Title: Second Guess
Author: Starla
Email: starla@buffymail.com
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns the whole Buffyverse.
Distribution: Uh, anyone who wants it? Just give me credit and email me the address.
Author's Notes: I wrote this off the top of my head. Just the first thing that came to mind. It's short, and not-so-sweet.
Feedback: Ok.

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

I could feel her surging through my veins.

Scratching at my skin, burning me from the inside out.

She was inside of me; part of me;

And I couldn't let her go.

Even if I wanted to.

I stared into her eyes, feeling the passion that I had smothered bursting to the surface, begging to be set free.

Her boyfriend sat next to her, yammering away contentedly, and my eyes narrowed.

If I could've burned him to a crisp with my eyes, I would've.

He was touching *my* girl. Mine.

She knew it, I knew it, and as soon as I crossed the park, he would know it.

She was glancing back and forth between me and him anxiously, and she knew I was here to claim her.

For a moment it looked like she was going to run away, escape, but instead she just sat there, waiting for me to come.

I smiled.

Good Girl.

I wasn't in the mood for games.

I stood in front of them, my duster settling as I stilled.

Buffy's boyfriend noticed me standing before them. "Uh...Hello."

I didn't speak at first, just glared at them.

I took Buffy's hand, kissing the back in a gentlemanly gesture.

I noticed her flinch slightly at the electricity that had been missing for so long...

I dropped her hand, straightening, and smiled.

"Hello Buffy."

I saw her close her eyes.

Trying to gain some perspective.

It wouldn't work.

There was no perspective when it came to us.

Her boyfriend looked back and forth between us.

"Well?" He said. "Are you going to introduce us?"

Buffy's face paled even more.

I smiled.

We both knew that her relationship was over.

I was back , and she was mine.

"Riley," She stammered. "This is Angel."

I let out a small laugh, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her close, whispering into her neck.

"Guess again, lover."

THE END. (I'm training to be an evil genius like Joss.)