Title: Naughty Things (Sequel to Show Me)
Author: SpiderQueen
Email: spiderqueen@ivebeenframed.com
Rating: PG-15
Classfication: Willow/Spike
Spoilers: Implied 4th season...Spoilers up to and including The Initiative
Distribution: Just ask me first. I'd love to know where it's going. Don't even ask me...just tell me..."Hey, I'm putting your story on my site."
Disclaimer: I don't own Willow, Spike, or anyone else used in this story. They belong to Joss. I never owned them and I never will own them. I am simply borrowing them for a moment so I can have my fun. I'll give them back as soon as I finish and I'm not making any sort of crazy profit on this story...just for fun.
Feedback: Yes! I love feedback. Any kind at all. Gimme, gimme.
Willow didn't know what to do. Spike was standing in front of her, his arms hanging limp at his sides and his eyes locked on hers. *Do what you want to do.* His words echoed in her head.
Willow looked to the ground at her feet. "We really shouldn't?" Willow trailed off. *Oh, you really should?* A voice in her head whispered. Suddenly, Willow felt confidence rush into her along with a stream of naughty things she could do to Spike. The thoughts caused the witch to smile subtly.
Willow stopped herself and furrowed her brows. *This is not right. What's making me think these things?* Suddenly it dawned on her. *The spell! That damn spell that I did over a week ago.*
The witch tried to keep herself in check and mentally override the spell, but she just didn't really care anymore. No one was around to see them; no one had to know. She almost giggled at the hilarity of the situation. The meek little mouse was about to seduce one of the baddest vampires around. Well, he used to be bad, until they fixed the poor thing.
Spike watched Willow struggling with herself and had a moment of self-doubt. In his whirlwind pursuit of the witch, he had never considered the notion that she might have a school-girl crush on him, but not want anything more than the kiss he gave her at the New Years Eve party they had just blown off. Now that they were alone, she didn't seem interested in him and he felt about 5 inches tall.
The vampire was just about to turn around and leave when he saw Willow raise her gaze. She licked her lips slowly and let them curve into a devilish grin. Stepping forward, she pushed Spike back onto the picnic table forcefully. Normally, the petite girl wouldn't have been able to push anyone around, but she had taken him by surprise and the vampire went sprawling back onto the table, his legs hanging over the edge. Spike inhaled sharply at the red-head's surprising act of courage and dominance.
Chuckling, Spike whispered, "I didn't know you had it in you, Red."
Willow stepped forward and wedged herself between his legs. Running her hands lightly up his chest she answered. "I've got a lot of surprises up my sleeves."
"Yeah." Willow confirmed. She leaned over his body and let her mouth hover just above his ear. She felt him shiver at her soft breath. His reactions fueled her even more as she ran her tongue along his jaw line and then down his throat.
The vampire groaned at her boldness. "You like that?" Willow whispered into his ear.
Spike couldn't find words to articulate exactly how much he liked what she was doing. He settled for a grunt and a nod of his head.
Willow stepped out from between his legs, running her fingers down his chest and stomach as she stepped back. It took Spike a moment to realize she had left and he sat up to look for her. However, just as he sat up, Willow appeared from the side and pushed him down again. Without a word, she swung her legs up on the table and straddled Spike, sitting on his stomach. He tried to raise himself to a sitting position, but Willow would have none of it. She took hold of his broad shoulders and firmly pushed him back down on the table.
"You said you were going to be submissive and let me do what I want." Willow said, still gripping his shoulders.
Spike groaned. "You do know that you're going about this in a torturously slow way, right?"
Willow let her fingers dance down the vampire's arms. She reached each of his hands and lifted them above his head, pinning them to the table. "But it feels so good, doesn't it?" Willow shifted her body and leaned down to kiss him.
Spike met her halfway and lifted his head to meet her own descending mouth. She led the passionate kiss and then trailed her lips down his neck, nipping as she went. "Yes?" Spike hissed, shifting under her. He wanted to run his hands across her body, but she still held them above his head. He could have easily pulled his hands out of her grip, but he promised to let her lead.
Willow nuzzled her face into Spike's chest and released her grip on his hands so she could rip his t-shirt. It was thin material and tearing it was easy enough for her. With his skin exposed, Willow proceeded to kiss and lick every inch of the vampire's smooth chest. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath, but was spurred on by Spike's desperate plea. "Please Willow, don't stop." His use of her name and the pleading quality of the statement gave her a rush of power as she returned to caressing his chest with her lips.
"Willow!" A female voice crashed into Willow's world and she jerked her head up. Buffy stood a few yards away with Xander, Anya, and Riley.
The witch was tempted to tell her friends to get lost and return her attentions back to the vampire underneath her, but her sensible side returned in time to tell her not to be so reckless.
"Buffy. This--this isn't--what it looks like." Willow said, becoming immediately flustered.
"The hell it isn't! Willow get off of him! It's Spike for God's sake!" Buffy exclaimed, rooted in place.
Quickly, the witch slipped off of the table and crossed her arms over her chest. "Sorry." She said meekly.
Buffy approached and grabbed Willow's hand. "We are going to talk." Yanking the red-head away, Buffy started ranting about the dangers of vampires.
Spike had sat up when Willow jumped off of him, but when he realized they had been interrupted once again, he threw himself back on the table and pounded his head against the wood.