Title: Logic
Author: Luisa
Email: luisa_barros@hotmail.com
Rating: R (contains allusions to rape and some violence)
Description: First sequel to The Devastation Trilogy.
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns all.
Dedication: To Lanie, who´s a real trooper. ;-)
Note: This happens in S3. Spike´s not nice.

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

Willow could feel herself changing. Growing unfamiliar. The days were different because he was in her life. Ever present, cocky and unshakeable. Spike walked in and out of her house as it pleased him. He bought her things, some of which she ended up liking against her will. Necklaces, roses, books. Lipstick. Panties...she´d been appalled.

"I won´t wear them.", she´d blurted out, green eyes filled with latent pain. He´d sat on her bed, eyeing her from head to foot.

"Oh you will, pet. They´ll replace the ones I...took.", he murmured, suddenly searching for his lighter.

The redhead gaped incredulously, heart on fire. "Took?! You nearly cut me up, Spike..."

The vampire looked up, mouth set in perfect fury. "Didn´t even come close, so pipe down."

She turned away abruptly, moving towards her desk. "I want you to leave."

He sighed, endeavouring to keep impatience firmly in check. "What difference does it make to you, pet, whether I stay or leave? Your ´rents obviously don´t give a fuck about you and this place´s a bloody mausoleum.", he finally let impatience win, "You spend enough time alone!".

To Willow it all rang true except that it was Spike´s voice saying it. "And you´re here to what?...Care? Like you cared when you...you...", she couldn´t think it, let alone say it. And the vampire wouldn´t hear it.

Two steps and and he was shaking her. Hard. "I...what?", he spat.

Willow was gazing at him like a scared fawn.

"We made love. Not my fault you were too uptight to enjoy it."

The words were drenched in violence. She suddenly raised her fists and smashed them against his chest. Tears stung her eyes as she pounded him over and over again, hitting his face several times. He let her, at one point steadying her body when she lost her balance. The dying cigarette was crushed into the carpet by one of his boots. She didn´t notice.

"ENJOY IT?!? Enjoy this, you psychotic MANIAC!", she yelled, feverish and desperate.

When it was clear he wasn´t remotely disturbed by her outburst, she gave up, sobbing on the floor like a lost child. There was no point. Spike would never get it. To him it had been great. Just a way of branding her. The vampire didn´t understand the concept of rape and she didn´t feel strong enough to make him. He forced her up and held her in front of him.

"Pet, this is a moot point. We´ll do it again and there won´t be any pain.", he gazed at her keenly, "None."

Before she could answer, he laid his lips on hers, one hand closing at the back of her neck. Willow´s eyelids fluttered down and she swayed slightly. She felt dirty but distant. There were no weapons against logic and somehow everything he said sounded logical...

"No more tears, love." His tone was persuasive. Releasing her mouth, he spun around. "Get your coat, we´re going out."

She glanced at his back. "Where to?"

Spike smirked faintly to himself. A shred of interest...about time too. "I need smokes. And you need air."

Willow didn´t argue. The sun had set outside. Usually she remained indoors after dusk but tonight she did need the air. And he´d never take no for an answer anyway. Taking the ruby lipstick Spike had given her, she coolly delineated her mouth, staring into the mirror with dark-green eyes. There was no image of him on it but he was behind her, lips slowly morphing into a grin.