Title: LA Willow
Author: Challie B
Email: challieb_0730@yahoo.com
Rating: PG so far
Disclaimer: Joss and Mutant Enemy own everything; I’m broke so don’t sue me.
Summary: Willow & Spike need to get away.
Feedback: PLEASE. I need it like a drug.
Distribution: Fire & Ice, Lover’s Walk, WitchFanFic. Everyone else ask and ye shall receive.
Author's Notes: < > = thoughts.
Part 9/?
Willow found the entrance under the post office. She entered the dark room and spotted the bowl on the alter. She gathered the ingredients and dumped them into the basin. Grabbing a match out of her pocket she lit the fire. The room filled with light and the white marble portal glowed. Willow felt the pull and entered the doorway. Just as her back foot crossed the threshold she thought she heard someone call her name. Her green eyes scanned the room. It was big and white. Directly across from her she saw two figures, one male and one female. Both were dressed in a black toga thingy. Willow had never seen an oracle before, but she didn’t expect them to have blue and gold skin.
“What have you brought us?” the female asked.
“Huh? Oh, the offering. Yeah. I wasn’t sure what you’d like so I brought you chocolate, cuz that’s what I like,” she said as she pulled a box of Godiva chocolate from her pocket. The female held out her hand and the box flew from Willow’s hand and settled on the blue-gold hand.
“Chocolate?” the male asked as she opened the box.
“Yeah, and it’s the good kind. After all the Oracles deserve better than Hershey’s,” Willow explained while she waited for them to taste it.
The female placed a piece on her tongue. Smiling she offered one to her counterpart. “I like this. You may ask you’re question.”
“Okay. Uhm. Would it harm the end results if Angel had his soul permanently restored?” she asked as the two Oracles circled the young witch.
“The end results?” the male asked.
“You know. His redemption. His mission in life, or unlife as the case may be.”
“Why do you care about that? You could just do it and let the consequences be what they are,” the female said.
“I wouldn’t endanger Angel’s redemption. He’s my friend. He deserve some happiness in his life. I know it won’t stop him from helping others,” she explained trying to keep her eyes on the circling pair.
“You do realize he may not choose you after it’s done,” the male said as he returned to his place at the far doorway.
“That doesn’t matter. As long as he’s happy.” For once she didn’t lie to herself that she wanted Angel. < I guess you can’t lie to an Oracle. >
The blue and gold pair stood side by side and looked at each other before looking back at Willow. “It won’t harm the end results,” the said together.
The female said, “Thank you for the chocolates.”
“You may go,” the male said as he waived his hand.
Willow felt herself thrown through the portal and landed on her butt. Dazed she sat up. She realized she knew exactly what she had to do. The exact details were a little fuzzy but the were clearing up by the second.
“Willow! Are you okay?” Angel asked as he pulled her to her feet.
“What the bloody hell was that? She just went in,” Spike asked as he brushed dirt and leaves off her back.
“Time has no meaning in there. She could have read every book in existence in there and it would have looked like she just entered the door,” Angel explained. “What happened, Willow?”
Willow looked up at the dark brooding vampire and then looked at the blonde one. She knew exactly what she had to do. Now if she could get them to agree, but first she had do get some supplies.
“Willow?” Spike asked as she stood silently. “What the hell did those bloody Oracles do to her, mate?”
“Nothing. I have some things to do. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.” She turned to walk out the door. “Oh, Angel, they really like Godiva chocolates for future reference,” she said as she walked out the door.
“I hate it when she does that,” Spike said as he kicked a stone across the room.
“She does this a lot?” Angel asked.
“No. But I hate it when she does.”
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