Title: The Lawyer, the Witch, and the Weather
Author: Lauren
Email: athena56@bolt.com
Feedback: If the PTB are willing...
Distribution: You want it? It's yours.
Spoilers: "To Shanshu in L.A." But Lindsey has his hand.
Content: Lindsey/Willow
Rating: PG-13 to R
Disclaimer: Joss Wheadon and many others own the characters of BtVS (lucky bastards). But there are a few original minor characters that belong to me.
Note: This was my first fan fic that I ever wrote. It was the response to "The Boredom Challenge" at Lindsey McDonald Fan Fiction. And because I'm me, I decided to be daring by doing a crossover.
Length: 8 Chapters
Part 2
[Tuesday, November 7]
"So, what do you think?" Cordelia said, as she emerged from the dressing room. Willow's jaw dropped from the look at Cordy. She stood at the mirror, modeling a pair of hot pink leather pants. "Ya know where these would look great at?"
"In a dark place." Willow commented.
"What's wrong with them? I think they look good!"
"Nothing." Willow bit her lower lip. "It's just...not the type of style you -" She stopped herself and thought about who she was talked to. "MY kind of style. That's all."
"I think these are great!" Cordy exclaimed. "Ya know, what would look great with these?" She turned to Willow. "Leopard print! A leopard halter!" She ran back into the dressing room and poked her head over the top of the stall. "I love shopping! Don't you?" Willow forced a smile again and nodded. "Great!" Cordy squealed, and once again disappeared from view behind the stall.
'So much for girl talk.' Willow thought.
Lindsey sat his desk, trying to write the closing arguement to his newest client, Daryl Clemens, a Varocka demon but on trial for three murders. 'Another chain. What would Jacob Marley think?' Lindsey thought. He continued to type, mostly hitting the backspace. Even though he had had the prothetic hand for awhile, he still getting used to using it in every day tasks.
Lilah entered his office silently. "Good morning, Lindsey." She said flirtatiously.
"Go away, Lilah."
"Aw. C'mon Lindsey. I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to get some coffee."
"Lilah, I have a trial in 2 hours and I have to write my closing. Please go away."
"Well, I'll just wait for you to finish." She struted to the bar and poured herself a drink. "So...how is the Clemens case?"
"Think you'll win?"
"You're not going to talk to me, are you?"
"Why not?"
Lindsey stood up from his computer and grabbed Lilah by the arm. "Because you're annoying! Get out!" Lindsey said quickly pushing Lilah out of his office." He didn't hesitate to slam the door behind her. He turned to the computer and headed back to his desk. He didn't take two steps before there was a knock at his door. He groaned slightly and headed back to the door, knowing who would most likely be back. "Ya know, Lilah, I don't-" There stood Holland with the usual smug grin on his face. "Uhh...." Lindsey started to sweat. "Good morning, Sir."
"Good morning, Lindsey. Nice to see your nice and focused this morning." Holland commented. Lindsey started to turn a little red from the remark.
"Is there anything I can help you with, Sir?" Lindsey said, biting his bottom lip, hoping to keep any comment or remark from slipping out that would make him more embrassed.
"Actully there is." He handed Lindsey a thick, manilla folder. "It's a new case. You have been doing so well with the Clemens case, I thought you could handle this one."
"What is it?" Lindsey said, opening the folder and examing the first few pages and walking back to his desk, with Holland right behind him.
"A very important client. His name is Robinson, Alex Robinson. He's an elemental demon." Lindsey looked up at Holland. "He's been put on trial for the murder of two men in a bar. Some type of decapitation of some sort." Holland turned to the exit and started heading out. "Opening's in two days. I suggest you get to work." He quickly left the office, shutting the door behind him.
Lindesy became flustered. 'God, two days to make a case!' He thought. He threw the file onto his desk. "Thanks Holland."
Once more there was a knock on the door. "Come in." Lindsey said, heavily annoyed now. Holland appeared once more.
"One more thing, Lindsey." He handed Lindsey a blue folder. "This is even more important. Start on it after the Robinson case." He smiled slyly. "This new 'project' has already started to get underway. I could use you to supervise."
"Yes, Sir. It'll be my pleasure."
