Title: Returning
Author: Kylia
Email: kylia_bug@yahoo.com
Disclaimer: Nobody belongs to me, unfortunately. They belong to Joss & Mutant Enemy, and a few other people I don’t know.
Rating: PG13 (for now, although that may change)
Category: Willow/Spike
Summary: Willow and Spike are forced to return to Sunnydale when Angelus returns.
Distribution: Fire & Ice, WitchFanFic, anyone else, ask, and you shall receive
Author's Notes: This takes place a few years into the future.
Dedication: For Elka & Inell for providing me with a never-ending Fic fix!
Buffy stopped dead in the middle of the street.
< She's not your friend any more. She left you. Abandoned you. Chose a killer over you > The voice whispered into her head.
Buffy spun around, trying to place the voice. "Did you say something?" She asked Xander. At the shake of his head, she continued walking.
< She's evil, like them. She wants to open the vortex. She wants to finish what Angelus started >
Buffy shook her head, remnants of her dreams coming back to her. "No!" She creamed as she started to run down the street, towards Spike and Willow's house.
L'larion laughed. These mortals were so easy to play. The Slayer and her friend would stop any plans the witch thought she could make. She wouldn't stop what was to come. The witch would be too busy fighting her friends to stop Angelus. He would fulfill his destiny. He would end the world.
"Red? What are you thinking?" Spike asked.
Willow turned to face the group in general. "The Lavate's only connection to this realm is through L'larion. If we can kill him before he can open any portal's, the creature will die." She smiled, pleased with the answer she had come up with.
"But won't he just find another demon to serve him?" Faith asked as she jumped off of the couch. She was feeling antsy. She had nervous energy to burn, and she wasn't sure where it was coming from.
"No." Anya answered as she watched the Slayer pace around the room. "The Lavate' relies on his link to the servant in order to survive." She looked to Willow for confirmation before continuing. "If I remember my demonology correctly, If the link is severed before a new one can be formed, the Lavate dies."
"Yep." Willow grinned. "So, if we can find L'larion, killing him will stop the demon."
"And how hard is the demon to kill?" Faith asked absently as she wound her way around the room.
"Faith? What's wrong?" Willow asked, concerned. By her very nature Faith was a busy person. She usually had a lot of energy to burn. But her bonding with Drusilla had calmed her down a lot. The only time Willow had ever seen her this agitated was before a fight.
Faith stopped and looked at the witch. She shook her head. "I don't know. I feel… something's coming."
"Yes, pet. The Slayer. She's on her way here. With Anyanka's boy." Drusilla whispered.
"Xander? He's here?" Anya climbed out of Angelus' lap hastily, suddenly feeling at odds with the situation.
Angelus snatched her back into his arms. "Not so fast. Let the moron see what a real man can do." He whispered seductively in her ear.
"Why are they here?" Willow whispered, not wanting to face her old friends right now.
"He's been whispering to them." Dru's voice was lilting as she swayed her hips, as the stars whispered their truths to her. "He's been telling them lies." She stopped and turned to Willow. "He wants to stop you. He knows you can destroy him." She giggled uncontrollably and then turned to Faith, who was still pacing nervously about the room. "Lovey, it's almost time. Are you ready?" She asked as she pulled the slayer into her arms and placed a tender kiss on her lips.
Faith returned the kiss, her nerves calming as she felt Drusilla's presence in her mind. The two were oblivious to what was going on around them, which considering the tense situation, was relatively little. Anya had relaxed into Angelus' embrace, admitting to herself that her relationship with Xander was over, and probably had been for a long time. Willow leaned back against Spike, enjoying the feel of him as his arms wound tightly around her.
A fierce pounding on the front door interrupted the silence of the room.
Willow pulled away from her mate as she made her way towards the front door. When she opened it, Buffy and Xander stood there, looking confused and slightly out of breath.
"Buffy. Xander." Willow greeted. "What can I do for you?"
Xander didn't even acknowledge Willow's greeting as he pushed past her and ran into the living room. It only took him a few seconds to locate his quarry. Having done that, he froze, if only for a millisecond. Seeing Anya firmly planted in Angel's lap sent a wave of hatred through him.
"What the hell are you doing with Deadboy?" He demanded, glaring stakes at the vampire.
Angelus growled warningly.
