconsider, Spike," Angel said as he scooped scrambled eggs onto the plate.

"You’d be sick of me in a month, Peaches," he replied as he spread orange marmalade on a piece of whole wheat toast. "Besides then Willow would have to deal with those two morons by herself."

"You’re making excuses, Spike. Do you want to move here to LA or not?"

Willow wasn’t prepared for the answer so she let out a loud yawn and walked into the kitchen. "Is breakfast ready yet? Or are you planning on starving me?"

"Breakfast is ready, pet," Spike said. He was relieved at the interruption. He wasn’t prepared to answer his sire’s question just yet.

"Oh, good. Cordelia and I are going shopping today. I’m sure you two can find something to occupy yourselves while we’re gone," she said taking the plate Angel handed to her and pulled out a chair.

Angel knelt down beside her chair and took one of her small hands into his own. He looked deep into her green eyes. "Willow, I don’t know how I’m going to repay you for what you did."

She tugged her hand loose and picked up her fork. "You can give me your credit card to use," she joked piling her fork with fluffy eggs.

"Done." He stood.

Willow almost dropped her fork. "I was kidding, Angel. Really it was nothing."

Angel and Spike exchanged a look. "Well, I’m not." He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and handed over the platinum Visa. "Buy what ever you want."

Willow took the plastic card and set it on the table beside her plate. Quietly she ate her breakfast. she thought as she swallowed the last bite. She tried to avoid Angel and Spike’s glances as she set the plate in the sink and left to take a shower. Knowing Cordelia’s shopping stamina she dressed in loose comfortable clothes.

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Cordelia sat at her desk filling out some paperwork. she asked herself as she tried to avoid another papercut. She still hadn’t recovered from the one last week. Of course it happened an hour before she went on an audition for hand lotion. Glancing up she noticed Willow standing in the doorway. "Hey. All set?"

"Yep. Ready for a marathon shopping trip," she replied.

"That’s the spirit. Let’s go." She grabbed her purse and called out to Angel. "We’re leaving."

"Cordy, wait," Angel called back.

She rolled her hazel eyes. "I knew I shouldn’t have said anything."

Angel walked through the door. "Willow, you forgot my credit card," he said holding it up.

Cordelia’s shoulders straightened as she plucked the shiny card out of her boss’ hand. "I’ll take that."

"Cordelia, give that back." The brunette pouted, but keep her grip on the Visa. "Angel, I told you I was kidding."

He knew he wouldn’t be able to persuade Willow to take his card so he put his arm around his assistant’s shoulders. In a stage whisper he said, "It has no limit. Go wear it out."

She looked into his brown eyes. There was a light she’d never seen before. A twinge of a conscious she didn’t realize she possessed made her asked, "Are you sure?" At his nod she pulled away from him and grabbed Willow’s elbow.

"We are so out of here."

"We’ll go out for dinner tonight," Angel called as the door closed behind the two women.

"That’s it? A couple of frocks and a meal? That’s how you’re going to repay her?" Spike asked leaning against the doorjamb.

"Don’t forget Cordelia had my credit card. I expect a Visa bill of at least five grand if I’m lucky. Besides I’ve got other plans in mind to thank Willow," he said with a crooked grin. "Want to help?"

Spike looked at his sire and smiled.

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"Cordy," Willow called tot he expert power shopper. Her arms were tired from carrying all the shopping bags. < I think my hands are permanently cramped and I don’t even want to think about my feet. > The tall brunette stopped in front of a window display. While she carried just as many packages, if not more, she looked as fresh as when they entered the mall four hours ago. Willow trudged over to the window display Cordy was admiring. "Cordelia, are we almost done?"

"Done? We’ve only covered half the mall." She looked over at the red head as Willow groaned. She looked ready to drop. "I’m sorry. I should have realized you’re not trained to power shop. My mother started training me before I could walk. How about we grab something to eat? That should get your strength up. Are your feet sore?"

"They’re killing me," Willow replied as they headed for the escalator to the lower level.



"That means we can go shoe shopping after we eat. Always shop for shoes after you’ve been on you’re feet all day. They swell up . If you buy shoes too early in the day the shoes you buy end up being too small when you wear them. It’s a scientific fact," Cordy said knowingly.

"Well, my feet are certainly swelled," she sighed. She glanced from her sneakers to Cordy’s feet. "Can we put the bags in the car?"

"No. We may have to match shoes to your new wardrobe."

"Can’t we just carry a couple of bags and I’ll do a spell to transport the clothes we want into the bags when we need them?" Willow asked in desperation.

"You can do that?"


"Why didn’t you say something before?"

"Wasn’t desperate enough, I guess," she said with a shrug causing one of the her bags to slip off her shoulder.

After depositing all but a few shopping bags in the car’s trunk, the two women returned to the food court. Willow grabbed a Whopper and Cordy picked up some Thai food.

"So which one do you want?" Cordy asked as she stuck a fork full of noodles into her mouth.

Willow finished swallowing her Coke before asking, "What?"

"Spike and Angel. Which one do you want?" she asked innocently.

Willow refrained from spraying Cordy with her soft drink. "Kind of personal, don’t you think?"

"No." She paused to take another bite. "Come on. Spill. Are you a chocolate or vanilla kind of gal."


"Blonde or brunette. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one."

Willow chewed on a few fries before she whispered, "Both."

Cordelia’s fork paused in mid-air. Arching one perfectly shaped brow she looked at the blushing red head. "Go, Will. Course you’re going to have to work on that blushing thing you do."

"You don’t think I’m weird?"

"For wanting both of them? No. Let’s face it. They’re both total hot. And with your new clothes I think you might be able to pull it off. With my help, of course." She pushed aside her half eaten plate. "Hurry up. We have shoes to buy." The two young women grinned at each other.

Next Chapter