"So I was like *'Hell ya, break out the champagne, Pinochino. This is a big deal!' Then Mr. Broody just sat there even though it meant that he was going to be able to be human again!" Cordy finished breathlessly. "Are you going to finish that?" eyeing the rest of Willow's sandwich.
Willow shook her head. She was too busy thinking about what it meant for Angel to be human.
"WILLOW! Hello?" Cordelia said, her mouth half full Willow's sandwich. "Did you hear anything I said? Angel's going to be human!"
"I know! And that's so great!" She paused, taking a moment to take in the surroundings of the swanky L.A. sidewalk cafe. "So, when will this happen? I mean, when will Angel be....human?" Willow asked, very eager to hear the rest of the story behind this amazing turn of events.
"Oh," Cordy finished the rest of her sandwich. "Um...just some plagues. A couple of apolylitic battles and a few demons that are spent on controlling the world. Nothing unusual."
"Uh huh."
*Quote from 'To Shanshu in L.A"
"So, that all you want me to do?" Spike said, bewildered by his mission. "That's not a mission, that's like a trip to the blood bank to get some type O."
"I'm not asking you to go and take Wolfram & Hart hostage. I just need you to get some files or something. I wanted you to go and protect Willow." Angel turned back to the sewer map on his desk. "She's not ready to handle things on her own."
"Oh bloody hell!" Spike fell back into the plush chair behind. "I can't believe I came up here for this. They were playing 'Dracula' on FOX tonight."
"You don't need to see it. You live it." Angel commented.
[That Evening]
"Well, I can definatly say that L.A. doesn't have the cleanest sewers." Spike commented, as he led Willow through the sewers.
"I really don't have much to compare it to."
"Of course, you get to live above in your cushy little world of windows and couches, and..." he paused at the sight of a rat. "No rats."
"I think it's kind of exciting!" Spike looked at Willow.
"Whatever. C'mon, we have to finish this up." Spike grabbed Willow's and the two continued to make their way through the winding, smelly sewers.
Lindsey continued to type.He had won the Clemens earlier that day, but now had to focus all of the energy to the Robinson. He looked at the clock at the corner of his computer. 10:57 pm. He sighed and wished he could be at home, watching tv or some sort of activity not related to work.
"Where the hell is that first case?" Linsedey searched his desk frantically for some sign of a file, remembering that he wanted to use some points from the first case against Robinson in his opening. "Shit!" He brushed his dark away from his eyes and massaged his temples, hoping to help some memory return about the missing folder. "Must still be in the file room." He quickly grabbed his jacket and headed out of his office to the basement.
"Here! Here it is!" Willow exclaimed, even more excited about the misssion now that she was there.
"SHHHHHH!!!" Spike whispered harshly, cupping her mouth his hand. "They'll hear you!"
"Sorry." Willow whispered. The two slowly approached a covered hole.
"How are we going to get this off?" Spike asked, staring at the heavy iron bars across the hole. He started to lift them, to make a feeble attempt to open the hatch.
Willow tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to a small latch on the side of the hole. "Maybe that'll do it."
"I knew that."
Lindsey impatiently pressed the elevator button. 'I would like to go home tonite.' He stared at his watch. 11:05 pm. At last, the elevator door appeared. Lindsey pressed the last button, marked B.
"You cannot be in here!" The armed security guard yelled. "Leave immediatly or I will have officers escort you out immediatly!"
"But...um" Willow stammered. "I...was just...uh." Her mind was frozen. She couldn't think of what to do.
The security guard turned and started to talk into his walkie-talkie. "Sam..." he paused, waiting for a response. "Sam, come in."
"NO!" Willow screamed. "You can't, I mean! ARRRRHGGGG!" She yelled frustrated.
"Lemme help you out, love." Spike appeared from around the corner. "Special delivery!" Spike exclaimed, quickly punching the security guard, knocking him out. Spike head bucked back, finally remembering he had a chip implanted which kept from hurting people. "Ow."
"Thanks, Spike. Are you ok?" Willow asked starting to hover around him, having the womenly instinct take over her.
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure?" Willow asked again.
"Would you just go in there before I have punch you too?"