Willow heard Xander's demanded and sighed. "Would you like to come in, Buffy?" She asked tiredly. She knew it was only a matter of time before they realized that Angel wasn't Angel anymore.
Buffy stared at Willow carefully before entering the house. Her Slayer senses were in overdrive, sensing vampires all around her. She turned to Willow. "A whole nest of evil undead guys I see."
Willow stared pointedly at the slayer, not taking the time to wonder when she had ceased being Buffy and started being the Slayer. "No, just family tonight… and the occasional minion. Would you like some introductions?"
Buffy shook her head slightly. "What happened to you?" She asked. <She's evil. > The voice whispered to her.
Willow stepped passed Buffy. "I grew up."
When the two entered the living room, Willow could still hear Angelus growling warningly, which had frozen Xander in place. Spike was watching the drama unfold with amused blue eyes, while Drusilla and Faith had drifted into the background in an effort to keep Faith as calm as possible. Willow could still feel the agitation coming off of the brunette Slayer, and wondered what it was that had her so upset.
"Angel?" Buffy asked incredulously as she stepped into the room.
Angelus turned to look at her, a smirk on his face.
Buffy shook her head. "No. No, it can't be." She turned to Willow. "Tell me it isn't true."
Before Willow could respond, Angelus laughed. It was a deep hearty laugh, without the cruel humor of his previous time in Sunnydale, although it still held a dangerous edge to it. As though at any moment he could kill any one of the people in the room. However that wasn't true, Willow realized. There were people in the room that he wouldn't hesitate to kill, but there were more people that he would kill for than people he would simply kill.
"I believe you've met my sire." Spike chuckled at the teary look on Buffy's face.
Buffy turned and glared at the blonde vampire. "Who did this?" S he turned to Anya. "You? You betrayed Xander and brought the monster back?" She paused as her mind tried to remember something. "I thought your soul was permanent?" She asked Angelus before turning to Willow. "Or was that a lie, too?"
There was something in the way Buffy spoke. Willow didn't know if it was the hatred in her eyes at the knowledge that Angelus was back, jealousy at the thought of someone else giving Angel that one moment of happiness, fear at what she thought was going to happen, or the betrayal she envisioned from her belief that Willow was responsible. Whatever it was, Willow didn't like it. She narrowed her eyes as she faced Buffy.
"Watch it, Slayer. You're in my home. You'd be wise to remember that." She paused and continued, her voice losing some of its edge. "His soul was secured. It required Magic to undo what we did."
"Magic?" Buffy asked, forming an idea. "So you are responsible?"
Willow shook her head and moved past Buffy and put herself between Angelus and Xander. She placed a hand on his shoulder. He shrugged her away, stepping backwards to get away from them.
"I don't know what happened to you, Willow. You're not who you used to be. You're barely even human." Xander turned and left the group in the living room. He stopped in the hall and turned around.
I want your stuff out of the apartment tomorrow." Xander told Anya and then left the house.
Buffy watched him go with sadness, then turned to Willow. "Why are you here? Why come back?"
"You called her, Slayer." Spike hissed.
Willow held up a hand to quiet her mate. She didn't want this to turn into a war, and if she had deciphered Drusilla correctly, L'larion was going to use Buffy to stop what they were trying to do. If they were to be successful she had two choices. Either to explain the situation to Buffy, and hope she would help them or to sever all ties with her old friends, and do what was necessary.
Willow's memory of Mavan's death told her that the Slayer wouldn't help. She would want to kill the demon, but when he exerted his control over her, she would crumble. He would use her own mind against her. And after seeing the way Buffy remembered things, Willow knew that it would be easy for her to be lead to a place that would get her killed.
The only option, if she wanted to ensure both Xander and Buffy's safety, as well as that of Giles and everyone else in Sunnydale was to finish what had started all those years ago. It wouldn't matter that Buffy believed she had changed so much. It wouldn't matter that Buffy believed she had chosen a killer over her friends. Buffy would stay alive, and that was all that was important. That and an end to some of the animosity she had felt over the past few years.
Willow leveled her gaze at Buffy. "I think it's time for you to leave." She nodded towards the door.
Buffy stared at her in shock. "You're kicking me out?"
Faith snorted from the corner of the room, cause Buffy to look up. She had been so surprised to see Anya and Angelus, that she had failed to notice the other Slayer.
