Title: The Alone Together Trilogy
Author: Cobalite
Email: cobalite@yahoo.com
Alone Together: Warning: Side Effects May Occur
Cordelia lay sprawled on the couch, using Angel's chest as a pillow, reading the newest Anne Rice novel he was. "Has this woman even ever met a real vampire? I mean, I've heard the of old ones becoming more human, but this is just lunacy."
"She's met a real vampire. I think the woman enjoys taking risks. I rescued her a few months ago. She picked the wrong vampire to milk for information." Angel got his version of a smile on his face. "I helped her write one of her novels."
"Let me guess, Memnoch the Devil, right?" Cordelia reached up and flipped the page.
"You got it. Care to tell me why you ran Wesley out of here at five o'clock and then refused leave?" Angel put down the book, determined to get an answer.
Cordelia sat up, a slightly panicked look on her face. "You're imagining things, Angel. Really, nothing's wrong."
"You actually expect me to believe that?" Angel had his 'there is no escape' face on.
"Angel, what is today?" Because if Angel didn't remember, she would stake him herself.
"May........22. Oh. We didn't forget your birthday, Cordy. I thought you made us swear after last years disaster, you never wanted another party." Angel was unsure what was wrong. "I did get you a gift."
"That's not it, Angel. It's not just my birthday, it's my twenty first birthday." Cordelia started to cry.
"Cordy, please don’t do that. You know I hate it when you cry." Angel smoothed her hair. "I’m still not sure what’s wrong."
Cordelia sniffled. "What did Doyle tell you about his manifestation?"
"He sneezed. That’s when his life started going down hill." Angel wondered where this was going.
"How old was he, Angel?" Cordelia was starting to grind her teeth.
"Twenty one." The realization struck Angel like a brick. "Oh boy. Is that what’s bothering you, you’re afraid you might manifest?"
Cordelia grabbed Angel by the shoulders and shook him. "I had a vision, I am suffering from hay fever, and you act like this isn’t a bad thing!"
"Stop shaking me." Angel pulled free. "You’re talking to a man who can’t eat dinner without vamping out, so you have nothing to complain about. Go get some allergy pills."
Cordelia took a few calming breaths. "Spoken like a true big brother. Sorry I attacked you."
"It’s okay. Maybe I should give you this now." Angel handed her a slender, white box.
The clock struck seven. "Well, its official. I am now twenty one." Suddenly, Cordelia felt a sneeze on. Still carrying the box, she ran into the bathroom and locked the door.
"Cordelia. Cordelia, open the door. Come on, it can’t be that bad." Angel grabbed a hairpin from her desk and started working on the lock.
"How would I know?" Cordelia’s voice cracked a little. "It’s not like you own a mirror."
"Open the box, Cordy. Happy birthday, I guess."
Cordelia slit the ribbon on the box with trembling hands. Inside, was a beautiful silver hand mirror. "It’s gorgeous. I’ve been eyeing it for months."
"You only dropped a hint the size of an anvil." Angel popped the lock, and stepped in. "Well, it’s an interesting look on you."
Cordelia ran her fingers over her face, staring into the mirror. "I look horrible."
Angel put on his game face, and lifted her chin so Cordelia was looking right at him. "Three years ago, you called my your brother." He wiped away a tear. "Think of us as a matched set."
Cordelia almost smiled. "I think Doyle’s kiss should have come with a warning."
Angel led her back into the living room, and they sat back on the couch. "What kind of warning?"
Cordelia’s face returned to normal. "The kind that says, Warning: Side Effects May Occur."
The End
Authors Notes: This is something that refused to be denied. It mostly wrote itself. The only thing I got to add was my name. The third part of this trilogy takes place an indefinite time in the future, another one of my infamous on the grave tales.
Email me at cobalite@yahoo.com.