"Oh right." She quickly picked up her bag and headed into the file room. She reached out to the knob. Locked. 'Great.' she thought. She tapped her foot impatiently, trying to remember some spell that would help her in this situation.
"What are you waiting for?" Spike yelled from down the hall.
"Hold on!" She yelled back. 'Got it!' She remembered. Willow closed her eyes and started muttering in Latin, placing her hand in front of the door. A blue ball of light appeared in her and shot into the doorknob. A slight clicking sound was heard. "All set!" She finally yelled back proudly and entered the darkened room.
"George? George, are you there? It's Sam, over."
Spike picked up the walkie-talkie lying underneath the security. He swallowed trying to hide his heavy English accent and changing it to that of a phony American male.
"Um..."Spike cleared his throat. "Ya, George here."
"Will, what's wrong? You sound like shit."
"Um....just a cold. Sorry about the call. It was a...um...false alarm."
"Ok, then. Over."
"Sure, thanks...over."
Spike dropped the walkie-talkie on the ground and picked up the security guard's arm. "C'mon big fella." He started to drag the guard around the corner from which he entered. "Hint, buddy. Diet."
Inside, Willow started searching through the file cabinets, looking for files. 'Maybe it's under weather.' She headed toward the W's, or at least where she thought the W's should be. 'Or maybe it's under...snow.' She turned around again and headed towards the S's. 'What if it's under Los Angeles?' she turned around once again and headed towards the L's. Her head was swirling.'Some help I am.'
Lindsey stepped from the elevator and headed down the hall for the file room. 'No security guard. That's odd.' He thought to himself as he swaggered down the hall. 'Oh well, not my issue.' He slowly passed the security station and made his way to file. He fumbled with his keys hanging on side. He found the key and placed it into the keyhole and turned. He felt a strange sensation run through his body. 'Not locked.' He took at the key and looked at it. The tip was glowing a strange blue light. "Something's going on here." He turned the knob and quickly entered.
"You got the that lawyer boy." Spike said, appearing from behind the corner once again.
"Yes. Yes, I got something." Willow whispered to herself, excitedly. She picked up a blue folder, marked "Winter in L.A.". She continued to fish through the drawer. Behind the folder she found a red and yellow case. She unscrewed the top and looked inside. 'Looks like a scroll. Maybe this
"HEY! What are you doing here?" Lindsey shouted from the enterance. He could see a figure lurking in the corner of the room.
'Busted!' Willow thought.
"Come out! I know your here. I can see you!" 'Well, kinda. I can see the top of their head.' Willow peered out from behind the stacks.
'Ohmigod! He's a lawyer. What am I gonna do?' Her thoughts were racing through her head. She ducked down, trying to think of what to do. 'Where's Spike when you need him?'
"COME OUT!!! I'm armed!" Lindsey lied.
Willow knew there was nothing she could do. She didn't know any spells strong enough to save her. She slowly stood and emerged from behind the cabinets. Lindsey followed the figure until he was able to see of Willow. The stunning red head made the breath catch in chest. Their eyes locked into each other. He felt his heart soften by looking into the girl's dark eyes. Willow was captivated by the stranger's crystal blue eyes as well. It seemed like hours that the two were lost in each other.
Lindsey snapped back to the present, hardening his manner again. "Who are you?" Half of him wanting to know for personal reasons.
"Willow." She whispered softly, still captivated by the muscular young man before her. They looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity, trying to study and memorize each feature of their faces.
The romantic interlude was soon interupted by Spike's charging inside. He turned Lindsey around, and punched him square in the face. Causing Lindsey to fall to ground, not knocked out, but hurt. Spike bucked back, remembering about that chip again. "BLOODY HELL!" He shouted, grabbing his forehead. "Let's go, Willow!"
Willow stared at Lindsey, almost wishing for him to get up. "LET'S GO!" Spike shouted again. Willow picked up her bag, containing the folder and the container with the scroll and made their way to exit. Willow looked at Lindsey again.
"Goodbye." She whispered softly,looking at Lindsey and then following Spike towards the exit, disappering without a trace.
Lindsey rose, slightly woosey from the hard blow. He stared towards the area from which the girl had left. He had the picture of the girl's intense eyes imprinted into his mind. "Willow."
Next Chapter