"Faith?" She asked, stunned, as her eyes drifted to the woman Faith was with. "Drusilla." She turned to Willow. "What is that crazy bitch doing back here?"
Willow sighed and stepped away from Buffy as she saw Faith, out of the corner of her eye, make her way across the room. Faith pushed Buffy up against the side of the end table, nearly knocking her over. "Watch what you say about my girl, B." She put a slight pressure on her throat, where her hand was gripping it tightly. "I believe Red asked you to leave." She pushed Buffy harshly against the table and then let go.
By the time Buffy had regained her footing, Faith had returned to the corner of the room. She noticed Faith kiss Dru gently and nearly lost her balance. Angelus chuckled at her shock.
"I think you should leave." Willow whispered. "If you still want my help with deciphering your dreams, have Giles call me."
Buffy turned to look at Willow as she fingered the bruise that was forming on her throat. "Don't bother." She left the small group in the living room and nearly out the door.
After she had left Willow looked around the room. "That went well." She remarked sarcastically.
Willow sat on the porch staring up at the sky. The sun was setting, soon it would be time for them to go looking for L'larion. She knew that he would try and stop them, using any means he could. She also knew that his best weapon would be her friends. He would try and get them to believe he was the victim. And she was the aggressor. She sighed deeply as she heard the door behind her open. She knew it was either Anya or Faith. The sun hadn't set enough for it to be anyone else.
"Red? You okay?" Faith asked as she sat down next to the witch.
Willow nodded. "It's almost time." She turned to look at the Slayer. "How are you? You seemed a little wound up last night."
Faith leaned back into the steps on the porch. "Five by five. I'll feel better when this is over. I don't like it here. Ever sense I woke up from that coma, Sunnydale gives me bad vibes."
"It's the bond." Willow acknowledged. "The hellmouth's evil permeates this place." She smiled wistfully. "But if we're successful, we can leave, and never came back… I bloody well hope."
Faith grinned. "You do realize you've spent entirely too much time with Blondie?"
"Not nearly enough." Willow countered and then laughed.
Faith chuckled and then sobered as she remembered why they were back in Sunnydale. "Will they try and stop us?"
Willow took a deep breath. She was tempted to fake ignorance, if only for a second, but realized that wouldn't accomplish anything. "Buffy and Xander? Yeah, I think they will, but not through any fault of their own. L'larion has the ability to get inside their heads. He'll feed on their doubts and insecurities, feed on the feelings they may not even realize they have."
Faith quirked an eyebrow. "This is about what happened before, isn't it?"
Willow nodded and then burst of laughing. It wasn't a laugh full humor, but the hysterical laugh of one who realizes suddenly that everything they have done has been for nothing.
"Red?" Faith asked, growing concerned at her friend's hysterical laughter.
Willow gasped for breath, clutching at her side. "I'm… sorry… It's just…" She took a deep breath and turned to the slayer. "I was just thinking about everything we went through… before. All so Angel could keep his soul, and now here he is… without it." She started giggling again.
Faith sighed and brought the witch into a hug. "That wasn't the only reason. What about Mavan, and his people?" As she felt Willow stiffen, Faith realized she had said the wrong thing.
Willow snorted. "And that worked out *so* well. An entire race of people… dead, all because I failed!" She spat the words, her guilt consuming her.
"Enough!" Angelus roared from his position by the door.
Willow had been so lost in her memories she had failed to notice the sun finish setting. She didn't move, keeping her back to the vampire, not wanting to deal with him just yet. Despite the insanity of what had happened in the past decade she wasn't sorry that Angelus had lost his soul again.
Angelus motioned for Faith to go inside, and took her place on the steps next to Willow. He sat there in silence for a minute, waiting for her to say something. When she didn't, he turned her to face him.
"If I remember correctly, you warned the slayer to stay out of it, but her and the moron wouldn't listen. IF anyone is to blame, it's them." He paused. "And you do, don't you?"
Willow looked gaspingly at him, denying the truth of that statement, but then relented. "Maybe… a little. The only thing I ever asked of them, that truly mattered, and they just ignored me, like it didn't matter. Like I didn't matter."
"And it was different then because?" He prodded, forcing her to think about what it was he was implying.
