Title: Potential
Author: Shannon
Email: angels_soul_1@yahoo.com
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Willow/Remus Lupin
Disclaimer: BtVS and A: tS belong to FOX, UPN, WB, And ME. Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling
Distribution: My Site: Shades of Grey (http://www.shadesofgrey.us/) NHA, WLS, FF.Net and Twisting the Hellmouth. Anyone else that has my permission for other fics feel free, anyone else wants it just let me know where it’s going.
Spoilers: Anything through Season 7 of BtVS, Season 4 of A: tS, and Order of the Phoenix for Harry Potter.
Summary: What if Willow’s spell in ‘Chosen’ activated a Slayer at Hogwarts.
Author’s Notes: I want to thank everyone who sent such wonderful feedback and encouragement for ‘The Missing Headmaster’. Made it much easier to ignore the idiot flaming me and to decide to continue in a new fandom for me.
Part 3
Willow and Xander sat in the office staring at the two ex-watchers. Giles wanted them to go to England, to train a new slayer that couldn’t come here. That part was only mildly shocking, compared to the rest of his explanation. There was a secret community of wizards and witches; this community big enough that they had a special school to train the children, which was where Giles wanted to send them.
“Are either of you going to say anything?’ Giles asked. They had been quiet for several minutes.
“You want us to—There’s a school for—,” Xander was still trying to process everything he had been told in the last half an hour.
“There’s a school to train people in magic?” Willow asked, why hadn’t she been sent there if Giles knew about this.
“Yes, they locate and train young wizards and witches.”
“But why wasn’t—,” Willow began pacing the room.
“I don’t know why you weren’t found Willow,” Giles said quietly, he had been wondering much the same thing in the last two years, “I would imagine the British Ministry of Magic wouldn’t be responsible. I haven’t looked into the Wizarding world in this country but would think there must be an American equivalent which failed miserably in your case.”
“You want us to go to England and train a new slayer that may be even more dangerous than the super strong girls here because she’s a witch too,” Xander said, forming a complete sentence for the first time since Giles had finished explaining the situation.
“Yes,” Wesley said, “We can’t send anyone else. Angel, Buffy and Faith are needed here. There is no one else that knows how to train a slayer.”
“Giles if I go to a magic school…” Willow had stopped pacing and was now staring at Giles, pleading with him to understand what she didn’t want to say.
“It could be dangerous Willow, I’m not going to lie to you. You’ve been able to control your magic but everything at Hogwarts is done magically. You will have to be careful.”
“Willow we also believe you are the one most likely to help this girl learn to control any new magical problems that may occur,” Wesley added, “There has never been a slayer that was also a witch. We don’t know how this will affect her powers.”
“So I’m like the magical babysitter?”
“In a way, yes,” Giles smiled at the comparison, “You are also more than capable of training a slayer, both of you.”
“Can we go over why she can’t come here again?” Xander asked.
“There is a wizard, Lord Voldemort, that is trying to—purify—the wizarding bloodlines,” Wesley explained, “We don’t have all the details but Mr. Giles friend believes this girl could be in danger from this man if she leaves school.”
“Great cause what would my life be without danger?” Xander muttered. The Hellmouth was closed there were slayers all over the world and Giles was still sending them into a possible supernatural battle.
“No that is why we want you to go to her. To avoid the danger,” Giles explained, he couldn’t even really blame Xander for this reaction. These children needed and deserved some peace. “The school is very well protected. Voldemort cannot touch her on school grounds.”
“I’ll go Giles,” Willow assured him, then turned to look at Xander.
“I’ll go. Not that any of you doubted that I’m sure.”
“I’ll notify my friend. It may only take a few days. So be ready to leave by the end of the week.”
Willow and Xander turned to leave the small office. Willow stopped when she saw Dawn curled up on the large round couch in the center of the lobby. Dawn had barley spoken to anyone since they arrived here. Being around Angel wasn’t helping. Both were feeling so bad about Spike’s death they were feeding each other’s grief.
“Giles can we take Dawn? If its okay with Buffy that is?” Willow turned back to the Watcher who had already began composing a letter.
“Dawn?” He looked up.
“Yeah, she needs to be—somewhere that’s not here, Giles,” Willow said, “She needs to be away from everyone grieving. She needs to be with other kid her own age. Kids she has something in common with.”
“Which she isn’t going to find in public high school,” Wesley agreed. Dawn was unlikely to find anyone at her new school that she could really share her life with. How do you explain living with a vampire, a demon, a witch, and a lot of super powerful girls that kill vampires.
“She is kind of turning into the younger, non blood sucking, female version of Angel,” Xander agreed.
“I’ll talk to Buffy,” Giles agreed, maybe it would be good for Dawn to leave. He had already talked to Buffy about the idea of home schooling for Dawn because she was going to be a year behind already. Willow was capable of helping Dawn with her studies so she could return next year and pass the necessary exams to enter her senior year of high school.
“Giles how can you want to send her away when she’s like this? She needs us,” Buffy said angrily kicking the board that Faith was holding.
“B. He may be right, staying here could be making her worse. She’s spending all time with Angel.” Faith took a couple steps back from the force of the other slayer’s kick.
“But—A magic school? I don’t want her involved in magic Giles,” Buffy once again kicked the board this time knocking Faith off balance. “We both know the badness that can come of that.”
“Dawn has shown no signs of magical talent Buffy,” Giles assured her, “Willow suggested, and I agree, Dawn needs to be around people her own age, that understand the world we live in. You do remember how hard it was for you not being able to talk about anything you had experienced right?”
“Well, yeah, but Giles,” Buffy grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her neck, “Fine if she wants to go, but if she says no it’s over right?”
“Yes, if Dawn refuses the matter is over.”
“Dawn!” Buffy walked over to the steps and called to her sister.
“Yeah, Buffy,” Dawn answered a few moments later as she made her way down the basement steps.
“Giles is sending Xander and Willow to a special school in England to train a new slayer. He wants to know if you’d like to join them?”
“Special school?” Dawn asked, “Like slayer school?”
“No that would be here kid,” Faith pointed out.
“It’s a school for witches and wizards. You wouldn’t be attending classes just assisting Xander and Willow with the new slayer,” Giles explained.
“Why isn’t she coming here and can you be a slayer and a witch?” Dawn asked intrigued.
“She’s not coming here because if she leaves school she could be in danger from some wizard. That Giles says can’t hurt you at the school. And apparently yes you can be both.” Buffy answered.
“I can really go?” She asked the idea of a magic school appealed to her.
“Yes, you would have to be home schooled so you can return to school next year, but Willow can take care of that,” Giles pointed out.
“Then when do we leave?’ Dawn asked, hugging her sister, “Thanks.”
“I’ll make the arrangements,” Giles answered happy to see the girl smile again, “You may be leaving as soon as next weekend.”
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