Title: Sweet Hereafter
Author: Eve
Email: alfa_fighter_3@hotmail.com
Pairing: W/A/S
Rating: NC-17 overall
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy own all characters from BtVS and A:tS, the rest are mine.
Author's Notes: In my world, there was no Tara, no Glory, and Angel has been in love with Willow since she brought him back from Hell
Feedback: Writers need feedback like mere mortals need air. :-P
Summary: Fifteen years after the opening of the Hellmouth, Willow, Spike, and Angel meet again
Chapter 17
Penelope shut Mac's bedroom door behind her and went to sit with Sean at the kitchen table. He pushed a mug of hot chocolate toward her.
"So. Pretty wild night, huh?"
"Yeah. I guess so."
"Mac asleep?"
"Once your spell wore off he was out like a light."
He frowned into his own mug. "Think he'll be all right?"
"With his accelerated healing? He'll be fine."
Penelope stared off into space. Mac would be okay, although the blow would have injured or killed a human. And Spike wouldn't have cared. He hadn't thought twice about throwing the big man over his head into the alley. Her hand curled tightly around her mug. That he was out there, free, roaming around, killing. . . It drove her mad. Yes, he was one of the 'good guys' now, but that didn't make up for all of the awful things he'd done in the past. And if that chip were ever removed, what was to stop him from killing humans? His love for Willow? That was a laugh. Creatures without souls were incapable of love. Obsession, maybe, but love? Never.
"Pen? You OK?"
She glanced up at the worried eyes of her coworker and smiled weakly. "Sorry. I'm just preoccupied."
"No doubt," he said, leaning back to stretch. "Our first big job as a team and we were completely useless. I bet Angel's brimming with confidence."
"I wouldn't say completely useless--"
"Come on, Pen. Spike tossed Mac around like a rag doll, my magic had no effect on him, and I'm pretty sure he could have taken me out in a second if it wasn't for Angel. As it was, Angel had enough trouble with Spike. And Angel is supposed to be way stronger than his own Childe. How are we supposed to fight that? What have we gotten ourselves into?"
"You want to quit before we've even begun?" she snapped. As Sean's ashamed silence filled the room, she took a deep breath and calmed herself. "Look. Spike is different. He has magical protection from one of the most powerful witches there is. No doubt she lets him drink from her, so he's getting doses of powerful blood. And yes, Angel is strong, but he lives on animal blood. Human blood is much more powerful."
"So in a word, Spike's pretty powerful?" He grinned at her. "I think what you're trying to tell me is that what we faced last night is not something that we're going to face on a regular basis."
"Not unless Spike keeps trying to kill Angel."
"Yeah, but Angel seems pretty relaxed about the whole thing. After all, he brought Spike to his hotel room. And I think Willow would stop anyone from getting hurt."
If anyone means Spike. "Are you forgetting that she threatened to kill you?" He fell silent again. Penelope stood and straightened her dress, hoping she had enough money in her walled for a cab. She followed Sean's line of sight to her bare feet.
"Do you want to crash here? You can have my bed, I'll take the couch."
She shook her head. "I'm going to go check on Seth before I head home. See you tomorrow."
Her feet guided her out of the apartment, down the stairs, and out onto the sidewalk to hail a cab. Her mind was filled with thoughts of Spike. How much about him, and about the bond would Willow reveal? The whole purpose of coming to work for Angel was to gather information about Spike, maybe have the chance to confront him. Having to see him on a regular basis and even having to work with him were not what she had in mind. Keep your enemies closer, she told herself. So close that they won't know what hit them.
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