Willow sighed. "It's not. It wasn't. But… for the first time, it mattered. This wasn't about me, and some selfish desire I had to gain attention. These were people. Okay, demons, but people nonetheless!" Willow's voice was rising, and she realized if she had been talking to anyone else, the ridiculousness of her statement would make her seem foolish. But it wasn't, this was Angelus. And while it was true she hadn't had a chance to get to know this incarnation, Angel, her friend, was still in there somewhere, and knew her well enough to know exactly what it was she was trying to say.
He chuckled. "So, problem solved. Will kill the moron and the Slayer before we go after L'larion." He smirked as he saw her brow furrow in thought. She was actually considering his suggestion.
Then she shook her head. "No. As appealing as that sounds, it wouldn't solve anything."
They sat in silence for several minutes before Angelus spoke again. "I'm not going back." He turned to look at his Childe's mate. "I won't be resouled." He snarled.
Willow grinned at his force. There was a time when the anger in his eyes would have terrified her beyond belief, but not anymore. Too much had happened. It was in that one moment, that second when her mind grasped the way in which things had changed that Willow realized that there would be no going back. Things were different now. She couldn't change them. But even more, she didn't want to.
She stood up and pulled Angelus with her. "They missed you." She told him simply, acknowledging that he knew whom she was talking about. She walked past him and into the house.
She walked through the house quickly and made her way into the bedroom. Spike was pulling on his jeans. He looked at her with a touch of concern. "What is it, luv?"
Willow sat on the bed. "Take the boys hunting. When you get back, we'll go after L'larion."
"And Peaches? What of him?"
Willow grinned. "He can hunt for his own food, but if you insist on coddling him…" Her words were cut off as Spike captured her lips in a fierce kiss. She relaxed into his embrace, letting her exhaustion seep out of her.
Spike pulled away reluctantly and swatted her on the ass as he left to go get some dinner. When she was alone in the room, Willow stared at the phone for several seconds. After she had heard the vampires leave the house for the evening hunt, Willow picked up the phone and dialed the hotel.
"Hello?" A voice answered on the second ring.
"Delia?" Willow asked through the line. She waited for her old friend to respond.
"Willow? What… what do you want?" She asked curiously.
"I called to warn you. Take Doyle and leave. There is nothing here for you… not anymore." Willow implored the former cheerleader to listen.
After a long silence, Cordelia spoke. "He isn't coming back is he? Not like before?"
"No, Delia, he's not." Willow sighed. "But he won't come after you, if that's what you're worried about."
Cordelia smiled although she knew Willow couldn't see it. "I know. He's different. I could tell." She paused for a second before asking the question she wasn't sure she wanted an answer to. "What about the others? Giles? Xander? Buffy?"
Willow was quiet for a moment. "I'll warn Giles but… after that…" She trailed off, not wanting to express what exactly she feared might happen.
"Got it." Cordelia told her. "We'll leave. Willow? Take care of yourself… and him." She spoke softly before hanging up the phone.
Willow hung up the phone and lay back against the bed. "Goddess, I hate this town!"
Anya snorted from the doorway. Willow looked up and gave her a sheepish grin. "Did I just say that out loud?" She asked before chuckling.
Anya came and sat on the bed next to her as Willow dialed Giles number.
"Giles? Willow." She spoke calmly, bracing herself for the question that would inevitably follow.
"Willow? Dear God, Buffy said… is it true?" He asked nervously.
"About Angelus? Yes, it is. Giles, I'm sorry but…" Her words were cut off as Giles interrupted.
"Angelus? What? I was talking about Anya. Buffy aid she left him for… Angel? Is that right?" He paused as Willow's statement caught up to him. "What's this about Angelus? Dear lord, it isn't Angel she left Xander for is it? Angelus is back?" It was more of a statement than a question.
Willow sighed into the phone and silently cursed Buffy for her cowardice. "Yes, Angelus is back, but Anya didn't leave Xander for him. They had problems before this. But, Giles… That isn't why I'm calling."
There was a dead silence before Giles spoke again. "Why are you calling?"
"I don't expect you to understand everything that's happened. I don't even expect you to listen to be, but it would be best for everyone concerned if you did. There's a demon in town. He wishes to open the vortex tot he demon dimension. That's why Angelus was brought back." She paused waiting for Giles to speak, when he didn't she continued. "We can, and will stop him, but if anyone gets in the way…"
"Willow, by anyone do you mean Buffy and Xander?" Giles asked tightly.
