Title: Promises Can Last Forever
Author: AllytheVamp
Email: Marie_214@hotmail.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns Buffy and all the characters. The episode GRADUATION PART TWO wasn't written by me and I don't own it.
Spoilers: Grad. Part 2
Authors Notes: This is dedicated to my friend Allie who wanted a very romantic Cordy and Xander story. I hope I don't disappoint you. The song 'I Want You Back' is Ensync's [I have no clue how to spell the name, sorry!] and it applied to this story perfectly I think. Who else thinks that the writers were crazy for making the relationship end? I mean what was that?

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Part Four

You're the one I want
You're the one I need
Tell me what can I do?

Xander couldn't believe today was the day. He had woken up just a few minutes before and lay there wondering if he really was going to die today. He knew his place, and as 'key guy' he had to be there, not that he would miss it, and there was that whole thing with Anya. Anya was freaking him out. Ever since they had gone to the Prom he hadn't been able to get rid of her. Just last night she had begged him to run away with her. He laughed bitterly. As much as he would have loved to get away, she wasn't the one he would have preferred to do it with.

The phone rang in his ear, jolting him out of his thoughts. He snatched it up. "Hello?"


Xander sat up in bed almost dropping the phone. "Cor?"

"Hi." She sounded shy, of all things. "I...uh...can you meet me? On the way to the school?"

"Where?" he asked jumping out of bed. Cordy gave him the address and he was on his way. When he arrived he realized it was near the school. Cordy was waiting on a bench, her legs crossed and her hair was flowing over her shoulders perfectly. He drew in a sharp breath as they locked eyes. He walked toward her slowly. She smiled thinly when he arrived and said "It took you long enough!" He smiled back and they started walking.

"Ok, first what did that letter you gave me mean? Are you trying to get back together with me or something cause-"

"No!" he interrupted. Then seeing what looked like disappointment registering on her face he added, "I don't know."

Cordelia sighed. "Look Xander, I know that we still have...what we have," she began glancing in his direction. "...cause I still feel it. I mean, as much as I really don't want to...there's something about us that clicks. When I'm with you, I don't worry about saying the wrong thing and seeming cool and all that cause I know that you don't care about that. And you really broke my heart, but I think I'm past that. At least I've forgiven you. And last night Buffy asked me if I was in love with you. I kinda freaked." Xander drew in another sharp breath and felt his body tense with antisipation.

"So what did you say?" he whispered.

"I didn't answer." she replied her eyes twinkling. "The truth is I don't know. All I know is I don't hate you...much."

Xander smiled. "Well I guess getting back together isn't an option, since you're going to LA." There was a hint of sadness in his voice. The school suddenly materialized in front of them. Cordy took his hand gently and looked into his sad eyes.

"We have the whole summer Xand."

Xander felt a lump in his throat. She had forgiven him? It wasn't possible. She couldn't have just let it go...? He closed his eyes against her curious gaze and thanked his lucky stars she had let it go. She had given him everything. She had opened up to him in a way she never could before...and he had thrown it in her face when he had kissed Willow. He should have told her. He should have came to her doorstep and talked things out with her. She hadn't deserved to find out the way she had. He thought back and remembered how hard it was not to cry when she had told him to stay away from her.

"Damn Cordy I'm sorry," he rasped. "I messed everything up. I just didn't want to feel what I did..." His voice choked up and he pulled her into his arms. "I never wanted to hurt you. When I saw you after you had gotten impailed I'd never been so afriad in my whole life. I thought I had lost you...Damn I'm such a fool..."

Cordy buried her head in his neck and sighed. "Maybe we were both pretty stupid. I guess I just thought that if I was mean enough I could make you pay. I'm sorry too."

Xander shook his head, his voice too filled with emotion to speak. Somehow he managed to let her go. "I think I'm probably going to die today." he said keeping his voice steady. Cordelia started shaking her head. "No Xand-"

"Let me finish. I just want to say that...I loved every second we had together. And I'm sorry that I hurt you." Cordy's face broke into a smile.

"Your forgiven. I loved it too."

"Can I ask if you'd make me a promise?" Xander asked timidly.

"And that would be-?" Cordy raised her eyebrows at him.

"Promise me you won't forget what we had...have." He smiled down at her and held out his hand. She took it and smiled back.

"I promise."

"I promise." he echoed. They smiled again.

With that they walked hand in hand just enjoying the quiet and the feel of their hands clasped together.

Their promise just might make it.

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