Title: LA Willow
Author: Challie B
Email: challieb_0730@yahoo.com
Rating: PG so far
Disclaimer: Joss and Mutant Enemy own everything; I’m broke so don’t sue me.
Summary: Willow & Spike need to get away.
Feedback: PLEASE. I need it like a drug.
Distribution: Fire & Ice, Lover’s Walk, WitchFanFic. Everyone else ask and ye shall receive.
Author's Notes: < > = thoughts.

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

Part 3/?

Angel set aside the book he was reading when he heard the computer beep. He clicked on his e-mail icon and pulled up Willow’s reply.


You don’t wanna know. >: [


"Wow. An angry face. Didn’t think Will knew how to make one of those," Angel said as he pulled up a new message.


If I didn’t want to know I wouldn’t have asked. It can’t be that bad

0 : )

Willow sighed as she made some notes on her study aide. < Why did I think this would be fun> She glanced up at her laptop. It had beeped that she had mail about five minutes ago. So far she had resisted opening it. She knew if she put aside her studying she’d never go back to it. "Oh, well. What the heck." She clicked on the icon and quickly read the message. She smiled at Angel’s angel symbol. "Okay, buddy, you asked for it." She started typing.

Angel opened the message.

"You asked for it. This has been the worst day of my life. I woke up late. By the time I go to take a shower everyone had used up the hot water. When I got out my goose bumps had goose bumps. I couldn’t find the disk that had my history term paper so I had to spend ten minutes looking for that. Buffy was pissed cuz I was going to make her late. (Like she’s Miss Punctuality!) We hit just about every red light in Sunnydale. My first class was okay so I thought it was going to be an okay day. Well , on the way to my history class I fell and ripped a hole in the knee of my favorite jeans. Then I though I’d get something to eat. Of course I spilled spaghetti on my new shirt. Then after class I had to hear it from Buffy that her Prof. gave her a lecture cuz she was late. I dropped her off at Giles and on the way home the car got a flat so I had to change that. I came home hoping to get some peace and quiet, but no I find that we have no food in the house and I live with a bunch of slobs. So I cleaned the kitchen and had to go grocery shopping. Of course I didn’t have enough cash or my checkbook so I had to run to the ATM (major embarrassment). When I did get home, Spike helped me put the groceries away (only high point in my day). He was rubbing my neck when Xander came in and grabbed my arm to yank me away from Spike. Said he was saving me. From what I have no idea. How was your day?"

He chuckled as he could hear Willow’s voice rambling.

"Well it sounds like you did have a bad day. It’s got to get better doesn’t it?"

"Not necessarily. This is Sunnydale."

"True. I sounds like you could use a vacation."

"I’m not sure I should. As fast as this house gets messed up I may not be able to find it when I get back. Besides where would I go?"

"You could always come here to LA to visit. I’d love to see you again. You and Cordy can pick on me. I know she’d enjoy it."

"Aww. Poor Angel. I don’t know. Maybe. I’ve got one last final tomorrow. I’ll let you know, kay?"


"I’ve really got to study now. Bye."

"Good luck, not that you need it."

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