"And should they get in the way… what will you do?" Giles voice had a harshness she had never associated with him before, although it wasn't unexpected.
"Do? Nothing… unless it interferes with what needs to be done. I don't wish to harm them, any of you really." She paused. "But make no mistake, Giles… Their misplaced anger about what happened before, it doesn't concern me. We've all made our choices. And regardless what you think, I don't regret mine."
She hung up the phone before Giles could respond.
"Well? Will he listen?" Anya asked.
Willow shrugged. "I don't know, but it is out of my hands now. If they get in the way… they die."
Buffy awoke with a start. She shuddered violently as the memory of her dream came back to her. Leaping off the couch, she ran out of the house. She needed to find Willow, and stop her. She hadn't wanted to believe what she saw in her dream was true. But Buffy had come to realize that Willow wasn't the same girl she had known. She wasn't even really her friend anymore.
The Willow she had known would never have wanted to save that demon all those years ago, at the expense of anything else. The Willow she had known would never have run away with Spike. The Willow she had known would never have allowed Angelus into her house. She never would have become comfortable with the soulless demon. The Willow she had known was dead. This new version was someone she didn't understand, nor did she have any desire to do so.
And if her dream was accurate, Willow was going to be responsible for killing a lot of people if she didn't stop her. She didn't have any other choice. Buffy sighed as she ran down the street, in search of the place she had seen in her dream.
"The Slayer… she'll come to stop you." Drusilla's lilting voice broke through the silence of the night.
Willow sighed. "I know, but it doesn't matter. If the demon survives, we all die." She stopped in the middle of the street and listened. Her eyes grew wide as she picked something out of the darkness. "Over there." She pointed to a grove of trees.
The witch began walking towards her destination, every nerve in her body was screaming. She could feel the evil surrounding the demon like a shroud.
As they approached, the demon seemed to shift its weight from one foot to the other. It cackled in a bizarre mockery of a laugh.
"Witch, you are too late. You cannot stop us." L'larion turned his attention to Angelus and smiled widely. "He will help us. He has no choice now."
Angelus snorted at the demon's arrogance. "Why?" He asked, curious.
L'larion seemed puzzled for a second before laughing again. "Because it is your destiny. Because they do not want the world to end. Because we wish it."
Willow raised an eyebrow at the demon who was spouting off to Angelus about things he thought he understood when he reality he was completely clueless. She was about to tell him how wrong he was when Angelus burst out laughing. It was a full, deep laugh, one she was sure she could get used to hearing.
"I think you have me confused with my counterpart. I don't have a destiny." He took a step closer, startling the demon with his attitude. "I don't brood, I don't have any guilt for my… atrocities," He chuckled slightly at the word, "I have nothing to atone for, and I don't…" His voice had become harsh as his eyes glowed golden, "End the world for the benefit of people who aren't me."
The demon involuntarily took a step backwards. "I don't understand…" He was confused.
Anya laughed bringing L'larion's attention to her.
"Anyanka. Explain." He had regained some of his composure and was glaring angrily at the former demon, an act he was going to regret immediately.
In one swift motion, Angelus had pushed the demon to the ground and was seconds away from snapping his neck when he spoke. "Apologize to the lady." He hissed between clenched teeth.
L'larion tried to turn his head to see Anya. She had this bewildered expression on her face, like she had missed some event, which would explain what was happening. He felt he had missed it too.
Angelus' grip grew tighter, forcing air out of the demon's lungs, his face was turning a shade completely unhealthy for his breed. "I. Said. Apologize." Angelus reiterated.
"Enough." Willow stepped forward. "We don't have time for this." She placed a hand on Angelus' shoulder. He growled at her in response. She growled right back, her eyes glowing a dangerous shade of green, before relaxing into their natural color. "The Slayer is coming." She reminded him.
Angelus let the demon go and stepped back. He turned away from the small group and started walking away.
"Where are you going?" Willow asked in exasperation.
"I'm hungry." He snarled from over his shoulder.
Willow shrugged and turned back to the demon. Spike had come to stand next to her. He held out an ornate knife, which intricate patterns engraved on the handle. She swung it around in front of the demon, making zigzag patterns in the air.
"Do you know what this is?"
