Title: The Lawyer, the Witch, and the Weather
Author: Lauren
Email: athena56@bolt.com
Feedback: If the PTB are willing...
Distribution: You want it? It's yours.
Spoilers: "To Shanshu in L.A." But Lindsey has his hand.
Content: Lindsey/Willow
Rating: PG-13 to R
Disclaimer: Joss Wheadon and many others own the characters of BtVS (lucky bastards). But there are a few original minor characters that belong to me.
Note: This was my first fan fic that I ever wrote. It was the response to "The Boredom Challenge" at Lindsey McDonald Fan Fiction. And because I'm me, I decided to be daring by doing a crossover.
Length: 8 Chapters
Part 6
[Thursday, November 10, 2000; Evening]
Lindsey and Willow sat in a secluded area of the HotBox, alone. For what little time he had with her, Lindsey wanted to know her. He wanted to know why this mysterious redhead with the dark eyes kept haunting his every thought.
Willow wanted the same. Since that evening that they encountered each other in the file room of Wolfram & Hart, she hadn't been able to do anything without seeing his face embedded into her mind.
"So," Lindsey asked, breaking the extremely awkward silence between each other. "Do you have any..." He drummed his fingers on the table "hobbies?"
"Um, I guess. I practice witchcraft." She answered meekly. She still was uncomfortable about the situation.
"Really?" 'Yes!' Lindsey thought. 'Something to talk about.' "I know a few things about witchcraft myself."
"Is that so?" Willow asked. Now she was interested in hearing how much this cocky lawyer really did know what he claimed to. "What do you know about witchcraft, Lindsey?"
Angel and Wesley sat in Angel's office, coming up with a strategy for their invasion the next evening.
"Did you go down there?" Angel asked Wes.
"Yes, but Wolfram & Hart already had the area heavily guarded. This was be something really big."
"Did you get anything else from the scroll?"
"Not much. But..." Wesley turned and picked up the rolled up scroll lying on the chair. "According to this passage, the Demon Guild holds great knowledge in the matter of evil deeds. They could defiantly be of some good use in the more critical...conquests."
Angel started to pace around the office. "I just wish I was there when that bastard tried to hurt Willow."
"Who? Lindsey" Wesley asked.
"Yeah. I swear when I see him tomorrow it will be the last time."
"Angel," Wesley stood up and grabbed Angel's shoulder, turning him around. "I think you're being a little irrational. Lindsey has been of some great help to us. Maybe it would be in our benefit to keep him around." Angel looked blankly at Wes.
"Angel, listen." Wes forced Angel to sit in the chair behind him and he picked up the manilla folder, containing Lindsey's employee profile. "This man," he said, pointing to Lindsey. "Is a powerful adversire. If he keeps playing the middle as he's been doing, it would be of great benefit for us to keep him. Even if it benefits ONLY us."
Angel took the folder and looked at Lindsey's picture. "I don't know. Maybe." Angel shut the folder and threw it on his desk. "We'll just have to see how I feel about it tomorrow."
"So, there he was," Lindsey said, between his laughs. "lying on the ground, with the lizard on top of breakfast! And then he starts shouting 'I didn't order this!'"
Willow couldn't stop laughing. They had been talking for what seemed like hours. Just learning about each other and sharing interesting stories from their lives.
Willow had finally caught her breath. She fanned her face. It was starting to get hot in there. "Lindsey," she took his hand and stroked it with her fingers. "Thank you."
"For what?" A smile appeared on his face.
"For showing me an amazing time tonight." Willow let go of Lindsey's hand. "I don't think I've had this much fun in long time."
Lindsey took Willow's hand as soon as she had let go. "Me neither."
The eyes of the two people met. They sat there for a moment, taken in everything around them, and realizing who they were both with.
"Well." Lindsey cleared his throat. "Willow, would you care to dance with me?"
Willow smiled. "I would love to dance."
"Where's Willow?" Cordy screamed.
"What?" Spike yelled back. The music was so loud that they could barely hear themselves, never mind each other.
"I don't want a pillow!"
Cordelia grabbed Spike by the arm and dragged him away from the dance floor. "Where is Willow?" She screamed in Spike's ear.
"I don't know." He quickly scanned the club. "I haven't seen her since we got here."
"I'm worried about her. We gotta find her." Cordy looked at her watch. "We gotta get going anyway. It's getting late."
The music blasting, the lights flashing. Despite the less then romantic setting, it was still an atmosphere where Lindsey and Willow could be themselves. Despite the hundreds of people in the HotBox that night, to those two, it was just them, alone, dancing to the fast beat of the music.
"I hope they don't play 'Who Let the Dogs Out?'" Willow shouted to Lindsey. They both laughed. He was happy that she wasn't nervous around him anymore. It was just like two people getting to know each.
Baha Men - Who Let the Dogs Out?
