Title: Power and Retribution (Sequel to Wishes and Magic)
Author: Shannon
Email: angels_soul_1@yahoo.com
Pairing: Willow/Severus
Rating: PG-13
Distribution: SoG (http://sog.magical-worlds.us/) WLS, NHA, TtH anyone else with previous permission. Anyone else that wants it just let me know first.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss Whedon, ME, UPN, FOX, WB, and J.K. Rowling.
Spoilers: Through OotP for HP and through Chosen for BtVS and Not Fade Away for AtS.
Summary: Willow decides to she must return to Hogwarts to help her friends.
Author’s Notes: Sequel to Wishes and Magic. Wishes took place during BtVS season 4. Which for the purposes of this fic would have been Harry’s 1st year at Hogwarts. This is picking up after the finale of Angel (Harry’s 6th year.) You can read Wishes and Magic here (http://sog.magical-worlds.us/efiction/viewstory.php?sid=228)
Thanks to Emmy, Zoe, and Kris for beta-ing this for me.

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Part 2

Spike looked around the dingy pub suspiciously. He hadn’t even seen it here until Willow pointed it out to him; he had sworn there was only a book shop and a record shop. Then suddenly this place just appeared between the two when Willow pointed to it. The place was certainly not someplace he would have ever expected to find the witch. The pub was dark and rather run down looking even to him. There were a few oddly dressed people sitting a various tables. As well as a few wearing what must be the wizarding robes Willow had described to him.

Willow glanced around the room looking for an empty table. The flight had been long and while she wanted to get to the school and speak to Dumbledore she also needed to be prepared. She wanted to stop at Gringotts and a few shops before they went to the school. She was also considering buying a few robes, so that she would blend in better. She thought about making the same suggestion for Spike but dismissed the idea of the vampire ever agreeing to it.

“We getting a drink first?” Spike asked.

“Um, I’m not sure that we can,” Willow responded, “I only have muggle money. American muggle money at that.”

“So what do we do then?” Spike hadn’t even thought about exchanging the money she had brought with her until she mentioned it now.

“Gringotts,” Willow suggested, “I’ve never been there but it’s the wizarding bank so I should be able to exchange my money.”

“They have their own money?”

“Yep,” Willow grinned, “Now I’ve only been to Diagon Alley once, and that was with Remus so let’s see if I can remember how…”

Spike followed Willow to the back of the pub and outside to a small courtyard. She stared the dingy brick wall on the far side. Biting her lower lip she tried to remember what Remus had done to get the wall to move. “Um…Red, there’s no way out of here other than…”

“That wall moves but…” Willow frowned. “Damn, I don’t have a wand.”

“What?” Spike raised an eyebrow not following her conversation at all.

“Sorry I think I need a wand to open this,” she was still frowning at the wall half hoping it would open simply by her will alone when an older wizard came into the courtyard.

“Are you looking for something?” He asked smiling at them.

“I need to get into Diagon Alley,” Willow responded turning her attention to the man. “I was only there once and I don’t have my wand because well that stuff stayed in the past when I…”Willow cut off her rambling explanation when Spike raised an eyebrow and the wizard was obviously wondering whether she was crazy.

“Sorry about that,” Spike smirked, “Can you help us?”

“Certainly,” the man smiled and raised his wand. After tapping out the correct pattern on the wall he nodded to them as a doorway appeared. “You should replace your wand Miss, won’t always be someone around to assist you.”

“Thank you Sir,” Willow returned the smile, “And I will right away.”

The man went back into the Leaky Cauldron leaving Willow and Spike alone once more. Willow gestured Spike through the new doorway before following behind. As soon as they had both stepped through Spike watched in surprise as the opening disappeared from view leaving a solid brick wall behind. The street was packed with people, witches and wizards, Spike assumed moving quickly from one shop to the next. In all the years he had spent in London he had never known this place existed. He hadn’t actually believed Willow when she described it and it’s location to him on the plane.

“So where’s this bank?” Spike asked.

“Down there,” Willow pointed to the large white building about halfway down the street. “Let’s go.”

A short time later Willow and Spike emerged from Gringotts. Willow had been fascinated by the goblins. Spike was simply amazed that anything could surprise his companion anymore. She had grown up the Hellmouth and fought beside a slayer for more than eight years now. He was impressed that anything at all could still seem impossible to her.

“So where to first?” Spike asked.

“Are you hungry or should we shop first?” Willow asked.

“Let’s get the shopping done,” Spike agreed. It was already getting late, since they had to wait until dusk to even head to this place. “We can always grab food somewhere else.”

“Okay I think Ollivander’s is this way,” Willow started heading further down the street. When they reached the small shop and Spike peered in the window at the rows of narrow boxes lining the shelves.

“Hello,” A voice came from the back of the shop as Willow pushed open the door and she and Spike walked through.

“Hi,” Willow grinned.

“Need a new wand Miss?”