Buffy ran as fast as she could through the streets of Sunnydale, hoping to get to willow before she was too late. When she reached the edge of the park, she had this odd sensation scrape across her senses. She could sense evil. Narrowing her eyes, she could make out a group of people near a section of trees. There was a man lying on the ground with a woman standing over him with a knife in her hand. When she got close enough, Buffy realized the woman was Willow.
"NO!" She shouted as she ran towards the group.
Willow heard the voice, but didn't stop as she drove the dagger deep into the man's chest, impaling his heart. A thick yellow liquid seeped out as the demon screamed in pain. Willow pulled the knife out before thrusting it in again, this time into his throat.
Buffy was trying to get through, to save the man from being brutally murdered by her former friend, but her attempts were in vain. She was being held in place by Faith. When she wouldn't stop struggling, Faith whispered in her ear. "If you don't stop, I'll hand you over to Blondie. He won't think twice about snapping your neck, despite what Red wants."
Buffy's eyes moved to Spike who was smirking at her in a way that made it obvious he had heard Faith's words. She swallowed and was about to speak when there was a loud clap of thunder just before the sky darkened even further.
Willow began chanting in a language Buffy wasn't entirely certain was even a language. After several long moments, the sky lit up as more thunder sounded and a flash of lightning hit a nearby tree, thereby splitting it down the middle.
Willow sunk to her knees, dropping the knife. Spike was at her side in an instant, pulling his sobbing love into his arms.
"It's done." She whispered in between shaking. She looked into his eyes. "It's over now. They are free."
Spike lifted her up into his arms and started carrying her away. Away from the site of this latest destruction. Away from a person who dared to judge her, away from the pain of her past.
Buffy stood in shock as she watched Willow being carried away. After several seconds the rest of the group followed her, leaving only Faith who was holding Buffy still, and Drusilla who was eyeing the blonde Slayer carefully.
The vampire approached Buffy and smiled slightly, but one look into those blue-gray eyes told her that she was no less dangerous now than she always had been.
"Slayer," She hissed. "You survive, only because my sister wishes it." She turned and walked away. When she had reached a tree several yards away she stopped, and waited for Faith to join her.
"B, take some advice, leave us alone. We don't play well with others." She smirked before turning away.
Just as Faith was about to leave, Buffy caught her arm in a vice grip. "What happened?"
Faith turned around, her dark eyes glowing slightly, causing Buffy to release her in shock. Faith smirked as she reigned in her temper. She shrugged. "You'll have to ask Red. I'm just along for the ride."
Faith smiled sinisterly before turning around again and sprinting towards her waiting lover.
As Buffy watched them leave she was struck with the realization that she was completely clueless. She had no idea what had just happened, and unless Willow decided to speak to her, she most likely would never know.
Willow took a long look around at the room and her packed bags, making sure she hadn't left anything. She was planning on never coming back here again. When she had left the last time, she knew that things would be forever changed, but she could never have foreseen the change her life had undergone. But even still, she had the belief that her friends were still her friends. She no longer believed that. She had no friends anymore. Just family. It was a good family though. One she was glad to be a part of.
"We're leaving." Anya spoke from the doorway. "We have a long way to go before sunrise."
Willow nodded and motioned for Anya to come inside. "Are you sorry? About everything that's happened? Before we came back your life was…"
"Wrong." Anya finished for her. "Ever since Mavan died, things weren't the same between us. He couldn't see that despite my being mortal now, I wasn't, not truly. I could never be human after a thousand years as a demon." She looked closely at Willow.
"If Spike became human today. No more blood, no more death, no more carnage…" He paused waiting for Willow's reaction.
Willow shuddered at the thought. "He'd still be Spike… William the Bloody… a killer. That wouldn't change. He wouldn't need the blood to survive, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't need it just the same."
"And you'd still love him?" Anya asked.
"Always." Willow replied without hesitation.
"Because it's him you love. Not who he was, who he might become, what's done… who he's killed… it doesn't matter, not to you." She sighed. "Xander and I, we never had that. I'm not really sure if we ever could have. I do know that right after I lost my powers, I wasn't ready for that."
"And now?"
Anya shrugged. "Who knows?" She stood up, pulling Willow to her feet for a hug. "We'll see you… sometime." S he smiled and stepped forward conspiratorially. "Says he wants to visit Ireland. Old haunts and all that. Should I be worried?"