Lindsey stopped dancing. He was starting to feel faint. He didn't even know what it was. He staggered off the floor and sat in an empty seat.
The sudden urgency of Lindsey's exit made Willow nervous. She followed him to the seat. "Lindsey!" She ran her fingers through his hair, trying to comfort him.
Lindsey looked up and stared into Willow's loving eyes. He couldn't stand it anymore. He realized what was wrong with him. He took Willow's face and kissed her. A soft but passionate kiss. He hoped that would show her what he couldn't find the words to say to her. Lindsey let her face go, wondering what was about to happen next.
Willow's eyes were still closed. Savoring every moment of taste of his sweet lips. When she opened them, she saw Lindsey staring at her, waiting for her response.
"That was..." A hand fell upon her shoulder. She turned to see Spike standing there. His face was red with anger.
"Stay away from her!" Spike barked, pulling Willow away from the dumbfounded Lindsey.
"Wait!" Lindsey stood up from his chair reaching out to her. "Willow!"
Willow was still being led away by Spike. He ran from his seat and chased Willow and Spike from the bar. Pushing his way past the people, knocking things down that got in his path. When he reached the entrance, Willow and Spike had already left. He ran out the door, hoping to find any trace of Willow.
"Thank you for coming to the HotBox. Have a nice evening." The bouncer in front of the building said to Lindsey as he left the club.
Lindsey ran down the street, his shoes slapping against the freshly fallen snow. He turned down a corner. As he did, a car passed by him. But no Willow inside.
"Shit!" He shouted. Lindsey turned and searched in the other direction. "Willow!!" He looked all around. "Willow!" He turned around another corner.
He saw Willow. The same guy who took her from the club was leading her. The gang piled into the car. couldn't move, he couldn't even feel his body any longer. Not when he saw who was with Willow.
As she climbed into the car, Willow saw Lindsey, just standing there watching her. "I'm so sorry, Lindsey." She climbed into the backseat and shut the door. She stared out that back window as she watched Lindsey's figure grow smaller in the distance. A small tear ran down her hot cheek.
Lindsey was frozen in the same position. His body was stiff from shock. "Willow." He turned and held his head in his hand. "She was with Cordelia."
[Friday, November 11, 2000]
"What were you thinking?" Cordy shouted at Willow. "He's dangerous, Willow." She was so frustrated at the stubbornness of her friend. Cordelia paced around the living room of her apartment. "Oh god, I need to sit down."
A chair was pulled from the corner over near Cordelia, who sat in it. "Thanks, Dennis." She said. Cordy turned to Willow, who had her head down, staring at the floor. She had been listening to Cordelia's ranting since last night.
"Willow," Cordy had calmed down a bit. She leaned forward in her chair, more towards Willow. "That guy's really dangerous. He"s caused a lot of trouble for us." Cordy leaned back. "Spike and I were really worried about you. Not to mention what would have happened if Angel had found out. And I don't intend to let him find out. I really don't feel like being 'Vampire Chow' today. But still, Willow, do you know what he could have done to you?"
"He wasn't going to do anything!" Willow stood and shouted. Cordelia was obviously taken back by Willow's outburst. "You don't even know him! You have no idea what he's like!" Willow grabbed her coat and left Cordelia's apartment, slamming the door on her way out.
"That's all." Angel said, and turned his chair to the window.
"What do you mean that's all?" Wesley asked. "Angel, this project is extremely important. You can't expect to go in there with a plan like that."
"Actually, I kinda like it." Spike commented. "Kickin' ass, takin' names. Sounds like a plan that I would come up with."
"Doesn't surprise me." Wesley muttered.
Spike threw his arms up. "You know, ever since I came here, all I've gotten is bashed on. Is that what I was brought here for? So I could be everyone's verbal punching bag?"
"Yes." Angel bluntly answered.
"Oh..." the bewildered Spike replied. "well, then."
Cordelia burst through the door of the office. "Ugggg!"
"Bad morning?" Angel asked.
"More like a bad night." Cordy put her head on the desk. "Does anyone have any aspirin?" the muffled voice asked.
"Here ya go." Wesley reached to the top of the fridge and took tossed the bottle of pills that were on top, over to Cordy.
"Thanks." She opened the bottle and swallowed a few and threw the pill bottle behind her.
"What happened last night?" Angel asked.
"We had a little incident at the club." Cordy replied.
"Yeah, Willow hooked up with this guy." Spike commented. Cordy shot him the "Shut up now or I kill you" look. "I think it was that guy from the file room at Wol -" Cordy elbowed Spike in the stomach, hard.
"At WOOLWORTH'S." Cordelia shouted.
"Woolworth's?" Wesley and Angel both questioned.
"Umm, yeah. We had to make a stop at the store and the only one around was Woolworth's. And Willow met this guy there and she ended up seeing him at the club." She laughed nevously. "That's all." Cordy grabbed Spike by the hair and lifted his head up. "Isn't that right Spike?"