“Yeah, I um… My old one is gone.”

“Yes well the wand chooses the Witch,” the old wizard smiled and began taking measurements as Spike moved to lean against the wall in amusement. “Very good, now let me see.”

Willow looked and Spike and gave a slight smile as the man began sorting through the boxes lining the walls mumbling to himself. Spike smirked and nodded toward the man who was now heading back to her carrying several boxes. “Find one?” She asked amused.

“Try this,” he handed Willow a wand and instructed her to wave it. “No, no that’s not it,” he said taking the wand from her hand as several boxes flew off the shelves she had waved it at.

Thirty minutes later they finally walked out of the shop with a wand. Willow had no idea it could be that difficult to find the right wand. Several had been discarded because while they worked they seemed to channel the darker power in her. They made their way quickly through the robes shop and Willow insisted on stopping in the Magical Menagerie before stopping at Flourish and Blotts where both she and Spike became quickly engrossed in the many books lining the shelves.

When they had finished shopping each leaving the book store with several purchases they headed to the small ice cream shop to grab something to eat and see if they could find someone to tell them how to get the Hogwarts.

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A half and hour later Spike was stepping out of the fireplace in Dumbledore’s office frowning at Willow as he wiped ashes from his duster. “Did you enjoy floo travel Spike?” Willow grinned, and ignored the irritated look on the vampires face.

“To what do we owe this visit Miss Rosenberg?” Dumbledore asked. Willow had explained that she was in London and wanted to visit the school when she had flooed him from Diagon Alley but hadn’t given any details.

“Remus told me about Sirius,” Willow replied. “I want to help.”

“Help with what exactly?”

“Fight Voldemort, however you need me too,” Willow responded, “Spike’s here to help too.”

“Are you sure this is something you want to do,” Dumbledore asked, “Both of you?”

“Yes,” Willow answered, “And Spike’s a vampire so…”

“You’ll need an interior room then?”

“Please,” she grinned at the man. He looked older than she remembered but she also knew that while it had only been a few years for her it had been more than twenty for him. “No one knows we’re here yet and I’d like it to be a surprise if that’s okay.”

“I won’t say a word to Severus,” Dumbledore agreed. “It’s late so let me find you a room and tomorrow after lunch we can discuss our fight and the Order. I’m sure you both can use your rest for now.”

“Thank you,” Willow replied as Dumbledore summoned a house elf, which appeared seconds later. “Dobby this is Willow Rosenberg and Spike they will be staying here for a while. Can you please find them a room; one of the bedrooms should have no windows, and then send their bags up.”

“Yes Headmaster sir,” Dobby said bowing low, “Miss, and Sir this way please.” Willow and Spike followed the small elf down the stairs then through the hall to an empty room near Gryffindor Tower. Pushing open the door he explained, “This room has two bedrooms at the back. The one on the left has no windows Sir.”

“Thanks Dobby,” Willow smiled as the elf retreated leaving them alone.

“What the bloody hell was that?” Spike asked as the door swung closed.

“House elf, cute aren’t they?” Willow replied.

“Right, if you say so Pet,” Spike said still looking skeptical as he pushed open the door to his room. “How did the bags get here already?”

“No idea,” Willow shrugged, “Cool though huh?”

“Are you going to be able to do this Willow?” Spike asked flopping back into a large chair sitting against one wall, “I can feel the magic in this place.”

“It’ll take some time for me to adjust to,” Willow sat on the couch across from him and leaned forward elbows on her knees, “But I can do it. I have a lot more control than I did a year ago. Just be there if I need someone to pull me back ‘kay?”

“Got it,” Spike agreed, “I think I’m going to bed now. All this travel is taking its toll.”

“See you in the morning then,” Willow replied as she went into her bedroom to find a book to read.

Later sitting on the couch her legs curled under her she once again became lost in her thoughts about Sirius’ death and this war the wizarding world was fighting against Voldemort. She knew very little because her own life had been too hectic to come for a visit and it was dangerous for anyone to put too much information in a letter. She knew that the wizard had returned to full power less than two years ago, and that he was after James and Lily’s son Harry. She wasn’t clear on the reason but she understood it had something to do with a prophecy.

A Prophecy. That really shouldn’t have surprised her since in her experience they always ended with someone trying to destroy the world. She didn’t know the details of the prophecy and that was something she wanted more information about. She also wanted to know more about how Sirius had died and why. Why he would risk going to the ministry while they were actively searching for him to return him to Azkaban.

She also was happy to get to visit Severus again. She still cared very much for him even though their relationship had ended when she left Hogwarts. She had found Tara not long after returning home, then after Tara, when she was in England he had been too concerned with Voldemort’s plans and keeping her safe, and she had been grieving. Then she had met Kennedy, and he was a spy now. This all left her hoping that time had not changed his feeling for her, because she still cared deeply for him and wanted a chance to get to know the new, older Severus Snape.

Next Chapter