Willow laughed, imagining exactly what it was Angelus would want to see in his homeland. "With Angelus? Always worry." She grinned, as Anya seemed to get this faraway look in her eyes. "Nope, worrying is for people who have nothing better to do…and I can think of a lot of other things I'd rather be doing." She hugged Willow one last time before leaving the room.
Willow looked around the nearly empty room and smiled sadly. She had loved this house when Spike bought it back when they had first started seeing each other in what felt like another lifetime ago.
"Marcus!" She called from the doorway. When the vampire appeared she pointed to her bags. "Make sure everything gets shipped. "I have an errand to run. Tell the master I'll be back shortly."
Willow left without even waiting for a reply. She did have one last errand to run before she left Sunnydale, for good.
Buffy had been a nervous wreck. It had been three days since Willow had killed that man. His body had disappeared when she had brought Giles with her to retrieve it, and she knew from her patrol's that Willow and spike's house was still occupied. She had seen Faith and Drusilla leave the night following their confrontation, but still believed Willow to be in town.
She was afraid that Willow and Spike had decided to remain ion Sunnydale. She didn't know if she could handle that. Willow was nothing like the Willow she had known, but she was still Willow. How would she deal with her former friend if she remained?
Her thoughts were interrupted, as there was a knock at the door. Buffy opened it and was surprised to find Willow standing on the other side.
"Will?" Buffy asked, stepping aside, allowing her old friend entrance.
"I think I owe you an explanation." Willow told her once she had sat down, "Although in all honesty, I'm not sure why."
Buffy sat across from her, not exactly sure what to say. "What happened to you? Where did my Willow go?"
Willow snorted and looked into Buffy's confused blue eyes. "I didn't go anywhere. I was always here. You just never really looked." She sighed. "I didn't come here to talk about me, or why I've changed, as you seem to think."
"Why are you here, then?"
"The demon we killed last night, L'larion," Willow started, but was cut off by Buffy.
"We was a demon, then?"
Willow looked up at her, shocked. "Of course he was a demon! Don't go around killing just anyone." She snapped. She shook her head. "He worked for the Lavate'." She told him, wondering how much of the past she still remembered.
"The Lavate?" Buffy asked. The demon who was after the one I killed?"
Willow nodded. Yes. If I hadn't killed him last night, he would have opened a vortex into hell, and we'd all be dead."
Buffy stood up, a lot of things clicking into place. "He brought Angelus back, for that reason?" She asked. Willow nodded. "So then, he failed and Angelus is… Angel again?"
Willow shook her head. "No. The spell he used to rid Angel of his soul was strong, and permanent. It won't be coming back, not ever."
"Oh" Buffy sank into the couch.
"They're gone though, so don't worry." Willow smiled slightly.
"They?" Buffy asked, afraid to hear the answer.
Willow ignored the question as she continued. "We'll be leaving as soon as I return. We won't be coming back."
Buffy nodded and then she asked the question that had plagued her since Willow's revelation about the dead demon.
"If you were the god guys, why not tell me? I could have helped.
Willow snorted again. "Oh yes, because that worked so well the last time." She turned to look Buffy in the eyes, her green orbs showing a coldness Buffy had never seen in them before.
"Buffy, you're the Slayer, and by your very nature, you kill vampires and Demons, and I understand that. But, you don't have a fucking clue. This world," Her arms swept around to encompass everything, "Has so many creatures in it. Things that Giles books would tell you breed evil upon evil, but things I know are innately good. Creatures whose sole existence isn't about suffering, or death, or destruction. Creatures who want nothing more than to survive.
And yet, they are hunted, killed, obliterated from this world by slayers, and Watchers, and people who don't understand. She spat the words, as if it was venom invading her being.
She sighed as she tried to regain her composure. "It doesn't matter. Mavan is dead, his people obliterated by your foolishness. But… that doesn't matter anymore either. The Lavate' has died, and with him dead, the souls he stole were freed. There's still evil out there, as there always will be, but your only hope is to open your eyes, see past the lies of black and white and into the gray."
Willow turned to walk away, when Buffy's voice stopped her. "Thank you."
Willow smiled as she walked out the door. Maybe the Slayer would survive after all.
"Well?" Spike demanded when Willow arrived back at the house.
Willow kissed him deeply, devouring his mouth with her own. "Let's go home." She told him when she pulled away.
Spike put his arm around her as he led her towards the car. "Sounds like a bloody brilliant plan to me!"
The End