Title: Summoning Harpers
Author: Moonloon
Email: maryavatar@gmail.com
Website: Amused and Abused
Feedback: maryavatar Rating: PG13
Fandoms: Andromeda/Buffy
Disclaimer: They're not mine, I'm just borrowing them. I promise to sponge them down before I put them back.

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*THUMP*  Harper landed on Andrew's rug.

"You're not a sex demon!" Andrew said, jumping back.

"What the fu… oh crap, not again."  Harper stood up and started taking off his clothes.

"Oh.  You are a sex demon."

"Nuh uh; look up."

Andrew looked up, blinking.  "What's that?"

"It's a disclaimer.  It means we have to have sex now."  Harper was down to his boxers.

"The Powers That Be want us to have sex?"

"Well, if by 'Powers' you mean a sexually frustrated housewife, then yeah.  Pretty much."

Andrew thought about it for a moment, then pulled off his shirt.  "'K."