"Yup." Spike said breathlessly, still recovering from the blow. "Whatever you say."
The next morning at Wolfram & Hart, Lindsey stood in his office, pacing back and forth. That was how he had spent the night before as well. Pacing, thinking, unable to stop thinking about Willow and a connection that she might have with his immortal enemy.
"Was I set up? Did Angel send for her to purposely fuck with me?' Lindsey couldn't think straight. His mind was racing a mile a minute. The thought of the person who he couldn't stop thinking about being the one sent to break him was something that was mind numbing to him.
"Excuse me, Mr. McDonald." Bernice?oice came over the intercom on his phone.
"Your 10 o' clock is here for their appointment."
"Send him away, I'm too busy today."
"But Mr. McDonald - "
"I'm seeing anyone today, Bernice." Lindsey walked to his seat and sat down. The events of the past 12 hours had made him question every feeling, every emotion that had ever crept into his body. He massaged his temples in hope for some relief from the tension running through his head. A knock came to the door.
"Come in."
"Hello, Lindsey." Holland snaked through the door. "Just to let you know, we'll be leaving in about one hour. I do believe everything is prepared for this evening?"
"Yes, everything will go smoothly tonight."
"That's good to hear." Holland turned to head for the door. "Everyone's rooting for you, Lindsey." He raised in his fist in triumph. "Go get 'em, tiger."
Lindsey nodded and raised his fist as well. With that last agreement, Holland left. But, unfortunately, Lilah didn't.
"Because, Lindsey," Lilah started walking seductivly towards his desk. "If you screw this one," she leaned over and whispered into Lindsey's ear. "Your ass is grass." She smirked at her own comment. And left his office, closing the door behind her.
Lindsey was still there, in his state of questioning. Nervous about his past and scared about what his future may hold.
"I have to talk to her. I have to talk to Willow." He said to himself, reaffirming his own statement. "I have to understand what's going on. If I don't I'll never know."
"Excuse me, Mr. McDonald." Bernice voice radiated from the intercom again.
"Bernice, I said I wasn't seeing anyone today."
"Mr. McDonald, I believe, you'll want to take this call." Bernice paused, as if holding back her own tears. "It's a young lady."
"Oh my god." Lindsey rushed to the phone." Willow! Is that you?"
"Yes." The usual weak voice answered. The awkward silence soon followed. "Lindsey...I'm sorry." She sniffed, due to her crying. "I didn't mean for you to find out that way."
Lindsey was quiet. He could feel the anger building up inside of him, ready to explode. "Were you ever meaning for me to find out, Willow? Were you ever going to tell me? Did you ever plan on it?" Lindsey shouted into the phone.
"Yes...I mean no. I mean...I don't know. All I know is that I didn't want to ruin what we had."
"Willow, you did nothing but lie to me last night. That's not exactly a relationship that you want to write home about!" Another period of awkward silence. "Willow, tell me the truth right now." Lindsey massaged his forehead; he knew the next thing he was going to ask was going to change the way he looked at his life and his emotions forever. "Were you sent to Wolfram & Hart by Angel?" Silence on the other end. "Willow, answer me."
"Yes." Willow answered. "Angel sent me there to find information about the snowstorms. He never sent me there to find anything out about you. It was just..." She trailed off.
"It was just what?" Lindsey asked.
"Fate." She answered back to him.
"Fate. I don't believe in fate. And I don't know how you can say that. I don't know how you - "
"Lindsey, please stop. Just let me tell you why I called." She paused again, wiping a small tear from her eye. "I'm leaving L.A. I'm going back to Sunnydale."
Lindsey remained silent at the news. Shocked at the words she spoke. "When?" He asked in a softer voice.
"Tomorrow." Lindsey couldn't find the words to reply. "But before I went I wanted to tell you something."
Willow remained silent for a moment. "Well, what is it?" Lindsey shouted. "What do you -?"
"I think I'm in love with you."
"I think I'm in love with you." She said even softer then before.
Lindsey was silent. He was just told the one thing that he wanted to hear and he was speechless. "What do you want me to say, Willow? What the fuck do you want me to say to that?"
"I want to know about you. I want to know how you feel."
"I don't know what I feel. All I know is that...I'm not in love with you." He could hear Willow's tears on the other end of the phone. "I can't be in love with someone who does nothing but lie to me." Lindsey flung the phone to the receiver. He sunk back in his chair, reflecting on what he had just said. A small tear ran down his cheek. 'What have I done?' He thought.
"I can't be in love with her."
Willow still held the phone in her hand, recovering from shock of what she had just heard. The person she was in love with didn't love her back, and there was nothing she could do. She slowly hung up the phone.
Willow's body slid down the phone booth and onto the cold, snow covered L.A. pavement. There in the snow, hot tears streamed down Willow's face.
Next Chapter