Title: Never Tear Us Apart
Author: Nightbird
Email: nightbird@watertek.freeserve.co.uk
Distribution: SHL, Fever of Fate, anyone who has permission, otherwise ask.
Disclaimer: Lets see can I make this any clear? I DO NOT OWN THEM! They're Joss's playthings, I just nick them cause I have none of my own. *Sniff* The Title and last line are from a song INXS did, the title of which is on the tip of my tongue.
Couple: Willow/Spike
Rating: R
Warning: Contains Character death
Notes: I have had writer's Block and as usual I have broken it with one of those twisted, depressing ones that slide out. I wrote it in about 30 minutes, Not Beta'd.
Feedback: I'm a feedback ho. one of four.
Dedication: Soul', Stryx, Gunbunny - you guys know why! Oh and Miss Hanson for making cooking yawn worthy enough for me to write this * g *

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

The colour red was everywhere, whether it was blood or Willow's hair Spike could no longer tell. The blood poured from the slit in her throat, pooling around her head, turning her hair into a bloody sticky mess. Spike grinned; the demon was out to play.

The smell wafted up to him as he realised his hands were sticky and covered in her blood. Raising his hand to his mouth he sucked at it, her life fluid was sweet, kind and innocent just like her. Spike laughed uncontrollably now no one could ever take her away from him. No one, she was his, only his - forever.

Spike sat up trembling; the dream had been so vivid, so realistic. He could still smell and taste the blood. Turning around he could see the sleeping body and bright red hair of his sunshine. Patting her back gently he murmured to himself,

"Only a dream, that was all it was. I love you Will."

Willow didn't reply as her sightless eyes stared unendingly into nothing. A bloody grin ran from ear to ear as the stereo finished playing,

"And they can never tear us apart."